View Full Version : Selfies

15-01-2016, 08:48 PM
Anyone else feel like a ***** taking selfies or any profile picture?

I don't understand how people can do it. Like sticking their tongues out, duck lips, pulling a face or standing in the mirror. |-)

I feel so vain even attempting it's embarrassing.

15-01-2016, 09:41 PM
That's why do it when you're alone or you could share the embarrassment with someone else :P

15-01-2016, 09:43 PM
I literally have no problem with it.

15-01-2016, 09:44 PM
I never really actually take selfies at all. I sometimes take them if I'm saying to my friends like "LOOK AT HOW GOOD MY EYELINER IS TODAY" or telling FlyingJesus; to check out my eyebrows but otherwise I don't take pictures of myself. To be honest I don't even let other people take pictures of me - I'm gonna get to 40 and realise I have no documentation of what I looked like as a teenager lol :(

But I think I'd feel like an idiot too. I know sometimes when I see other people taking selfies and they notice that I can see them they get really embarrassed?

15-01-2016, 09:51 PM
ahhhh i'm such a selfie ***** :( actually SHAMEFUL how many pics i have but idk if i have a gd outfit/hair day i feel the need to capture it in case one day i feel crap or god forbid put on shit loads of weight. luv takin pics

i do actually refer to my insta for outfit reminders or to even remind me of some of the clothes i have but forgot about lol

15-01-2016, 10:00 PM
i feel awkward unless im doing it for a snapchat,

cant in public tho ew

15-01-2016, 10:01 PM
Lmao nope take too many!! Use my camera to check what I look like too lmao

15-01-2016, 10:25 PM
I don't mind my picture being taken, I however have never really specifically taken a selfie to use... except for snapchat.

15-01-2016, 11:01 PM
i take like 50 of the same pic then narrow it down to 3 pics to use \o/

15-01-2016, 11:17 PM
I used to take loads but now it doesn't interest me at all. I only take them if I'm with my friends or for snapchat

I prefer to have people take pictures of me but even so I'd only do that if I was with friends. Too much effort to look good

15-01-2016, 11:21 PM
I take them
All the time woops

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15-01-2016, 11:24 PM
Lmao nope take too many!! Use my camera to check what I look like too lmao

I do that with my phone! Although I very rarely take pictures of myself unless I'm sending them to show someone my new haircut or outfit and then I never delete them. I pretty much only ever take them when I've had my hair cut though, I'm not sure why.

16-01-2016, 03:51 AM
I tend not to take many these days, I sometimes feel like having some if I look in the mirror and think "well that's worth saving" but then most of the time the pictures are nothing like what I see in the mirror and I just delete them all and go to sleep

16-01-2016, 08:40 AM
every few months i figure i should take a new one, so i do
i refuse to have anyone else in my selfies though, can't be doing with that.

16-01-2016, 10:42 AM
i dont like pictures of myself so i tend not to unless im out and about and try get a cute one for myself
i tend to take more with my family when we're on holiday than anything else
nothing wrong with it though, i just always get the wrong angles i guess
plus all my account pics are the same and have been like that for like 2 years now i think

16-01-2016, 11:19 AM
I do it for snapchat and occasionally for a profile picture. Idk I don't pout and stuff for them, usually for snapchat I just do weird faces and I don't really get embarrassed so idc who sees lmao. Otherwise I'm just smiling in them, so it wouldn't look too weird if people saw, I guess? [emoji12]

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16-01-2016, 12:02 PM
i do same as ols, take 50 pics then have 3 i can't decide between.... but ye i feel a lil awkward doing it,especially as my best lighting is near the living room window so ppl will be able to see me take pics lmao

16-01-2016, 12:21 PM
I do not feel the need, no. If anything, I feel strange taking pictures of myself.

16-01-2016, 12:39 PM
I used to take them almost every single day and posted them quite a lot and I'll fully admit it was for attention cos it was nice to get nice comments, especially when my self esteem was really low that day or something. I still post some now, usually to show off makeup or hair though or just when I feel like I look nice. It's always nice to get likes on selfies ;) I do take like tonssss to get the perfect one but I delete most of them after.

TomSka has got a really nice project on his Instagram this year called Selfiesteem where he's documenting his weight loss over the year and trying to improve his self esteem by posting 366 selfies over the year!

16-01-2016, 01:28 PM
I'm more comfortable taking a selfie of myself than having a photo taken or taking one in public.

At least when I take a million there is going to be one I like - though I very rarely change my profile picture xD

16-01-2016, 04:28 PM
i can take selfies like for a pic when we're out pissed but i think i look like something from outer space if i'm not caught natural in a photo

24-01-2016, 11:31 PM
i take quite a lot of selfies but it's mainly just for snapchat because i prefer showing my face on there rather than sneding a black screen with text on top. other than that i really only take selfies if i like what i'm wearing or if i think i'm having a good hair day or the lighting is nice

25-01-2016, 07:24 AM
Despite the fact I actually take heaps of selfies, I take them discreetly so that it's not obvious. I'm so awkward if people see me taking them haha. That's why I get people to take them for me :)

26-01-2016, 01:37 AM
i wont take lke serious selfies by myself lmao
usually just snapchat ones or fb pulling stupid faces which i dont even save
will happily join into other peeps and do a stupid pose tho
just dont feel a need to take any really just makes me feel bad hahahaha

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