View Full Version : [Question] Skype Staff Chat Suggestion :)

22-02-2016, 01:36 PM

I was going to suggest making/having a skype staff chat (Global)


Easy way to cummunicate with all staff.
Get to no all the staff that work at habbox
Easyier if your stuck and struggling with something

What do you think?
@Absently (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=50287); @Welshcake @lawrawrrr (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=61966);

Also other staff are welcome to comment on this :)

Char (X-AppleCandy-X)

22-02-2016, 01:42 PM
Don't they already have staff chats for every dept

which was said in the past damages hxf because everyone uses skype instead of the forum

22-02-2016, 01:45 PM
Aren't you the mad girl who instantly leaked hxhd password?

My personal thoughts are it's a bad idea.

Also you need a semi colon at the end of names to tag.

22-02-2016, 01:59 PM
Already have skype chat, they've had this since skype came about, before that had msn chats, even sierk used it!

22-02-2016, 02:04 PM
This was discussed recently in a different forum and it was agreed that an official one would be a nightmare. I certainly do not want to be lumped into a skype chat with every other department because nobody would be able to keep up ever and it's not like it would be of any actual use anyway, surely? What on earth needs to be said to everyone that can't be said in Habbox Staff Only? And nobody would even see it because it would be drowned out by everyone talking over each other.

I think it was agreed when it was discussed before that if someone wants to make an unofficial chat and add people who want to be in it then that is totally up to you, but an official one would not be of any use.

22-02-2016, 02:11 PM
Aren't you the mad girl who instantly leaked hxhd password?

My personal thoughts are it's a bad idea.

Also you need a semi colon at the end of names to tag.

hmm excuse me i dont think i did

- - - Updated - - -

Already have skype chat, they've had this since skype came about, before that had msn chats, even sierk used it!

im notv added in it can you add me in it char-1993

- - - Updated - - -

Already have skype chat, they've had this since skype came about, before that had msn chats, even sierk used it!

im notv added in it can you add me in it char-1993

22-02-2016, 02:33 PM
There are Skype chats for each department (I believe you're already in the Graphics one). If staff want to set up their own casual chat then go for it but there won't be an official one for all staff because as most people said in the previous thread (can anyone link it for her?), there's too much spam!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-02-2016, 02:57 PM
hmm excuse me i dont think i did

I think you are m8 I literally just reread the conversation right before you deleted me and ran off to FlyHabbo. Surprised to see you as staff here again.

22-02-2016, 03:19 PM

22-02-2016, 03:40 PM


I think you are m8 I literally just reread the conversation right before you deleted me and ran off to FlyHabbo. Surprised to see you as staff here again.

That's a bit awkward.

22-02-2016, 07:19 PM
I think you are m8 I literally just reread the conversation right before you deleted me and ran off to FlyHabbo. Surprised to see you as staff here again.

Well I don't remember must of been years ago!!

22-02-2016, 07:27 PM
With the amount of staff changes that happen on a daily basis with people coming and going it would be really hard to moderate too. I think departmental ones are a good idea and work to get staff bonding together, but a big one with hundreds of people in would just turn far too spammy!

Also- I mean this in the nicest possible way, but there are some members of staff on here who I don't really want the pleasure of communicating with or having to be in the same conversation with! :P (okay that sounded awful but I know what I meant!!)

Easy way to cummunicate with all staff. - I think you could do this through things such as the helpdesk and forum as they need boosting in terms of popularity, skype does fine all by itself! :P
Get to no all the staff that work at habbox - Same as above
Easyier if your stuck and struggling with something - If you're struggling with something then the people in your departmental skype chat should be more than qualified to help you.

22-02-2016, 09:27 PM
would be fun and filled with saucy discussion. managers chat is filled with saucy discussion too.

22-02-2016, 10:20 PM
this is the best thing that would ever happen

22-02-2016, 10:32 PM
I remember in one staff chat going away for literally 20 minutes and coming back to 800 messages. Could you imagine a chat with all the staff in it? Fuck reading through that in the morning.

23-02-2016, 09:00 AM
I would rather shoot myself in the eyes than have to read through hundreds of messages.
Bad idea, will just cause more friction and arguments between staff. We have plenty of department chats so just keep as is.
Want to talk to new people socialize more on Habbo or the Forum.

23-02-2016, 10:48 AM
I think it would be a good idea for a whole staff chat as it would be easier to get hold of people - say us DJs need to get hold of and Event Organiser (or vis versa) then we could use the chat. But I also think it would be a bad idea because it would be a lot of spam - other fansites I was with had a full staff chat and even though there wasn't many staff members overall there was still a lot of messages and mostly spam and picture. So I'm stuck between :).

23-02-2016, 11:00 AM
I think it would be a good idea for a whole staff chat as it would be easier to get hold of people - say us DJs need to get hold of and Event Organiser (or vis versa) then we could use the chat. But I also think it would be a bad idea because it would be a lot of spam - other fansites I was with had a full staff chat and even though there wasn't many staff members overall there was still a lot of messages and mostly spam and picture. So I'm stuck between :).
If you did need someone from another department you can easily start a private chat with them, or alternatively if you don't have them on Skype you could ask someone who most probably will.

A staff chat wouldn't work and serves no purpose overall when you can just make your own groups with your own friends or speak to someone one on one without the need for the spam.

Not to mention that when you log in and Skype has to take time in loaded the thousands of messages it would just be a waste of time.

I'm talking generally now, not just to you Conor :P.

Sent from my Xperia M4 Aqua using Tapatalk

23-02-2016, 11:18 AM
If you did need someone from another department you can easily start a private chat with them, or alternatively if you don't have them on Skype you could ask someone who most probably will.

A staff chat wouldn't work and serves no purpose overall when you can just make your own groups with your own friends or speak to someone one on one without the need for the spam.

Not to mention that when you log in and Skype has to take time in loaded the thousands of messages it would just be a waste of time.

I'm talking generally now, not just to you Conor :P.

Sent from my Xperia M4 Aqua using Tapatalk

That is why I said I'm in between.

23-02-2016, 11:18 AM
That is why I said I'm in between.
You said you were in between due to the spam, not how much simpler it is just to contact someone personally. I just suggested an alternative :P.

Sent from my Xperia M4 Aqua using Tapatalk

23-02-2016, 11:41 AM
You said you were in between due to the spam, not how much simpler it is just to contact someone personally. I just suggested an alternative :P.

Sent from my Xperia M4 Aqua using Tapatalk

It doesn't matter - the point is - I'm still in between yes or no.

24-02-2016, 01:41 AM
Tbh, a group chat is ideal for smaller sites, but something as large as Habbox, that would be a no go, seriously... I remember being at FlyHabbo a while back, they had something called Chit Chat (Optional Chat) over 70 members in there at one point, that was awful coming back to 2000 messages... Don't think it would be a good idea tbh.

24-02-2016, 06:32 AM
The best way to communicate is on Habbo. When you do not know who is the next host and you got to get in touch, simply check on the site it states somewhere which host is next. I don't know.. but this won't be a good idea really as mentioned and tbh I don't like big chat groups.. when you can't even type in it cause u see 100 messages popping at the same time.

24-02-2016, 07:02 AM
you are all wrong. best way to communicate is on the forum. get rid of skype chats

24-02-2016, 09:12 AM
Lol Char just got fired from FH (banned as well)

Then she comes here and gets either fired, or leaves straight away -.-

Also at FH we have Chit Chat, it's spammy at times but just turn notifs off. Also our's is optional

24-02-2016, 09:25 AM
This was discussed recently in a different forum and it was agreed that an official one would be a nightmare. I certainly do not want to be lumped into a skype chat with every other department because nobody would be able to keep up ever and it's not like it would be of any actual use anyway, surely? What on earth needs to be said to everyone that can't be said in Habbox Staff Only? And nobody would even see it because it would be drowned out by everyone talking over each other.

I think it was agreed when it was discussed before that if someone wants to make an unofficial chat and add people who want to be in it then that is totally up to you, but an official one would not be of any use.
I agree with Empired; you would never catch up in the chat .

Prince of Habbox

24-02-2016, 12:44 PM
you are all wrong. best way to communicate is on the forum. get rid of skype chats

the vip manager is right

24-02-2016, 01:18 PM
Lol Char just got fired from FH (banned as well)

Then she comes here and gets either fired, or leaves straight away -.-

Also at FH we have Chit Chat, it's spammy at times but just turn notifs off. Also our's is optional

why was she banned and fired

24-02-2016, 03:14 PM
you are all wrong. best way to communicate is on the forum. get rid of skype chats

nick i don't like you when you are serious i'm scared

24-02-2016, 06:37 PM
Lol Char just got fired from FH (banned as well)

Then she comes here and gets either fired, or leaves straight away -.-

Also at FH we have Chit Chat, it's spammy at times but just turn notifs off. Also our's is optional

Neither, she moved account.

24-02-2016, 07:15 PM
why was she banned and fired

Probably can't say XD

24-02-2016, 07:25 PM
you can pm me

24-02-2016, 09:03 PM
you can pm me

you can pm me his pm

24-02-2016, 09:56 PM
nick i don't like you when you are serious i'm scared

soz but it has to happen if you want to improve posting, within staff anyway ;lllll it wont happen though

24-02-2016, 11:14 PM
soz but it has to happen if you want to improve posting, within staff anyway ;lllll it wont happen though

ur a beautiful person i hope u get everything that u want in life.

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