View Full Version : Spending guilt

08-03-2016, 06:34 PM
do u get it?

like i get it over the smallest of things, i deprive myself because i feel guilty when i spend money!! someone tell me it's ok to treat myself, whether that be new clothes or a ridiculously expensive hot chocolate.

i just *always* have something i need to save up for - fixing my car, visiting family, buying a new laptop, new furniture for a new house, deposit for the future, getting married etc. my mum always stressed saving because she really relied on her savings as a single mum who ended up out of work cause of illness etc so that's probably where my guilt stems from.

08-03-2016, 06:35 PM
no I never do

I get you moaning for spending money instead ;)

08-03-2016, 06:38 PM
Rarely. I bought a new TV a while ago and it was a lot of money and as I was waiting for the transaction to be approved I felt guilty but as soon as I had actually paid for it the guilt had gone. I guess I should feel more guilty about things because I am so frivolous with money it's actually a joke, I spend money on so much stuff that I don't really need.

08-03-2016, 06:43 PM
At the moment, my target is to end the uni year in the black. I may sure to keep on top of what I spend each week so that I can buy the nicer stuff should I want it so I've never felt bad spending money :P Though I suspect after uni, my attitude towards money will change slightly.

08-03-2016, 06:57 PM

I'm a cheapskate so I've never felt guilty about spending money because I hardly spend it lol

08-03-2016, 07:05 PM
getting married



This runs in my head pretty much every time i buy anything haha even if it's just lunch

08-03-2016, 07:57 PM
I don't really feel guilty but i do feel abit angry at myself for spending my money on such stupid stuff when my parents rant at me about my statements which they somehow still manage to intercept!

08-03-2016, 08:23 PM
Well with not working and not really having much of my own money or having to worry about paying bills or anything i don't really spend much money but mum doesn't work and never has so we never really had money to spare.
As a kid i remember finding something i really want and i would save what ever money i got. It would take a few months to save for it but once i bought it i felt really proud of it because i felt like i had earned it. Now if i want something that may cost abit i spend ages trying to decide whether to buy it or not and get really stressed about it but i normally end up buying it anyway and after idc cos im happy ive got something new

But with mum not working i tend to feel guilty about having nice things because we haven't really earned the money and feel like why do we deserve this stuff? Not that we are some chavs or anything neither are we just lazy.

08-03-2016, 09:11 PM
I'm not a natural spender so I'm always fine. I don't buy stuff for no reason so I know if I do splash out it will go to use so I have no reason to feel guilty :P

08-03-2016, 09:20 PM
Sometimes yeah, it depends how often Im spending and how much an item costs. I think the most guilt I've ever felt was when I bought my Mac. I was like WHAT HAVE I JUST DONE. Fortunately it ended up being the best purchase I ever made and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another one when this one conks out!

09-03-2016, 09:31 AM
Yes. When I overspend booking lavish holidays.

09-03-2016, 12:01 PM
I feel slight guilt but not enough to stop me from spending :( I actually need financial help

09-03-2016, 09:54 PM
It depends what I am spending it on. On opportunities and experiences then no I do not feel guilty.

I changed when I lived abroad and used to travel a lot. Near the end of the year I thought I would not travel as much and save up. But a friend of mine knocked on my door and said "you can spend $200 on this trip today, sure it is $200 but when you look back in a few years time, you won't think "damn I spent $200!!", you will remember the amazing trip" and he was right.

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