View Full Version : What 'grinds your gears'?

16-03-2016, 08:44 PM

Anyway what really grinds your gears?

16-03-2016, 09:28 PM
Cars that go like 20mph under the speed limit. If you cant keep up with the traffic flow then get off the bloody road! Also pedal bikes on roads. Bane of my life.

16-03-2016, 10:02 PM
bus drivers who leave early
yet they choose to leave early ugh so annoying

18-03-2016, 12:00 AM
Cars that go like 20mph under the speed limit. If you cant keep up with the traffic flow then get off the bloody road! Also pedal bikes on roads. Bane of my life.

If i see a bike on the road I start getting mad and talk about how I will run them over, ALSO a bike is what made me fail my test the first time so thats probably why i hate them lmao

18-03-2016, 12:09 AM
When I pull the clutch up too early when I'm mid changing gear! CRUNCHHHHHH

but yeah, I would agree with Chris with drivers that go way below the speed limit, especially on roads where its impossible to overtake!

18-03-2016, 12:15 AM
people who don't say please and thank you really anger me!!!! it costs nothing to be nice :( also when i try explain to people why i dont eat meat and they say stupid ignorant comments like "bacon tastes so good though" even when they know how upset it makes me

18-03-2016, 02:06 AM
But bacon tastes so good tho

18-03-2016, 12:05 PM
People who don't mind murdering billions of plants and insects but don't like the idea of killing a pig because it makes noise

18-03-2016, 12:18 PM
people who don't say please and thank you really anger me!!!! it costs nothing to be nice :( also when i try explain to people why i dont eat meat and they say stupid ignorant comments like "bacon tastes so good though" even when they know how upset it makes me

that shouldn't make you upset tbh, screw theM but also that's their opinion on it i doubt they're trying to upset u!! just trolling u/joking with u

people in general annoy me tbh

18-03-2016, 12:43 PM
I work at Wendy's at when people are jerks, like bruh, IM MAKING YOUR FOOD. There's no reason to be rude!

18-03-2016, 08:33 PM
People who make plans with you and then cancel with no heads up in advance.

19-03-2016, 03:23 PM
I was going to say slow walkers, but I don't mind so long as I can overtake easily so instead I'm going to say people who are unaware of the amount of space they're taking in general. Be it once person who puts their trolley in the way of everything at the shop or the group of people who won't move around when people are about to walk past, so they end up having to walk on the path to get around :/

19-03-2016, 03:28 PM
I was going to say slow walkers, but I don't mind so long as I can overtake easily so instead I'm going to say people who are unaware of the amount of space they're taking in general. Be it once person who puts their trolley in the way of everything at the shop or the group of people who won't move around when people are about to walk past, so they end up having to walk on the path to get around :/

shopping on the weekend is the worst, its full of old people taking up a full isle trying to do shit its just like fucking move?????

i can't stand people who block the way when shopping just tempted to give them a fucking smack with the trolley

19-03-2016, 03:30 PM
shopping on the weekend is the worst, its full of old people taking up a full isle trying to do shit its just like fucking move?????

i can't stand people who block the way when shopping just tempted to give them a fucking smack with the trolley

I literally never shop on the weekend thankfully, but I sometimes go during the time when school ends so there's annoying parents and their kids. I dread getting a proper job and having to shop at "normal" hours.

19-03-2016, 03:38 PM


19-03-2016, 03:43 PM


I used to do that before I use the tesco scan as you go thing, there's plenty of space and the bit you put baskets on is at the height to fit a trolley in it so it's not like you're not meant to do it

19-03-2016, 04:11 PM
I think it depends on the shop tbh. Most seem to be expanding so you can take trolleys into it.

19-03-2016, 04:13 PM
You CAN but the point is you're taking in a week's shop to what's supposed to be a quick checkout

19-03-2016, 04:42 PM
It's more convenient than putting up with cashiers.

Convenience > annoying others

19-03-2016, 05:41 PM
Self checkouts are not convenient wtf, actually they 'grind my gears' or whatever because those so-called intelligent machines are so bloody STUPID
makes me think of this


19-03-2016, 05:51 PM
Oh yeah ever since bags were removed from self checkouts, I always get one "checking item weight".

You CAN but the point is you're taking in a week's shop to what's supposed to be a quick checkout

Do they actually specify that it's for small shops? I know they used to but I'm not so sure anymore, I think I'm going to have to look the next time I go shopping.

19-03-2016, 05:55 PM
Self checkouts are not convenient wtf, actually they 'grind my gears' or whatever because those so-called intelligent machines are so bloody STUPID
makes me think of this


what's wrong with them

The only time I've ever had an issue is when you put your own bags on at the start usually I have to get a staff member to say yes they're bags (even when it's the shops own bags??), other than that I never have a problem with them

- - - Updated - - -

Oh yeah ever since bags were removed from self checkouts, I always get one "checking item weight".

Do they actually specify that it's for small shops? I know they used to but I'm not so sure anymore, I think I'm going to have to look the next time I go shopping.

you'll get them back

we had that for like the first year of the 5p bag charge, then they eventually put the cheap bags back on the stands and have the 6p/10p bags at the end sitting on a barrier and some staff carrying them

19-03-2016, 05:58 PM
what's wrong with them

The only time I've ever had an issue is when you put your own bags on at the start usually I have to get a staff member to say yes they're bags (even when it's the shops own bags??), other than that I never have a problem with them
I always get "unexpected item in the bagging area" or "please place your item in the bagging area" even though I'd doing everything right so the employee who's supervising the self service checkouts has to come over so I have to talk to someone anyway :/

19-03-2016, 05:59 PM
Self checkouts are only good if u have a couple of items and normal checkout is busy. Using a trolley with self checkouts only causes confusion and severe congestion in both self checkout and checkout lines.

19-03-2016, 06:00 PM
I always get "unexpected item in the bagging area" or "please place your item in the bagging area" even though I'd doing everything right so the employee who's supervising the self service checkouts has to come over so I have to talk to someone anyway :/

oh I never get that

- - - Updated - - -

Self checkouts are only good if u have a couple of items and normal checkout is busy. Using a trolley with self checkouts only causes confusion and severe congestion in both self checkout and checkout lines.

they're good for loads of items too, you can fit loads on the weight bit

how does it confuse anyone

19-03-2016, 06:08 PM
you'll get them back

we had that for like the first year of the 5p bag charge, then they eventually put the cheap bags back on the stands and have the 6p/10p bags at the end sitting on a barrier and some staff carrying them

I don't want them back I just want them to fix the bloody scales.

19-03-2016, 07:13 PM
oh I never get that

- - - Updated - - -

they're good for loads of items too, you can fit loads on the weight bit

how does it confuse anyone
People would be like k normal checkout is busy what about this quick self checkout... oh thats busy too WAIT THIS ONE IS THE QUICK ONE BUT A GUY HAS GOT SHITLOADS OF ITEMS then they just get stuck in this loop walking to the self checkout line then to the checkout line and back etc

They would have to open a self self checkout but what happens when people come along with their trolley and busy that one up too? Do people start shoplifting to avoid the mess started when scott decided to take his trolley to the self checkout?

19-03-2016, 07:46 PM
People would be like k normal checkout is busy what about this quick self checkout... oh thats busy too WAIT THIS ONE IS THE QUICK ONE BUT A GUY HAS GOT SHITLOADS OF ITEMS then they just get stuck in this loop walking to the self checkout line then to the checkout line and back etc

They would have to open a self self checkout but what happens when people come along with their trolley and busy that one up too? Do people start shoplifting to avoid the mess started when scott decided to take his trolley to the self checkout?

i've never noticed people in tesco or asda in a state of confusion between self service and staffed checkpoints and wandering back and forward between them

The self service is never that busy anyway, you have what 10 self service points, then another 4-6 self service points with a conveyor belt, then like 8-10 staffed points.

There's no lack of places to go ;l

19-03-2016, 08:15 PM
people who can't motorway drive and/or hog the middle lane

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