View Full Version : Judgement and Identity

20-04-2016, 04:57 PM

Thought this video was great... but scary at the same time. Worth a watch as reality clashes with dogmatic gender/identity ideology.

"It shouldn't be hard to tell a 5'9 white guy that he's not a 6'5 Chinese woman. But clearly it is. Why? What does that say about our culture? And what does that say about our ability to answer the questions that actually are difficult?"

We've become so open minded that our brains have fallen out.
I'm sick of being told to accept things I know to be untrue or wrong under the guise of being nice. It's an insult to intelligent thought.

Stick your imagined "gender fluidity" where the sun don't shine buster.


The Don
20-04-2016, 07:10 PM
I honestly don't understand the point of the video. There's not a cure for gender dysphoria as far as i'm aware, the only treatment for it is to remove the distressing symptoms, which typically means gender reassignment surgery/hormone treatment. Unfortunately this isn’t available everywhere. If treating their symptoms helps them with their depression or whatever other issues they have then why does it matter to you or anyone else what they believe? It’s incredibly ironic that you, a self-proclaimed libertarian, a man whose political ideology is defined as “seeking to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association, and the primacy of individual judgment” have the nerve to complain about college students exercising the same mentality towards other people. You are always the first to scream about the state overreaching their place and meddling in other peoples businesses, yet you’re here complaining about college kids using the same mindset in regards to other people. Obviously those students know that the man in the video isn’t 7 years old, Chinese, or whatever other strawman comparison he used to build his argument, the point most of them were making is that it is absolute harmless in most cases to allow someone to believe something about themselves, even if to them it’s obviously not true. The argument “Well I can’t claim to be a 7ft chinese women so why should they be allowed to pretend they’re a man/woman” falls flat due to the fact that the transgender person genuinely believes it and has a well documented disorder and the other person is just a dick.

20-04-2016, 07:25 PM
@The Don (http://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=9475); i haven't got a problem with people wanting to imagine they're chinese, a woman or a minor.

what i DO have a problem with is being expected to go along with it as well as public places being subjected by the law to this ideology (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/wa-man-women-bathroom-test-transgender-ruling-article-1.2535150).

You are always the first to scream about the state overreaching their place and meddling in other peoples businesses, yet you’re here complaining about college kids using the same mindset in regards to other people.


The argument “Well I can’t claim to be a 7ft chinese women so why should they be allowed to pretend they’re a man/woman” falls flat due to the fact that the transgender person genuinely believes it and has a well documented disorder and the other person is just a dick.

yes... and look at how the college kids replied to each statement which is exactly my point about people accepting everything no matter how illogical.

they all went along with every statement no matter how obviously plain it wasn't true. as the quote says, we've all become so open minded our brains have fallen out.

20-04-2016, 07:40 PM
The problem with the argument he's trying to put across is that his examples simply don't make sense. He COULD be Chinese, by virtue of birthplace or right of citizenship, so all he's doing with that one is being racist by suggesting that one has to look a certain way to be from somewhere. On the other end of the spectrum he is almost certainly not 7 years old or 6'5 and that is something that cannot be argued - you can't get around the amount of time someone's already been alive or the height someone currently is, but what can be changed is one's physical appearance and attributes. If I dye my hair blonde am I not a blonde even though I wasn't before? If I grow a beard and then shave it do I not become clean shaven even though I wasn't before? If I saw off a leg am I not then disabled even though I wasn't before?

SoOoOoOoOo basically this guy's giving one example that just doesn't work and two that just can't work, and concludes from it that everything about a person from the inside out follows the same incomprehensible rules. wut. Also this somehow has something to do with family values, but other than a logo I can't work out what...
Nice that you talk about dogma while in the same post say that you "just know" these things are wrong though, irony is always fun.

20-04-2016, 07:44 PM
The problem with the argument he's trying to put across is that his examples simply don't make sense. He COULD be Chinese, by virtue of birthplace or right of citizenship, so all he's doing with that one is being racist by suggesting that one has to look a certain way to be from somewhere.

How you can bring up racism when he's clearly talking about ethnicity (hence the mention of white).... just as laughable as the students.

On the other end of the spectrum he is almost certainly not 7 years old or 6'5 and that is something that cannot be argued - you can't get around the amount of time someone's already been alive or the height someone currently is, but what can be changed is one's physical appearance and attributes. If I dye my hair blonde am I not a blonde even though I wasn't before? If I grow a beard and then shave it do I not become clean shaven even though I wasn't before? If I saw off a leg am I not then disabled even though I wasn't before?

yet the moronic students still said they were cool with that if he's 6'5 and that is the point. absolute idiocy.

SoOoOoOoOo basically this guy's giving one example that just doesn't work and two that just can't work, and concludes from it that everything about a person from the inside out follows the same incomprehensible rules. wut. Also this somehow has something to do with family values, but other than a logo I can't work out what...
Nice that you talk about dogma while in the same post say that you "just know" these things are wrong though, irony is always fun.

I do "just know" he's not Chinese, 6'5 and a woman. That's not dogma, that's ....... reality.

20-04-2016, 07:55 PM
Oh the students are idiots too but that's just students in general. Doesn't make him right just because they're wrong

And he didn't say "as opposed to white", or mention whiteness at all until the end where he was addressing the camera on his own, he just said Chinese. The race thing was implied by both him and those answering when it could certainly be a question of nationality. Again the students are in the wrong too (and stupid for not simply saying "I'd be interested in learning about where you were born" or something) but again that doesn't make him in the right

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