View Full Version : experiences with ghosts :O

20-04-2016, 09:43 PM
do u think you've ever experienced something paranormal???? something freaky happen like something falls or turns on by itself without any explanation for it?/ DO TELL DO SHARE

basically i had an experience last night which was pretty freaky, i was texting my nieces mother about visiting her when i'm next off of work and i went upstairs to talk to my mum and we both heard music playing from downstairs... tiffany's (my niecE) baby chair turned on by its own and was playing music and vibrating on its own and it was so scary. i checked the doors to see if they were locked instinctively and they were, nobody else was downstairs at the time and i just found it v spooky????????

20-04-2016, 09:46 PM
yes once we heard noises in the loft it turned out to be mice

20-04-2016, 09:48 PM
YEAH something happened 3 nights ago actually

So im in bed all chill at like 1am, then i hear this massive bang from my mums room so yknow being the loving daughter I am, I run in like wtf r u ok, and the big painting that hangs on her wall was like really far away almost the other side of the room on the floor

it was creepy as anything, she didnt know how it got there cos she was sleeping and got woken up by the bang
obv just gravity being a crafty bugger throwing stuff but it was creepy

oh also not paranormal but it was scary :( i was on holiday with my mum sharing a room cos we're cheap, and she wakes me up like cerys cerys theres someone on the stairs, at this point im pooping myself cos shes pointing at the stairs describing this woman she can see
i was scared to death i wanted to cry </3

she then told me when she fully woke up that she suffers from like half waking up and seeing realistic things in the room like shes half asleep half not idk how to explain
wouldve been nice to know that before she scares the life out of me x

20-04-2016, 09:48 PM
yes once we heard noises in the loft it turned out to be mice

the ghosts of dead mice !!!!!!!!!!!ahHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh

20-04-2016, 09:50 PM
I have no experiences with ghosts because ghost don't real

thms is Derek Acorah

20-04-2016, 09:53 PM
I have no experiences with ghosts because ghost don't real

thms is Derek Acorah



20-04-2016, 10:03 PM
my mum somehow managed to befriend 2 'psychics' (as in, in her childhood before they could see things) so we would go to spirit circles which were quite fun. @ one of them, the 'psychic' lady said there was a young girl sitting next to me and looked like she was from the 18th c, after that i was freak out to be home alone. what if she's still following me??

my friend also when we were young woke me up cause she was talking n i asked who she was talking to and she said the ghost at the bottom of her bed... similar thing at a sleepover, a friend watching her lobby because she 'saw someone walking past the door' ahhhh! we used to all do the ~ouija board~ n people would 'feel' n 'hear' things.

in my town several ppl said they almost ran over someone in the exact same place but that they just went right through the person and looked back n they were still walking ahhh!!

when my gran died our tv started recording EVERY NIGHT even after turning it off at the plugs !!!

i don't think u actually see ghosts but am sure dead ppl might show some signs. i used to believe in that stuff yrs ago now i just think of it as our mind/perception etc but... my mums friends aren't crazy peeps n they feel/see things (not exactly see ghosts but more like auras or get strong feelings, also my mums friends mum once staring at a door saying we had brought someone dead along with us!!!! ahhh am not sleeping tonight. i know it sounds crazy but my mum has known them 40+ years n there would be no reason for them to lie)

20-04-2016, 10:09 PM
my mum somehow managed to befriend 2 'psychics' (as in, in her childhood before they could see things) so we would go to spirit circles which were quite fun. @ one of them, the 'psychic' lady said there was a young girl sitting next to me and looked like she was from the 18th c, after that i was freak out to be home alone. what if she's still following me??

my friend also when we were young woke me up cause she was talking n i asked who she was talking to and she said the ghost at the bottom of her bed... similar thing at a sleepover, a friend watching her lobby because she 'saw someone walking past the door' ahhhh! we used to all do the ~ouija board~ n people would 'feel' n 'hear' things.

in my town several ppl said they almost ran over someone in the exact same place but that they just went right through the person and looked back n they were still walking ahhh!!

when my gran died our tv started recording EVERY NIGHT even after turning it off at the plugs !!!

i don't think u actually see ghosts but am sure dead ppl might show some signs. i used to believe in that stuff yrs ago now i just think of it as our mind/perception etc but... my mums friends aren't crazy peeps n they feel/see things (not exactly see ghosts but more like auras or get strong feelings, also my mums friends mum once staring at a door saying we had brought someone dead along with us!!!! ahhh am not sleeping tonight. i know it sounds crazy but my mum has known them 40+ years n there would be no reason for them to lie)

Can you sleep downstairs tonight if she's still following you

20-04-2016, 10:20 PM

idk a sexy sofa who am I to judge the love lives of furniture

20-04-2016, 10:21 PM
It's not really an experience with a ghost as such, but it was rather creepy! In 2014 we unfortunately lost my auntie to cancer (assuming it was her sending a sign and no one else) on the 12th July. On the 31st July we went on holiday to Ingoldmells (near Skegness), and we were watching catchphrase in our caravan and we were talking about the hypnotist we usually see called 'Ian Dee'. The show was just starting and weirdly enough, the people on were called 'Ian' and 'Dee' it was so weird to say that we were talking about him then two people come on with his forename and surname! So that was more on the paranormal/freaky side than ghosts.

I used to think my nanny was still with us in our other house - when I went to bed, I would go in the bathroom and our bedroom was across the landing, and I never went in it before the bathroom, but for some reason the light was on, on more than one occasion so I thought it was my nanny as no one else would do that.

My mum used to have a poltergeist in her old house, it threw the glass butter dish across the room and it smashed on the floor. Her old dog refused to go in the house and just barked and barked because there was an evil spirit there.

20-04-2016, 10:25 PM
no experiences with ghosts here that i can recall

20-04-2016, 10:31 PM
holy heck what a thread!!!
buttons; that sounds rly interesting i definitely agree with u kinda. psychics have spoken about my nanna before i'll have to find out the stories to post tomorrow but i'm sure they said something to my aunt that my nana norma always said like a catchphrase of sorts!

kids in primary school in the yr above once did an ouija board in the year 5 / 6 toilets and everyone was TERRIFIED we had to go the toilets with staff and they'd wait outside for us looool

then another time, my friend owned the house next door to hers, they bought it after the old lady who lived there died and on halloween their family played a prank on us and when we went in all candles were lit and it was creepy then they chased us in masks so we hid and locked ourselves upstairs. but like 15 mins later we heard nothing so we tried to turn on lights and the ENTIRE fuse had gone off, we asked if they had done it and they said no and then they worked again when we tried them again. definitely not paranormal but still creepy 4 sure

20-04-2016, 10:38 PM
my mothers house is extremely old and when i was young i used to see 'spirits' frequently, it was probably my mind playing tricks on me. the two stories i remember is when i was grabbing some treats and i saw a ghost infront of the cooker and also when i was walking up the stairs. at night time i would also hear lots of noises on the floorboards in the room next to me when everyone was in bed :O

I GET THAT CREEPY ASS THING WHERE I SEE SHIT AT NIGHT THOUGH, FREAKS ME LIKE HELL. i am terrible with sleep walking & crazy dreams like that. i've 'seen' a man in the corner of the room before, animals scratching their way out of the room and stuff like that. it can be horrible when it happens, i dont believe it's ghost tho just my mind has too much activity when i should be sleeping!!!

20-04-2016, 10:54 PM
my science class in high school had windows that whistled and i used 2 think it was a ghost and i thought i was the only person who could hear it because it was really loud but no one else ever mentioned it but it was rly distracting for me then one day a girl in our class asked our teacher what the whistling was and he said he couldn't hear anything but i was like SO RELIEVED that i wasnt the only person who could hear it and me and the girl bonded because we could both hear this weird whistling noise

it was probs just wind tho

21-04-2016, 12:49 PM
Ever since I had to look for my dog when I was like 11 in the cemetery at like 1 in the morning - no

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