View Full Version : Strong opinions you've changed?

12-06-2016, 06:09 PM
I'm sure most of us have had a strong opinion on something at one point in your life that you've then reconsidered/changed your mind on either through debate, research on it etc.

So what are your strong opinions that you no longer hold?

12-06-2016, 06:16 PM
- all men are pigs and potential rapists
- all men r privileged, especially middle aged white men
- as a female i can't achieve anything because of the mens!
- love isn't real

all of that has changed! would say that a lot of the feminism i learnt was gross brainwashing and i find it really sad now when women are taught and believe they can't achieve anything, it only holds us back.

12-06-2016, 06:19 PM
Two major things I changed opinion over were the House of Lords and abortion.

Used to want to abolish the Lords, now appreciate it a lot.

Used to be fine with abortion, now completely against it.

12-06-2016, 06:19 PM
I used to think there was more to life than Habbo, now I know better

The Don
12-06-2016, 06:25 PM
I used to be completely against the EU and thought it was going to lead to a dictatorship, then I stopped blindly listening to Dan and researched it for myself independently.

12-06-2016, 06:53 PM
Like Akeam, was very much anti-EU. Now I can recognise both the benefits and the flaws. I will say, however, this does not mean I am pro-EU but more that I'm on the fence.
Used to support FPTP, now I do not.
Oh rather early in my life I thought communism was a good idea (based on what little I knew). Now I will say that I very much do not think it is a good idea :P
Used to believe a lot in stereotypes which I can't be arsed to list them all, but now I know better to not judge someone off some silly and rather irrational idea.

Can't think of anything else right now to be honest.

12-06-2016, 09:10 PM
FPTP is another one for me.

Used to be completely against it but now completely for it. I'm very much a constitutionalist these days. :P

13-06-2016, 10:36 AM
Ermmm I've strongly changed my view on kids. Still don't like other peoples children very much but I'm now quite sure I'd like my own one day in the distant future whereas in the past I was just one of those "ugh, kids :/" people.

I've changed my views on punishment for crime but no one else ever agrees with me on my views so awks :( I still stand by them tho

I'm sure there are others but I can't think of any.

17-06-2016, 03:38 AM
I think the one opinion that has changed for me is drinking alcohol.
It's sort of a weird one; I used to be against it 100%, and I thought that people were just idiots for drinking but I never really thought of why people drink (socially, of course). I was so bull headed.
I think another one was with women, and I always thought women were manipulators, but that has since changed.

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17-06-2016, 05:47 AM
I think the one opinion that has changed for me is drinking alcohol.
It's sort of a weird one; I used to be against it 100%, and I thought that people were just idiots for drinking but I never really thought of why people drink (socially, of course). I was so bull headed.
I think another one was with women, and I always thought women were manipulators, but that has since changed.

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Women will still have your life mate!! ;)

Do you drink now? Absolutely nothing wrong with drinking IMO.

Hmm can't really think of an opinion I used to have to but don't anymore... I used to think why the hell would I move out of my parents when I am living rent free and doing well... but since then me and my GF moved out and it has been far better for us, more space and get to choose everything (well she does duh). Does that count

17-06-2016, 10:35 AM
Women will still have your life mate!! ;)

Do you drink now? Absolutely nothing wrong with drinking IMO.

Hmm can't really think of an opinion I used to have to but don't anymore... I used to think why the hell would I move out of my parents when I am living rent free and doing well... but since then me and my GF moved out and it has been far better for us, more space and get to choose everything (well she does duh). Does that count
I do drink now. Again, on occasion and only socially. I've met a lot of friends through social drinking. And have been able to remember the night.

I think another opinion that I had that has changed is my view on politicians. I used to not have much care and my saying was always, "if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen." And that view/opinion had been from my parents because that's their mentality/opinion. Lately I've really took a stand at the last election and had my say. I even went to vote and encouraged other people to vote.

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