View Full Version : fathers day

18-06-2016, 05:51 PM
SO incase u arent aware tomorrow is fathers day!!
i hope youre all prepped for it
what have you got ur dad? if u have a stepdad do u buy for him? are u doing anything
my dad has a card but i havent bought him a present yet. im not seeing him tomorrow tho so i'll buy him some diabetic chocolate in the week
my mum makes me buy for my stepdad so me and my sister bought him a couple kid toys and a card lol so hard though cos i dont want to call him 'dad' yet like every card seems to mention the word dad on it somewhere
we arent doing anything afaik tho!!

best nip 2 tesco if u aint got ur dad anything yet b4 it closes

18-06-2016, 05:55 PM
i take him out for lunch or dinner and make him a homemade card x

18-06-2016, 06:52 PM
Stepdad I don't get anything for his own daughter can do that but my dad I'm taking out for lunch because he already bloody well owns everything

18-06-2016, 07:02 PM
Not you can buy for a dad who died a few years ago but still go visit his grave with some flowers and my niece and nephew like to make him cake

18-06-2016, 07:35 PM
I got my pops a crate of beer, some wine and an england shirt because he's proper into the euros at the minute

18-06-2016, 08:00 PM
I most likely will spend the afternoon at his house. Spend time with him, maybe a barbecue

18-06-2016, 08:27 PM
I've left it to my brother to sort out as I'm away. My dad isn't overly fussed anyway, give him a box of chocolates and he's in his element.

18-06-2016, 08:52 PM
Some clothes and a really funny card! Buying him something else when I get paid though.

18-06-2016, 09:20 PM
pub meal innit

18-06-2016, 11:14 PM
Not fathers day over here, but usually my dad gets a card and either some kind of sporting memorabilia or a mug for some reason.

18-06-2016, 11:35 PM
buy him something and I guess i need to go get a card tomorrow

19-06-2016, 09:27 AM
I got him a little bit of chocolate but I'm snowed under with exams til Thursday so I've postponed Fathers' Day til friday lol so I'll go to see him then.

19-06-2016, 12:55 PM
Haven't got anything and doubtful that i will, he doesn't even want to see me today hahaha I tried organising it but said I'll need help getting there and he said nvm then (he ran off to Whitby and I can't afford to get there alone)

19-06-2016, 01:10 PM
Gave him money to get some beer and we're buying him some new boots as his others have paint on. He also got a card.

20-06-2016, 10:36 AM
I got him a card.

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