View Full Version : good deed for the day

12-07-2016, 11:37 PM
US AT HABBOX BEING LOVELY CITIZENS obv i expect we all do at least one good deed for the day (habbo or irl ;l)
whether its helping an old lady with her shopping bags hahaha or telling someone their bags open or shoelaces untied or whatev
mayb u helped someone at hxhd or you donated to someone
what has been ur good deed for the day!

so earlier i finished my lessons @5 and was at the bus stop with my bf and this family people people came round and they couldnt speak english. this man was trying to talk and help them but they had no idea what was going on lmfao so i was like "excuse me i cant help but overhear are u needing help with buses". they were like "we tik 2 esh??". i was like you need tiket to ??? esh??? n they said esher eventually
i was like ok sure i'll walk you to the station and help you out. so i walked them to the station and they were like "these???" and showed me they all had an oyster card so i was like OH thank god that makes life easy n asked if they have money on it
they were like "3" so assumed that meant 3 pounds lmfao. so i was like ok lets go to bus stop then. we got there n i was like ok k3! u get k3! bus in 10 min! n they were like ???? so i was like ok i will wait with you dont worry
so i waited with them and the bus finally came and one of the lads didnt have a working oyster. i was like "no money" so made them follow me to corner shop
i then had to go to corner shop like hey can u check all these oysters have money on these peeps dont speak good english
so had to 1 by 1 go through each of their oysters until the lads had like -£1.50 so i was like "money??" they were like ???? "i was like u need £4.50" n they were like ?????
they eventually figured out n took out a fiver so i had to get the man at shop to give them the change and wahtev from a fiver lmfao
then i was like ok all done lets go back to bus stop. got back to bus stop and was like OK bus in 10 min k3! same bus ok! then they were like ok thank u ! thank u thank u! n they got on to esher .x

SO that was my lovely good deed of the day helping a family in need ofc lmao! wat has been ur good deed of the day

13-07-2016, 12:22 AM
then the bus crashed and they died

13-07-2016, 12:24 AM
I BLOODY WELL HOPE NOT i spent so much time helping them

13-07-2016, 12:27 AM
a good deed i can think of was serving deaf and mute customers in work once. they really incorporated ways to discuss with me what they had wanted to order in really cool ways not including sign language. it was such a good thing to experience and they were so kind, a rly cute couple and i think i got it all right bc they didn't come back to complain or anything!!!!

13-07-2016, 12:21 PM
I got my sister's boyfriend a job, that was my good deed on Saturday! On Sunday I didn't leave the house or anything so I couldn't do much, and yesterday I had my shop head on so in Primark I told the girl this thing didn't have a tag on, but it was reduced, so I was being good, but she could just check the thing on the computer for it so it was pretty pointless.

13-07-2016, 03:04 PM
Gina you're such a kind soul k3 x

13-07-2016, 08:57 PM
where was your bf during this? i hope he went with you! very nice story, above and beyond lol.

i helped newbies at work today. im rewriting the staff handbook for them so wanted to talk to them to see what they were struggling with so I could include it and ended up answering loads of questions.

13-07-2016, 10:00 PM
Gina you're such a kind soul k3 x
good ol' k3 bus init

where was your bf during this? i hope he went with you! very nice story, above and beyond lol.

i helped newbies at work today. im rewriting the staff handbook for them so wanted to talk to them to see what they were struggling with so I could include it and ended up answering loads of questions.
he was kinda with me but he wasnt having a very good day lmao so wasnt very into it but after i finished helping them he took me home which was lovely of him
and awww thats so cute

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