View Full Version : WIN A FOREST DRAGON LAMP X ends 10/10/16

05-10-2016, 09:57 PM
all u have 2 do is post and tell me your fave habbo memory x
i will give drag to a random person who posts before the 10th
and ill give 10c to the person/people who has/have the best memory
come on lads x

ALSO https://twitter.com/YuxinHabbo/status/783789877905256448
if you post and retweet this you can be in an extra draw to win 15c x

05-10-2016, 10:06 PM
I dont know if this counts but probably when DJs used to be so popular and everyone would literally be dancing around you. Good timez!

05-10-2016, 10:07 PM
i was gonna start off but bloody despect
ill post mine anyway : )

my fav habbo memory is having a habbo mod come into one of my habbox events and trash my poor pod racing
stand in the middle on one of my stages
didnt talk at all
then left !

05-10-2016, 10:22 PM
maybe not fav but when u got mad at me for tryin to steal referrals

05-10-2016, 10:24 PM
i remember when i was making my own school and i called it waterloo road and ludus came in my room and had a conversation with me about waterloo road and i made an event called ludus is in my room n loads of people came rolling in and surrounding him and asking him stuff about waterloo road!!!! man that was a good day

05-10-2016, 10:29 PM

05-10-2016, 10:53 PM
i have two is this allowed i bloomin hope so x

okay so my first fab memory is when i first started on habbo I joined a lil habbo military awh cute x but the times i had there were so fab all the main people were so lovely and i still have a few of them on fb, it was some of the funniest times i've had on habbo and id do anything to go back to that group of people (soz screw u guys) tho i did waste so much of my life on it doing raids and HOURS of training recruits
then i got upset oneday and trashed the google doc of all the members and got fired cos i didnt realise there was a 'last edited by' notice thing : )

my 2nd memory is when we all used to tinychat and nick tried to show off by doing a flip on his bed and he fell off 10/10 the noise of him hitting the floor was fabulous

05-10-2016, 11:56 PM
My favourite habbo memory has to be when I celebrated new years on habbo one year. I went into a party room and met some people, some in which I still speak to. I realized then that even during a hard time in my life, I was able to experience joy with those around the world.

06-10-2016, 12:44 AM
My favorite habbo memory has to be just playing wobble squabble and raging when i kept losing, so i decided to rage
lido dive down and hog it so the other player who was trying to lido dive could not get onto it and we started quarreling
and we made peace after some random dude gave us 25c each and asked us to stay calm & be friends. Weird that i became
friends with her, but she left habbo a few years ago and we did not exchange any contact information so ... she was kind
of one of the closest friends i had on habbo back then. We'll do everything together but after that, i felt like i don't fit in
anywhere :/ and the time when i had so many trax cds and trax machines and everyone was crowding around to get a feel
of my trax room xD First time i think i had pop hit 30? or 40 i can't remember but it was awesome

06-10-2016, 02:20 AM
Probably finally receiving my first dream item set, and then realizing its not all that. Its fun to have goals on habbo, and i enjoyed working towards it. So i just set newer and impossible ones.

06-10-2016, 02:22 AM
Probably finally receiving my first dream item set, and then realizing its not all that. Its fun to have goals on habbo, and i enjoyed working towards it. So i just set newer and impossible ones.

06-10-2016, 04:22 AM
when Elegance; said tht cerys liked me then it was love at first sight

06-10-2016, 06:20 AM
When we had a roast competition

06-10-2016, 06:51 AM
I remember when I was like 7 and someone quicktraded me when u could do that back in the day, ended up getting 1c for my HC sofa instead of a sack so I sat there irl and started crying...

06-10-2016, 06:06 PM
My fav memory is my first hxss in 2013

06-10-2016, 06:10 PM
I dont know if this counts but probably when DJs used to be so popular and everyone would literally be dancing around you. Good timez!

Dj mizki

08-10-2016, 01:11 PM
My Favourite Memory was when I was at my first fansite, we would all have weekly skype calls and talk to each other, make mini scenery for rooms and take habbo photos, it was so fun. We would sing in the call and dance and everything xD, I have a photo below of one that I just happened to save! I used to also have a little DJ Room from when I djed, i remember when it would get so full that everyone would be so upset because they couldn't get in! There used to be a teleport glitch, so if the room was full they would go in another room and go in a teleport to this one, and it let them into the full room, it was so fun! Unfortunately I don't have any saved photos of these rooms :(



09-10-2016, 10:57 AM
My Fave Habbo memory has to be hosting zombie runs, they're so much fun to play and host.

10-10-2016, 12:43 PM
My favourite memory from Habbo is back in the lost_witness days before wired existed and you could play a game or do a maze and have to put some thought and skill into it. I loved playing games like Pressure and DYP which nowadays just don't really work. I loved it back in the day when game rooms were so busy you would have to keep spamming to get in and instead of winning credits you'd win a decent rare.

12-10-2016, 09:01 PM
My Fave Habbo memory has to be hosting zombie runs, they're so much fun to play and host.

SO out of 15 entries in total, number 14 was my winner (aka you!) so congrats x

reply to this thread your username please and I'll trade you the dragon x

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