View Full Version : Most wanted Habbo feature?

20-01-2017, 05:02 PM
What's the feature you want most on Habbo?

A lot of people have said bringing back the friend management tool (so you could much easily see who was offline) but I think mine would definitely be the ability to click "select all" friends or "deselect all" so it's much much easier to invite people to rooms and switch back to messaging 1 person!

Also taking back all furni from MP would be very useful when you've got tons in :@

post your ideas and we'll share them on Twitter and hopefully get Habbo to take a look!!

20-01-2017, 05:25 PM
Multiple in/out of mp would be good but probably liable to making it all crash :P more customisations and limitations for room owners to set up would be useful for me - things like disabling whispers or a "people with rights can trade" option

20-01-2017, 06:36 PM
I agree with above, being able to select more than 1 furni at once to put in mp rather than 1 by 1 which can take agess.

21-01-2017, 12:14 AM
Hc without buying creds would be a good start. Totally ridic and maybe I might actually log on for more than 5 mins.

21-01-2017, 12:47 AM
I'd like the ability to bundle furniture together and state a price and be able to put them in the Market Place. So if you had 10 Holodice and you wanted 12c for them all, instead of it being 20c+ separately with MP commission you could just sell for that instead.

Although it would make them defunct more, an auction in the market place, so it'll be available for a certain amount of time and the highest bidder wins.

Also, the ability to see the buyer/seller in MP - this could be optional though in case you don't want people seeing what you bought or sold.

25-01-2017, 09:20 AM
Definitely the friend management tool my #1, honestly, that was the easiest way to delete friends. Agreed with all the other ones posted above.

25-01-2017, 02:46 PM
I didnt think of the friend management tool till people mentioned it. Id defo like to see that!

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