View Full Version : are you a sensitive/emotional person?

05-03-2017, 09:28 PM
i'm awf and i cry at so many films and even irl if i see someone cry i'll automatically start crying too i hate it so much hahaha


05-03-2017, 09:30 PM
I am quite sensitive, I cry at some films but I don't so much anymore maybe because I'm sort of person who watches the same films over and over even though I've seen them a million times. I am an emotional person too, I do get upset about certain things.

05-03-2017, 09:34 PM
Far too emotional! There's certain things I can just think about and instantly be crying for hours because they get to me/upset me so much. I take things to heart all the time and think about and internalise everything too much to the point that I just feel so down. Even if other people are unhappy it will make me really sad too and it's hard to shake off sometimes. Like things just pop into your head and you can't make them go away until they eat at you. Sometimes having a good cry can be good anyway I guess!

When I've been drinking it can go either way and I'll either be laughing my head off or sometimes it just intensifies the emotional side of me if I go too far and I go to pieces at stupid things.

05-03-2017, 09:40 PM
Far too emotional! There's certain things I can just think about and instantly be crying for hours because they get to me/upset me so much. I take things to heart all the time and think about and internalise everything too much to the point that I just feel so down. Even if other people are unhappy it will make me really sad too and it's hard to shake off sometimes. Like things just pop into your head and you can't make them go away until they eat at you. Sometimes having a good cry can be good anyway I guess!

When I've been drinking it can go either way and I'll either be laughing my head off or sometimes it just intensifies the emotional side of me if I go too far and I go to pieces at stupid things.

I remember when we both got really drunk and you started to cry and I got so worried because I didnt know what was going on. Not that you'd remember you were far too drunk!

05-03-2017, 09:42 PM
Far too emotional! There's certain things I can just think about and instantly be crying for hours because they get to me/upset me so much. I take things to heart all the time and think about and internalise everything too much to the point that I just feel so down. Even if other people are unhappy it will make me really sad too and it's hard to shake off sometimes. Like things just pop into your head and you can't make them go away until they eat at you. Sometimes having a good cry can be good anyway I guess!

When I've been drinking it can go either way and I'll either be laughing my head off or sometimes it just intensifies the emotional side of me if I go too far and I go to pieces at stupid things.

omfg i'm awful when i'm drunk too. i can remember more than one occasion with you i was ok and then i was crying over smth and i couldn't stop??? like in cardiff and llandudno lmao

05-03-2017, 09:47 PM
Its weird how people are like emotional drunks. I don't think I've ever cried when I'm drunk

05-03-2017, 09:48 PM
i cry about everything when i'm drunk it's awf

05-03-2017, 09:55 PM
Awww, maybe thats the queue to not overdrink or drink too much too fast!

05-03-2017, 10:15 PM
not outwardly emotional no. i keep it inside.

stiff British upper lip and all that. the world is sad enough without your problems.

05-03-2017, 10:34 PM
No, I have no feelings.

05-03-2017, 10:57 PM
not outwardly emotional no. i keep it inside.

stiff British upper lip and all that. the world is sad enough without your problems.

Is that not more harmful to yourself? :O

06-03-2017, 10:15 PM
I'm very insensitive. In other words, I keep things to myself. If I cry, something absolutely awful happened.

07-03-2017, 03:04 PM
I bottle things up, so no, I'm not an overly emotional person.

10-03-2017, 01:09 AM
Not overly. Teared up slightly at like 3 films in my life. One was sort of recently but I think I was slightly pissed so maybe I'm an "emotional" drunk.

10-03-2017, 11:47 AM
I would say I am a sensitive person... But not in the over-emotional type, but an individual who can sympathize and feel for another human being. I have always felt I could relate to those I either work with, or interact with on a daily basis because of that sensitivity to their attitude, or how they are during that moment.
So yeah, I would say I'm a sensitive person, but not in a generic way..

10-03-2017, 07:04 PM
Teared up slightly at like 3 films in my life.

Some movies tear me up. It better be damn sad though. Like something that could actually affect us in real life.

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