View Full Version : Why are you Liberal/Moderate/Conservative, etc?

14-03-2017, 09:38 PM
What makes you classify yourself as a liberal, moderate, or conservative? And why?

I personally tend to lean right for a number of reasons. Sick and tired of the way that my country was/is (USA), and I am glad that I have someone in office that I think will get things done!

So again, tell me where you fall and why you are as such. Discuss!

15-03-2017, 05:17 PM
Liberal because I'm not racist, sexist or homphobic.

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15-03-2017, 05:32 PM
Liberal because I'm not racist, sexist or homphobic.

Explain how a conservative is racist, sexist, and homophobic please? I'd like an explanation for all of them.

15-03-2017, 05:52 PM
Explain how a conservative is racist, sexist, and homophobic please? I'd like an explanation for all of them.
I didn't say you were, but evidently you just assume things based on no evidence.

15-03-2017, 06:02 PM
I didn't say you were, but evidently you just assume things based on no evidence.

Ah, well, it doesn't take a smart brain to understand that's what you mean. I'd just like to know why conservatives are:

racist, sexist or homphobic

15-03-2017, 06:08 PM
I'm a true independent apparently.

You are a true Independent! You don’t fully agree with either the Left or the Right and often find yourself frustrated with the current state of American politics. While you agree with much of what our Founding Fathers stood for, you also feel the need to move forward as times and culture change.


15-03-2017, 06:12 PM
I'm a true independent apparently.

You are a true Independent! You don’t fully agree with either the Left or the Right and often find yourself frustrated with the current state of American politics. While you agree with much of what our Founding Fathers stood for, you also feel the need to move forward as times and culture change.


Respect to you! I often times have found myself to be more moderate than anything.

16-03-2017, 09:37 PM
i'm mainly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Tory

but also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_conservatism

16-03-2017, 11:27 PM
IDK I personally think I lie somewhere between Liberal and Independent. Just doing Scott's quiz!!

You are a true Independent!You are a true Independent!
You are a true Independent! You don’t fully agree with either the Left or the Right and often find yourself frustrated with the current state of American politics. While you agree with much of what our Founding Fathers stood for, you also feel the need to move forward as times and culture change.

With the questions posed in this particular quiz I do agree with this. I think I just have liberal views but not to the extremes that some people do? Like take marriage for example, I think everyone should have the choice and civil partnerships still be an option, but there are some hardcore libs who will say NO ALL MARRIAGE SHOULD BE MARRIAGE, FOOOOOORCE PEOPLE TO BE EQUAL!!!

16-03-2017, 11:43 PM
I'm also a true independent, apparently.
I've been on all sides of the spectrum in my life and nicely sit in the centre right now (so I guess a liberal, but what kind :O who knows). Though I guess that's a moderate by US standards? Since for some reasons liberals to you are left wing...

What exactly were you sick and tired of?

16-03-2017, 11:46 PM
What exactly were you sick and tired of?

When the Obama administration took the white house, I got sick and tired of the new movement he started involving social justice, racism, and the way our country became super sensitive to everything, etc.

16-03-2017, 11:53 PM
When the Obama administration took the white house, I got sick and tired of the new movement he started involving social justice, racism, and the way our country became super sensitive to everything, etc.

What the hell has that got anything to do with his government? Like what did he do to any of that?
I genuinely think you're blaming the wrong people for this.

16-03-2017, 11:55 PM
What the hell has that got anything to do with his government? Like what did he do to any of that?
I genuinely think you're blaming the wrong people for this.

Really? He didn't denounce Black Lives Matter for the rioting did he? It's got a lot to do with the government. Passing the bathroom bill had to do with the government.

17-03-2017, 12:03 AM
Really? He didn't denounce Black Lives Matter for the rioting did he? It's got a lot to do with the government. Passing the bathroom bill had to do with the government.

He also didn't denounce Saudi Arabia, despite all their uh... issues. As far as I can see, there is no nationwide "bathroom bill", only by individual states.

And you're looking at them as causes to this new "political correctness" wave, when it is actually a reaction to it.

Honestly it's shocking you said those were the causes. If you came out with legitimate roots of the problem with evidence, then I might have been able to take this seriously. Shit doesn't just change overnight from 2 relatively small, isolated incidents.

17-03-2017, 12:05 AM
He also didn't denounce Saudi Arabia, despite all their uh... issues.

Don't you get it? His family has a muslim history.... No wonder he did absolutely nothing except airstrikes here and there. No wonder nothing was done with ISIS.

"And you're looking at them as causes to this new "political correctness" wave, when it is actually a reaction to it."

So I can infer that you support em right? Do you endorse riots?

17-03-2017, 12:40 AM
Don't you get it? His family has a muslim history.... No wonder he did absolutely nothing except airstrikes here and there. No wonder nothing was done with ISIS.

"And you're looking at them as causes to this new "political correctness" wave, when it is actually a reaction to it."

So I can infer that you support em right? Do you endorse riots?

Does Bin Laden dying under his administration not count for anything?

No I don't support them, be that the Obama administration or these "politically correct" individuals. I don't understand how you came to the conclusion I support either of them? In a similar light, I don't support those who voted leave in the UK, nor do I support the current UK government, but I entirely understand why the government and parliament are going ahead with it.

17-03-2017, 01:32 AM
Does Bin Laden dying under his administration not count for anything?

Nah dude, believe it, I was so happy when Bin Laden was killed lol.

The problem was when he pulled most of our guys out of the middle east. That created a nice vacuum for ISIS to form. Sad but true, we helped ISIS begin and rise by not being there and leaving.

17-03-2017, 12:36 PM
Nah dude, believe it, I was so happy when Bin Laden was killed lol.

The problem was when he pulled most of our guys out of the middle east. That created a nice vacuum for ISIS to form. Sad but true, we helped ISIS begin and rise by not being there and leaving.

ISIS and lots of other terrorism from that region was down to western intervention to begin with.

I don't really understand the point you're trying to make here. It's Obamas fault for not getting the US more involved with ISIS (or whatever it's called now) because he has "muslim connections", despite the fact Bin Laden was killed under his administration who was also a muslim which is a good reason to leave at that point because they have no other real reason to be there and this somehow relates to US citizens becoming more sensitive.

Really what you're mad at is the US wasn't swinging its dick so much so you want to go in and fuck those regions up even more!

17-03-2017, 12:42 PM
What the hell has that got anything to do with his government? Like what did he do to any of that?
I genuinely think you're blaming the wrong people for this.

The Obama administration and the President himself were under criticism within the United States for failing to properly denounce those rioting such as Ferguson and Black Lives Matter, excusing them or failing to properly condemn Police murders by these street gangs. As somebody who listens to a US talk show every night and has done for three or four years, this wasn't covered in the British press but was covered extensively in the US. Hence your apparent surprise at these attacks on his legacy.

Many Americans view Obama as a disgrace to the office of the Presidency for this and much more, hence why his successor got her arse handed to her in the Presidential Election. Of course, British media were in love with Obama (remember the gushing from the BBC compared with the constant sneering as George W Bush) so you're probably unaware of this controversy surrounding him.

17-03-2017, 01:00 PM
Really what you're mad at is the US wasn't swinging its dick so much so you want to go in and fuck those regions up even more!

Exactly! We fucked it up. Now we need to take responsibility and finish.

17-03-2017, 01:04 PM
The Obama administration and the President himself were under criticism within the United States for failing to properly denounce those rioting such as Ferguson and Black Lives Matter, excusing them or failing to properly condemn Police murders by these street gangs. As somebody who listens to a US talk show every night and has done for three or four years, this wasn't covered in the British press but was covered extensively in the US. Hence your apparent surprise at these attacks on his legacy.

Many Americans view Obama as a disgrace to the office of the Presidency for this and much more, hence why his successor got her arse handed to her in the Presidential Election. Of course, British media were in love with Obama (remember the gushing from the BBC compared with the constant sneering as George W Bush) so you're probably unaware of this controversy surrounding him.

No I'm entirely aware thanks, I just don't see how that has anything to do with this wave of political correctness. I'm not even defending Obama for his lack of reaction, just simply that it really isn't the cause of what Landon was complaining about.

Also, Clinton did get more votes so "arse handed to her" is a tad of an exaggeration. Though I better be careful saying that, you might assume I like Clinton because I countered something you said which attacked her!!

Exactly! We fucked it up. Now we need to take responsibility and finish.

Oh my god

17-03-2017, 01:07 PM
Oh my god

At least we take responsibility for it. And you have nothing to say other than 'oh my god'.

17-03-2017, 01:43 PM
Oh my god indeed.

17-03-2017, 01:45 PM
Oh my god indeed.

Yet there's no argument to give back. You know quite well it was a mistake to withdraw from the middle east. Liberals think we need to let the middle east go to hell. Not how I was raised.

17-03-2017, 07:09 PM
At least we take responsibility for it. And you have nothing to say other than 'oh my god'.

You're literally suggesting that, to solve the problem, you should do the thing which significantly contributed to the cause. Nice idea.

17-03-2017, 07:17 PM
You're literally suggesting that, to solve the problem, you should do the thing which significantly contributed to the cause. Nice idea.

Thanks! We created a big problem and we might as well go back in and finish it up lmao. Read the news. ISIS has been a big problem, especially these past two years.

17-03-2017, 07:49 PM
Just like before that Al-Qaeda was, and before that the Taliban, and before that the Chechens, and before that the IJO, and before that the Puerto Rican separatists, and before that the Communists...

Should be clear by now that invading countries doesn't stop terrorism

17-03-2017, 07:51 PM
Should be clear by now that invading countries doesn't stop terrorism

But leaving them starts it, yes?

We learned that the hard way.

17-03-2017, 07:57 PM
No lol terrorism didn't start in 2007

17-03-2017, 08:43 PM
No lol terrorism didn't start in 2007

Of course not. But do you deny that when we left it made it 100x worse? That's why the middle east is chaos at the moment.

17-03-2017, 09:02 PM
Should have left earlier like you were meant to

17-03-2017, 09:15 PM
Should have left earlier like you were meant to

Look how that turned out

17-03-2017, 09:19 PM
It didn't turn out, you didn't do it :S do you even know the history of the region lol

17-03-2017, 09:33 PM
Thanks! We created a big problem and we might as well go back in and finish it up lmao. Read the news. ISIS has been a big problem, especially these past two years.

It won't do shit. There's fundamental issues with the region that are best off left for them to sort out. The issues started well before more recent conflicts.

17-03-2017, 09:33 PM
It didn't turn out, you didn't do it :S do you even know the history of the region lol

I'm just confused at the moment lmao.

It won't do shit. There's fundamental issues with the region that are best off left for them to sort out. The issues started well before more recent conflicts.

Much agreed that there are core issues it has even before the United States. But shouldn't we be doing the best that we can to fight off those issues?

17-03-2017, 11:30 PM
Much agreed that there are core issues it has even before the United States. But shouldn't we be doing the best that we can to fight off those issues?

No, because we keep causing them. Do you not understand that doing the same thing again will do nothing? You can't kill an ideology off with weapons, especially when a lot of that ideology is "we hate the west". Going in an acting as an invader doesn't promote a positive image. Just let them sort their own issues and own borders out rather than make more of a mess.

18-03-2017, 12:55 AM
No, because we keep causing them. Do you not understand that doing the same thing again will do nothing? You can't kill an ideology off with weapons, especially when a lot of that ideology is "we hate the west". Going in an acting as an invader doesn't promote a positive image. Just let them sort their own issues and own borders out rather than make more of a mess.

That's the problem. I'd love to let them sort out their own issues but its not working. It was better off when we were there. We shouldn't have been there in the first place but there's nothing we can do about that now, right?

20-03-2017, 04:23 PM
That's the problem. I'd love to let them sort out their own issues but its not working.


It was better off when we were there.


We shouldn't have been there in the first place but there's nothing we can do about that now, right?

Yes it's called stop supporting the bombing of a country you (and I) know basically nothing about which is miles away from you as you sit there comfortably in your home. When Europe was in a constant state of war pre-20th century, there was no foreign power intervening in an attempt to make us "better". The only reason the US really got involved in Europe during WW1/2 because it was in their own best interests...

20-03-2017, 05:29 PM
Yes it's called stop supporting the bombing of a country you (and I) know basically nothing about which is miles away from you as you sit there comfortably in your home. When Europe was in a constant state of war pre-20th century, there was no foreign power intervening in an attempt to make us "better". The only reason the US really got involved in Europe during WW1/2 because it was in their own best interests...

Oh sorry. I have to live there or near the vicinity to know whether or not we need to bomb them.

20-03-2017, 05:30 PM
need to bomb them.

Says it all really

20-03-2017, 05:32 PM
Says it all really

Explain please

20-03-2017, 05:39 PM
The fact that you think we NEED to bomb people is half hilarious and half terrifying

20-03-2017, 05:59 PM
The fact that you think we NEED to bomb people is half hilarious and half terrifying

I find it hilarious and terrifying that you chose to not quote all of what I said so as to make me look bad without providing context.

whether or not we need to bomb them

And to your disappointment, I think we need ground forces instead!

20-03-2017, 06:20 PM
Oh sorry. I have to live there or near the vicinity to know whether or not we need to bomb them.

No? I'm saying it's really easy to support the bombing of something which won't actually affect you which is similar to the criticism of plenty of military leaders who are happy to send people out to war as they stay in safe places.
I question how much reading you've actually done compared to how much is blind opinion.

Still waiting on those sources by the way.

20-03-2017, 06:31 PM
No? I'm saying it's really easy to support the bombing of something which won't actually affect you which is similar to the criticism of plenty of military leaders who are happy to send people out to war as they stay in safe places.
I question how much reading you've actually done compared to how much is blind opinion.

It's really easy to not support a bombing or a war because you're far away, isn't it?

And to your request on sources when I said it's better off when we were there, take a look at the recorded beheadings and burnings that ISIS has done. Ask yourself why that is. It's because they can. They're not afraid to chop off heads on television because they're aware that no ones going to come after them for it. There's no way to give you numbers on how many people are in isis and present over there. But I sure as hell will say this: if you think that the middle east is better off now and that we should leave them alone for lining up 21 Christians on a beach and slitting their throats, then you should be ashamed of yourself.

20-03-2017, 07:23 PM
I find it hilarious and terrifying that you chose to not quote all of what I said so as to make me look bad without providing context.

You look bad whether I'm trying or not, especially when you pretend there's more to a quote than there is and then you yourself cut it down instead of using the entire line - and with the entire line (and what it's in reply to) it's obvious that you are saying we need to bomb places.

They're not afraid to chop off heads on television because they're aware that no ones going to come after them for it.

I don't think you understand how terrorism works. It's not about what THEY're scared of doing, they do it all to instill fear in OTHERS. Seems to be working very well on you

20-03-2017, 07:28 PM
You look bad whether I'm trying or not, especially when you pretend there's more to a quote than there is and then you yourself cut it down instead of using the entire line - and with the entire line (and what it's in reply to) it's obvious that you are saying we need to bomb places.

Can you read? I just said we need ground forces instead of bombing haha

I don't think you understand how terrorism works. It's not about what THEY're scared of doing, they do it all to instill fear in OTHERS. Seems to be working very well on you

Nah, I am very fortunate to live smack in the middle of a country where I don't need to be scared (although the past year has brought some homegrown terror), so I'm not scared at all.

But by not being concerned about issues like you seem to think is acceptable, nothing is ever done. Although I guess it's a bit hypocritical because liberals are always the ones that cry, complain, and riot to get their way.

20-03-2017, 08:44 PM
Why on earth is it ever ok to BOMB PEOPLE I don't understand

20-03-2017, 08:57 PM
Can you read? I just said we need ground forces instead of bombing haha

When you change your mind AFTER a reply that's not an issue on my part lol, that's you changing your tune. You replied to a post talking about supporting bombing with a pretty clear "not bombing places is a bad idea", the fact that you said something else later has no bearing on a reply that came before. Yes you said you wanted ground forces in... after what I was talking about. You change the subject even more than Dan, it's great

20-03-2017, 09:06 PM
It's really easy to not support a bombing or a war because you're far away, isn't it?

Yes it's much easier? I don't live in a bombed out hell hole and I quite like it this way, as I'm sure many civilians in those areas would.

And to your request on sources when I said it's better off when we were there, take a look at the recorded beheadings and burnings that ISIS has done. Ask yourself why that is. It's because they can. They're not afraid to chop off heads on television because they're aware that no ones going to come after them for it. There's no way to give you numbers on how many people are in isis and present over there. But I sure as hell will say this: if you think that the middle east is better off now and that we should leave them alone for lining up 21 Christians on a beach and slitting their throats, then you should be ashamed of yourself.

Have you ever seen the David Haines (and I think others) beheading videos where they literally blame their action on western intervention?
I've never said the middle east is better off now, if anything I've been asserting the fact that the west getting involved has made it a shit hole and that it will only improve when we stop interfering on the scale we do.

In a specific response to this part: "take a look at the recorded beheadings and burnings that ISIS has done". That isn't a source. Telling someone to find evidence to back up your point does not back up your point. Either you find your evidence or your claims are meaningless.

What's your view on Saudi Arabia?

21-03-2017, 12:54 AM
What's your view on Saudi Arabia?

I probably shouldn't be commenting on this one because of my lack of knowledge in the country specifically. :)

Yes it's much easier? I don't live in a bombed out hell hole and I quite like it this way, as I'm sure many civilians in those areas would.

Even if I did support bombing, it would not involve bombing civilians. That's my reasoning against it. It's too hard to pinpoint.

Yes you said you wanted ground forces in... after what I was talking about. You change the subject even more than Dan, it's great

Ha, nice personal attack. But you're saying that I should have said I wanted ground forces BEFORE you said something? What kind of self-needy narcissist are you? lol

21-03-2017, 01:17 AM
No I'm saying that you're inventing responses to things that hadn't been said. Try again

21-03-2017, 01:41 AM
No I'm saying that you're inventing responses to things that hadn't been said. Try again

"source" please

21-03-2017, 02:11 AM
What. I literally explained exactly what was happening, I have no idea what more can be said on it

-stop supporting the bombing of far away countries
-grrrr no I don't have to be nearby to say we need to bomb people
-wow you think we NEED to bomb people
-no how dare you suggest that I said such a thing, I will now say something totally different and pretend that that's what I originally said

21-03-2017, 02:15 AM
What. I literally explained exactly what was happening, I have no idea what more can be said on it

-stop supporting the bombing of far away countries
-grrrr no I don't have to be nearby to say we need to bomb people
-wow you think we NEED to bomb people
-no how dare you suggest that I said such a thing, I will now say something totally different and pretend that that's what I originally said

You still haven't quoted me on how I've switched ideas lol

21-03-2017, 08:29 AM
This is a new level of stupid, god help America and their education system.

Ot I'm independent

21-03-2017, 02:28 PM
America and their education system

You not a fan of common core like me?

21-03-2017, 05:48 PM
I probably shouldn't be commenting on this one because of my lack of knowledge in the country specifically. :)

The salt is real. Still no evidence for any of your claims and your blatant ignoring of me mentioning the Haines beheading really kills any credibility.

But I assume you know why I mentioned Saudi Arabia, yes?

Even if I did support bombing, it would not involve bombing civilians. That's my reasoning against it. It's too hard to pinpoint.

Unfortunately unmanned drones have become a much bigger thing.

21-03-2017, 05:52 PM
The salt is real. Still no evidence for any of your claims and your blatant ignoring of me mentioning the Haines beheading really kills any credibility.

But I assume you know why I mentioned Saudi Arabia, yes?

Dude, what is your problem? I said I will not comment because I don't have enough knowledge about the country to do so. And no, I don't know what you mean.

I was not 'salt' at all.

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