View Full Version : Support for Scottish Independence collapses in latest poll

25-04-2017, 08:12 PM

Only one poll yada yada but how interesting.

There has been a trend since the EU referendum *away* from Scottish independence. I always said that I believed Britain leaving the European Union would actually strengthen the Union in the long run as you wouldn't have the competition of two central authorities (Westminster and Brussels) of which there was only ever going to be room for one, Brussels, to exist. The EU always sought to weaken states via regionalism.

Apparently the SNP have been worried since last summer as they realise time is now against them. Their popularity is beginning to fall after the honeymoon period - with the Tories staging a comeback in Scotland - and once Britain is outside of the EU the SNP will then have to argue for full EU membership including mandatory eventual Euro membership. Why would a country that has just (hypothetically) voted for independence then be in the mood to hands vast powers back over to Brussels?

More to the point, Theresa May as PM has made a point about the Union time and time again. An emotional appeal to it - contrast this to David Cameron who basically told the Scots to vote correctly or face economic collapse. I said over and over again the Union could only be saved by appealing to identity and to the heart: and so it proves.

Rule Britannia. :8 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/ae/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg/23px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png

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