View Full Version : HORRIBLE fire in London

14-06-2017, 03:50 AM

Livestream, catch it if you are awake rn.

Looks like it's gonna collapse. I'm watching live, I haven't seen people jumping but the comments say some did. Thinking it might be arson, a microwave fire can't cause this.

14-06-2017, 04:10 AM
Seen some rumors that a fridge blew up?

14-06-2017, 08:12 AM
It looks horrific my mum can see it from her workplace

The cause isn't known yet, 50 ppl injured and multiple fatalities

Some residents said fire alarms didnt go off

14-06-2017, 10:06 AM
Wow, that looks horrific. I bet it had to be something big to cause a fire like that. Hopefully people got out without having to jump.

14-06-2017, 10:19 AM
6 people dead

Some people were seen jumping and a lady had to throw her baby down from the 9th/10th floor

14-06-2017, 10:27 AM
Oh wow, that's insane. I can't imagine how hard that must have been.

“There’s no fire alarms in the corridors, no sprinklers, nothing. There’s only smoke detectors in the flat and they didn’t go off.”

the fire spread at an “unbelievable” speed. “Things were just falling off, the debris, it was shocking how fast it spread. I think it was new material - it’s just been renovated. There’s been fires there before and that’s never happened.”

I can't believe there isn't fire alarms or sprinklers in a building like that, you'd think it'd be a hazard not to have them in case of situations like these. Plus the fact that someone has said there has been fires there before, but this one seems to just spread so quickly also shocks me. Should they be making these buildings strong enough to withstand such things, not just collapse?


14-06-2017, 10:34 AM
Lots of residents blaming the plastic cladding which was put on as part of an £8m refurb for the speed it spread

14-06-2017, 10:41 AM
Makes sense, although if you're spending that type of money on a refurb you wanna make sure it's good quality and won't result in things like this. My girlfriend lived in London for a few years and she said that things are done cheaply there so that might explain it but cutting corners costs lives.

14-06-2017, 11:19 AM
Apparently they were told, in event of a fire, to stay in their flats.

The lesson? Never listen to authority/experts when it doesn't add up.

14-06-2017, 03:07 PM

"Muslims Beginning Ramadan Fast May Have Saved Lives In Grenfell Tower"

14-06-2017, 04:36 PM
12 people confirmed dead now... still expected to rise

If the plastic cladding is to blame for the rapid spread of the fire then it will be very damning for the people who developed it and also the government and politicians who have ignored residents for years regarding safety issues. The plastic cladding is going up all over tower blocks in London to make them look nicer and more attractive for luxury flat owners while ignoring the working class and the deep social issues associated with them! Outdated tower blocks need to be knocked down and new housing estates and shorter apartment buildings built (already happening in some areas)

- - - Updated - - -


This boy spoke a lot of sense on BBC this morning (apart from him saying it wasn't an accident)

14-06-2017, 05:02 PM
Apparently there have been numerous government failings being reported today concerning this - like BoJo shutting down numerous fire stations, MPs voting against a bill to enforce landlords to make houses habitable, a report that came out four years ago warning about the fire risk of buildings such as this one etc.

I mean everything is coming back to bite the conservatives so bad.

14-06-2017, 05:09 PM

This blog, run by local residents of the block predicted such an event due to safety failings, speaks volumes - so surreal

14-06-2017, 05:14 PM

This blog, run by local residents of the block predicted such an event due to safety failings, speaks volumes - so surreal

Crazy! Lawsuits for a long time to come, I guarantee it.

14-06-2017, 05:54 PM
Apparently there have been numerous government failings being reported today concerning this - like BoJo shutting down numerous fire stations, MPs voting against a bill to enforce landlords to make houses habitable, a report that came out four years ago warning about the fire risk of buildings such as this one etc.

I mean everything is coming back to bite the conservatives so bad.

All of which are totally irrelevant.

IF ONLY we'd doubled state spending then fires would never happen and we could have sprinkler systems everywhere.

14-06-2017, 05:55 PM
All of which are totally irrelevant.

IF ONLY we'd doubled state spending then fires would never happen and we could have sprinkler systems everywhere.

Did I hear correctly that this building was grandfathered into an old code?

14-06-2017, 06:06 PM
Did I hear correctly that this building was grandfathered into an old code?

What's that mean?

14-06-2017, 06:08 PM
What's that mean?

Essentially means that since the building is up by the time the new fire codes are created, it obviously doesn't have to comply with the new ones or something like that. Idk how it really works.

But to put it in perspective its like if you've got an old phone on a plan and they technically clear the plan from being sold, you can still remain on the plan. That's called being grandfathered in.

14-06-2017, 06:12 PM
Essentially means that since the building is up by the time the new fire codes are created, it obviously doesn't have to comply with the new ones or something like that. Idk how it really works.

But to put it in perspective its like if you've got an old phone on a plan and they technically clear the plan from being sold, you can still remain on the plan. That's called being grandfathered in.

Oh. Not heard of that before, must be a yank expression.

I expect so. The building is one of those badly built 1960s or 1970s eyesores that the government threw up following World War II and they were dire. As soon as most of them were built they had problems. Most around the country have now been demolished.

My own city had dozens around the city centre and there's like only four left standing.

15-06-2017, 08:56 AM
It's horrible that lives were lost simply because they decided to turn a blind eye to the complaints they received but I guess they didn't want to put money into something they want to get rid of. In some ways, they've managed to get what they want because I doubt they'd be able to save the tower now so it'll be destroyed. I just wish it was under better circumstances.

15-06-2017, 06:39 PM
Will someone just nip into Grenfall Flats and see if my baked potato is done?

15-06-2017, 07:09 PM
It looks like the emergency services expect the death toll to reach triple figures

15-06-2017, 07:26 PM
the most harrowing part of this story is hearing about parents who threw their children out of windows to save them, probably knowing they'd have very little chance of seeing them again

makes me just feel sick :(

if anyone can, donate to the dispossessed fund which is the official one overall: http://www.dispossessedfund.org.uk/

15-06-2017, 07:56 PM
If you can afford it there's a comedy show being put on raising money for the cause, £50 so might not be in everyone's price range but incredible lineup for it

Confirmed acts:
Michael McIntyre (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/michael_mcintyre/)
Kevin Bridges (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/kevin_bridges/)
Alan Carr (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/alan_carr/)
Micky Flanagan (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/micky_flanagan/)
Jo Brand (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/jo_brand/)
Rob Beckett (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/rob_beckett/)
Josh Widdicombe (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/josh_widdicombe/)
Jon Richardson (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/jon_richardson/)
Katherine Ryan (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/katherine_ryan/)
Seann Walsh (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/seann_walsh/)
Adam Hills (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/adam_hills/)
Russell Kane (https://www.comedy.co.uk/people/russell_kane/)

16-06-2017, 03:57 AM
Lily Allen pisses me off. Downplaying the death toll?? Maybe she should go in grenfell and count each body then the stupid bitch. They can't just say 100+ people have died without complete confirmation. It may sound wrong but most of the dead will not be able to be identified except from dental records etc. It makes me so mad how much of an idiot someone can be. When did the use of common sense become so less common????

16-06-2017, 11:18 AM
News has been all about this last few days, I'm very curious of what the outcome will be and if they will identify any of the bodies so the families can get closure

16-06-2017, 12:33 PM
Lily Allen is like Russell Brand, loves to get angry and self righteous about stuff she doesn't understand for the sake of looking like she cares. Sadly the kids do eat it up

16-06-2017, 04:15 PM
Protests taking place now


16-06-2017, 04:28 PM
Apparently this is Lily Allen's house -


Looks like its the ideal time for her to put her money where her big fat mouth is and to open her home up to refugees and immigrants, some of whom were involved in the fire. I reckon she could get at least a few dozen of them in there.

16-06-2017, 04:39 PM
Protesting about fire what

16-06-2017, 04:45 PM
Apparently this is Lily Allen's house -


Looks like its the ideal time for her to put her money where her big fat mouth is and to open her home up to refugees and immigrants, some of whom were involved in the fire. I reckon she could get at least a few dozen of them in there.

A quick google would've shown you that isn't her house (anymore) - she lives in Kensington, probs in a very lush house


Everything Lily Allen said in her C4 interview was true

- - - Updated - - -

Protesting about fire what

Protesting about a lack of info.. organisation.. and the general treatment of these people by the council and govt for many years

16-06-2017, 05:08 PM
What info are they wanting the investigations have barely started and organisation seems ok the fire dept were fantastic in getting there as quick as they did in such numbers and with such resources. Just another excuse for the facebook brigade to show how much they totally care with a new snapchat filter while ignoring the fact that five MILLION pounds has already been put up as a relief fund by the government. All they're doing is getting in the way of the work that actually needs doing

16-06-2017, 05:09 PM
They're already storming the Kensington council offices and looks like it is kicking off.

Not surprising though, they're just acting like they do in the third world countries they came from.


I HEARD apparently sprinklers weren't installed as residents did not want the disruption. Says it all. It's all the Tories fault though...

16-06-2017, 05:25 PM
Corbyn and Labour calling for the seizure of private property in the area over this (yes, really) like some tinpot dictatorship.


16-06-2017, 05:43 PM
I HEARD apparently sprinklers weren't installed as residents did not want the disruption. Says it all. It's all the Tories fault though...

Even if that's the case they should have installed them anyway, it's fundamental fire safety. Interesting to see you blaming the deaths of the residents on themselves though. I guess victims of terror attacks are at fault just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Not surprising though, they're just acting like they do in the third world countries they came from.

And all the white British people there too, and people born in this country, yeah? This is a class issue - you know immigration isn't a factor of everything ever?

What info are they wanting the investigations have barely started and organisation seems ok the fire dept were fantastic in getting there as quick as they did in such numbers and with such resources. Just another excuse for the facebook brigade to show how much they totally care with a new snapchat filter while ignoring the fact that five MILLION pounds has already been put up as a relief fund by the government. All they're doing is getting in the way of the work that actually needs doing

People have specifically said they want honesty on how many people have died and to stop downplaying it, even if everyone hasn't been identified the number of dead is bound to be significantly higher and if people are still missing at this point then it's obvious where they are.

People want to know why safety concerns regarding the tower block were ignored by the council... people want to know why such flammable materials were used in a £10m refurb when the cost of making it safer would have been miniscule...

The organisation is far from OKAY... literally the entire local response is being handled by local volunteers and residents, why isn't there an official relief effort in place? There is a lack of officials in contact with friends and family of the victims - I've seen two people on the news today say they have had more help from the media than local authorities and officials

I welcome and I'm sure those affected welcome the public inquiry and relief funds but these are long-term responses people need immediate responses.. no one is taking any responsibility and the working class have been ignored for so long it took a disaster killing potentially over 100 people to expose it

16-06-2017, 05:53 PM
There are no immediate responses and any made would be guesses, can't just wave a magic wand and know the answers to all the questions. Things need to be done right rather than being rushed through, as this whole mess has shown. Also there is an official relief fund, already mentioned that

16-06-2017, 05:57 PM
What we really need here is to show some love and peace, not to get angry. #LoveNotHate #ThisIsLondon

And on sprinklers, the truth is if we had installed sprinklers then the fire wins. #FireWillNotDivideUs

Even if that's the case they should have installed them anyway, it's fundamental fire safety. I guess victims of terror attacks are at fault just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

I'm just puzzled as to why the supposedly strapped-for-cash council is housing so many foreigners at the expense of the taxpayer, especially in a city where even young British people who have good jobs can't even afford to buy a basic flat let alone a house.

What looks like the potential start of riots by these people is a disgrace when we don't even know the cause yet. It's just any old excuse to smash things up which is exactly what happens in the countries they come from. Add to that the fact that lunatic marxists in the Momentum/Labour movement are also there stirring it up. The same left wing fascists who turn up at EDL demonstrations and cause fights.


Interesting to see you blaming the deaths of the residents on themselves though.

Uhhh if they refused sprinklers then who's fault is it otherwise?

Wait. Let me guess. Theresa May? Tory Cuts? Neoliberalism? Private landlords?

And all the white British people there too, and people born in this country, yeah? This is a class issue - you know immigration isn't a factor of everything ever?

It certainly is a factor if they're on the streets rioting and storming council offices.

16-06-2017, 06:00 PM
There are no immediate responses and any made would be guesses, can't just wave a magic wand and know the answers to all the questions. Things need to be done right rather than being rushed through, as this whole mess has shown. Also there is an official relief fund, already mentioned that

They know how many people are dead - this is the main thing people want and need to know right now rather than giving ppl false hope

I know there is an official relief fund, I acknowledged it on my post but I mean on the ground why is it just mainly local residents dealing with the aftermath

16-06-2017, 06:07 PM
People have specifically said they want honesty on how many people have died and to stop downplaying it, even if everyone hasn't been identified the number of dead is bound to be significantly higher and if people are still missing at this point then it's obvious where they are.

It's not really downplaying it, they shouldn't pronounce them as dead until it's confirmed, you could announce someone as dead when they're on holiday or something.. (probably not but you get the concept)

People want to know why safety concerns regarding the tower block were ignored by the council... people want to know why such flammable materials were used in a £10m refurb when the cost of making it safer would have been miniscule...

They need to do an investigation and get to the bottom of it imo which is what's happening isn't it, protesting won't do anything

The organisation is far from OKAY... literally the entire local response is being handled by local volunteers and residents, why isn't there an official relief effort in place? There is a lack of officials in contact with friends and family of the victims - I've seen two people on the news today say they have had more help from the media than local authorities and officials

I welcome and I'm sure those affected welcome the public inquiry and relief funds but these are long-term responses people need immediate responses.. no one is taking any responsibility and the working class have been ignored for so long it took a disaster killing potentially over 100 people to expose it


- - - Updated - - -

What we really need here is to show some love and peace, not to get angry. #LoveNotHate #ThisIsLondon

And on sprinklers, the truth is if we had installed sprinklers then the fire wins. #FireWillNotDivideUs

I'm just puzzled as to why the supposedly strapped-for-cash council is housing so many foreigners at the expense of the taxpayer, especially in a city where even young British people who have good jobs can't even afford to buy a basic flat let alone a house.

What looks like the potential start of riots by these people is a disgrace when we don't even know the cause yet. It's just any old excuse to smash things up which is exactly what happens in the countries they come from. Add to that the fact that lunatic marxists in the Momentum/Labour movement are also there stirring it up. The same left wing fascists who turn up at EDL demonstrations and cause fights.


Uhhh if they refused sprinklers then who's fault is it otherwise?

Wait. Let me guess. Theresa May? Tory Cuts? Neoliberalism? Private landlords?

It certainly is a factor if they're on the streets rioting and storming council offices.

You say that then post an image in which there's 1 black person I can see out of like 15?

16-06-2017, 06:09 PM
More to the point many bodies will be buried under rubble and/or burnt to bones mixed in with other bones/body parts. You could find some bones and not know whether you're looking at one body/skeleton or that of a family.

- - - Updated - - -

You say that then post an image in which there's 1 black person I can see out of like 15?

What's black people got to do with it?

16-06-2017, 06:13 PM
on the ground why is it just mainly local residents dealing with the aftermath

Because as nasty as it sounds the officials and people with the real power have more important things to do than hugs and handshakes - if they take time out from their work then this enormous mess takes longer to be sorted. Besides, when May went down there she was basically chased out of the area, so it doesn't seem like the residents really want government officials to be there other than as someone to vent their anger at

16-06-2017, 06:32 PM
politicians go to a big tragedy for support: omg they are just trying to further their politics :@
politician doesn't go to a big tragedy: wow they don't care about people

16-06-2017, 08:45 PM
I have said this before, but this is one of the reasons Adele is one of my favourite celebrities even if I am not a massive fan of her music. Like Lily Allen she attended a vigil for this, but didn't tell anyone, didn't mouth off on television and didn't tweet about it.

Class - you either have it or you don't.

19-06-2017, 09:38 AM
79 people dead or missing

19-06-2017, 10:03 AM
The attempt to get the PM to be jeered at and/or cry to the cameras is just another part of the Dianafication of our society.

There's now a good proportion of people in this country who seem to feed off grief.

19-06-2017, 11:26 AM
79 people dead or missing

this is 100% wrong right? 100's are dead yet people are being misinformed of this by the media by saying that they are missing. there are loads and loads of volunteers and people donating clothes and food to all these missing people but none of it is being used because all these missing people are dead lol. arent they just minimising the situation?

19-06-2017, 11:29 AM
this is 100% wrong right? 100's are dead yet people are being misinformed of this by the media by saying that they are missing. there are loads and loads of volunteers and people donating clothes and food to all these missing people but none of it is being used because all these missing people are dead lol. arent they just minimising the situation?

It's procedure, not a cover up.

It's like if the blood of a missing person is found in the boot of a car, we don't declare the person dead even if it's extremely likely because there's the possibility they're alive. Until the bodies can be identified that is - very hard to do in a fire that raged over 24 hours. Obviously relatives will pretty much de facto know already and will adjust accordingly.

19-06-2017, 11:31 AM
Lily Allen pisses me off. Downplaying the death toll?? Maybe she should go in grenfell and count each body then the stupid ****. They can't just say 100+ people have died without complete confirmation. It may sound wrong but most of the dead will not be able to be identified except from dental records etc. It makes me so mad how much of an idiot someone can be. When did the use of common sense become so less common????

mate its common sense to realise that most of the missing people that cannot be found have been cremated in the fire. im sorry but i dont think these people who are missing have gone very far

- - - Updated - - -

It's procedure, not a cover up.

It's like if the blood of a missing person is found in the boot of a car, we don't declare the person dead even if it's extremely likely because there's the possibility they're alive. Until the bodies can be identified that is - very hard to do in a fire that raged over 24 hours. Obviously relatives will pretty much de facto know already and will adjust accordingly.
yep thats true but still doesnt defer from the fact that the situation has been downplayed like people in here have stated before. funny how people can automatically call a brown man running down people in the street a terror attack within 20 mins of it happening but the media are struggling to report that hundreds have possibly died in the fire which was near enough inescapable.

19-06-2017, 02:56 PM
Just read about a family being found safe after being reported missing after the fire. Good job they didn't add them to the list of those presumed dead before even knowing right? 👍

21-06-2017, 09:15 PM
New apartments being handed over to the families who lost their homes now, lots of anger about how long it's taken but frankly I think a week is pretty good going for finishing off an entire complex that wasn't fully done at the time and having all the checks and admin sorted, and better than robbing people like a certain electoral runner-up wanted

Investigations ongoing into how widespread a problem this cladding is and hopefully no more accidents from it all

22-06-2017, 02:47 PM
All the refugees and immigrants in the tower being given luxury accommodation at the expense of the British taxpayer while our own people who have worked all their lives and fallen on hard times, as well as former soldiers, sit waiting on lists for basic flats.



How about enforcing the law and deporting the lot who are costing us a fortune?

22-06-2017, 06:29 PM
These are people who lost their homes due to government failures, even May accepts that. They're not people who just happen to be poor or want a free house because they'd rather raise kids than have a job, they're victims of a horrific accident who are being partly compensated by having somewhere to sleep

22-06-2017, 08:19 PM
These are people who lost their homes due to government failures, even May accepts that. They're not people who just happen to be poor or want a free house because they'd rather raise kids than have a job, they're victims of a horrific accident who are being partly compensated by having somewhere to sleep

And they're here, living on the teet of the British taxpayer, because of government failures to control the borders too.

22-06-2017, 09:18 PM
Not quite the same thing as dying through negligence

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