View Full Version : What have you dreamed tonight?

10-08-2017, 04:54 PM
Everything happens on our body for a good reason, don't matter if it hurts

No one really goes to sleep in order to "rest him/herself" - we all sleep to dream (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9Wnh0V4HMM), or else we would never keep our sanity much longer

At first, you wake up. Lots of boring things happen in the meantime between the sleep and the wake up, such as the task of "registering on your memory" the phone number from someone, seeing an uncompleted piece of newspaper floating on the windy city and some cute (but temporary) people to look at


But, let's say... an unexpected and very good things happens. On your commute, an avalanche of Southern Butterflies begins to fly around you, because you were one of them in a past life, probably. You get very emotional about this


Now, let's see how these everyday details are being registered on your brain


Nothing that we do learn during a day is automatically "fixed" on our memory - first of all, the fragments of knowledge are sent to an important and hard-working part of our brain called limbic system (it's the blue thing on the image above)


Obviously, both the Flying Butterflies and the Phone Number are "inside" the limbic system, as well as all the other HUNDRED things you've involuntarily registered while you eyes were open. The limbic system, though, is extremely limited and it only has space to accumulate a single day of useless (or not) information. When it's about to get full, we begin to feel on ourselves a delicious thing:


SLEEPINESS! Whenever you feel sleepy, it does not mean you're physically tired: It's just your limbic system; it's screaming to you "please, please, empty me, I want to learn more things!"


When you're sleeping, the cleaning begins to happen. The limbic system is very, very selective about what kind of info it wants to discard into the darkness of forgetfulness and what it'll send to the cortex (the magenta thing on this picture), the ultimate center of our brain, where all the information are PERMANENTLY PLACED.

Because of this, the limbic system will only send things to the cortex if these information contains at least a fair dose of emotional bias, if that information were received by you with a huge pleasure, sadness, surprise, etc... or, even, through hard work


And this is how it's worked, on the Butterflies. Therefore, it's became an everlasting memory


This process of memorizing something (forever) only happens while we're sleeping.. and it's a good thing, because it requires a lot of our brain, considering that, once an information is being digested by ourselves, a whole network of neurons need to be reconfigured in order to "welcome" new ideas and concepts,

and it's very TRAUMATIC! Your eyes begin to roll at full speed (that's why the neuron rearrangement happens on the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep), you brain begins to work at full speed, even more than when you're concentrated in a book.. and it does a LOUD, LOUD NOISE

Also known as Dream! Remember, we sleep to dream, nothing else

What have you dreamed tonight?

10-08-2017, 05:32 PM
Oh, shit. I had a really weird dream. What was it... I think I unleashed some sort of murderous demon baby, but I can't really remember it now. I just recall waking up wondering what the hell that was all about.

10-08-2017, 05:45 PM
Being an avid lucid dreamer / oneironaut with a dream journal, I wish sleep was just for dreaming. But sadly the REM cycles (dream sleep) only counts for 20% of our sleep, the other 80% doesn't really have dreams as per se.

Majority of my dreams tonight were too crazy to post, but I did have a nice relaxing one watching thunder and lightning with heavy rain for a good few minutes.

11-08-2017, 03:41 AM
Oh, shit. I had a really weird dream. What was it... I think I unleashed some sort of murderous demon baby, but I can't really remember it now. I just recall waking up wondering what the hell that was all about.

I drew this to you so you can, maybe, remember something about the dream


Being an avid lucid dreamer / oneironaut with a dream journal, I wish sleep was just for dreaming. But sadly the REM cycles (dream sleep) only counts for 20% of our sleep, the other 80% doesn't really have dreams as per se.

Majority of my dreams tonight were too crazy to post, but I did have a nice relaxing one watching thunder and lightning with heavy rain for a good few minutes.

In 8 hours of sleep, we should have an average of 4 REM cycles and 4 Deep Sleep, Dreamless ones (whose only way to find out if we're alive is checking whether we're breathing or not, because our brain activity here is zero and we have the same IQ of a broccoli). We do ALWAYS dream but, when it's not minimally lucid, it's basically a nonsense mix of information which we couldn't really say what is!

YES, this thread was supposed to be a sort of dream journal, so it makes it easier to have a history of our dreams, posting them just after waking up (AS WE FREQUENTLY FORGET MORE OR LESS 90% OF THEM)

Moreover, just remembered that this thread was made also to tell about my latest dream

I was in an unknown mansion, a weird party was happening there, a real friend of mine hanging around the corridors. It's comprehensible, as I went to several parties of strange people with her
I've found someone there. For some reason, my brain has understood him (an adult with friendly face) as an awesome, awesome person, although we didn't really talk to each other! When I went back to "home" (OR some place in my imagination that my brain understood as my home, fck logic), I did run to the PC in order to access Google Earth and search both the guy with friendly face AND the mansion but it was useless as I obviously didn't have enough place references. Actually, I went back to "home" through teleporting, maybe, because I couldn't remember that I rode a car or anything lol ;)

So, this is it. A lot things happened besides this obviously but I can't remember by now. Nothing too surprising, though, as it's an usual plot of dream to me: Someone I met and found very nice but something happened in the middle of the story and I lost contact with her/him. Always. Always.

11-08-2017, 01:03 PM
Had a weird lucid dream that didn't really last long. Didn't do much in it either. I wish I could explain it better in words but it was really the gloomy atmosphere more than anything else about it. I love some good ol' sleep paralysis, I used to always get it a good few years ago. Strangely though, most of the time I get it now is within the dreams themselves and not real life.

If you don't know much about lucid dreams, some of the stuff I say will make me sound semi-crazy. Apologies.

Here's the lucid dream anyway, if anyone wants to read it:

Initially peforming a WBTB MILD (that's a wake back to bed mnemonic induced lucid dream for you non-lucid dreamers), I went downstairs and 10 minutes later back up with the intention to lucid dream. After trying to sleep I felt like I got paralysed a few times and kept breaking out of it, but I honestly couldn't tell you if this was just dreams of paralysis or actually in real life. (This is sleep paralysis, happens to everyone during REM sleep for those who didn't know. Sometimes if you're lucky you can be fully consciously aware of it and not be in a dream)

Eventually I'm in a dream and everything's black and I'm sort of like paralysed but more as if I'm being held down as I can somewhat move but can't get the blankets off me. In other words, it's not typical sleep paralysis so that's mainly how I realised I was dreaming. If that's not bad enough, I hear a strange deep voice and whispering in my ears! I keep trying to move the blankets off but it's not working, it's like it's stuck to me in the bed. I try to rub my hands etc to gain clarity and my vision but it's also not working. Eventually I literally just try to open my eyes and it works... probably should've tried that first aha. I can easily get out of bed now for some reason.

I do a reality check at this point by pinching my nose and trying to breathe. And of course my dream suspicions were correct, I could breathe fine - it's a dream.
While getting up and going downstairs, after a bit of spinning to try and solidify the dream, I look at my hands and my thumbs are bent backwards like they're broken. My other fingers are super short, like 1/3 of what a finger length should be. I try to wiggle my fingers while looking at them and they don't really move. It's very peculiar as I feel the sensation of them moving in spite of the fact they're not in the dream.

Once I get downstairs, the atmosphere is really gloomy and dark. While words, or at least my use of words, can't explain this with justice... it was just an orangey glowing myserious creepy atmosphere. It was quite scary. I try to go outside to actually take advantage of this lucidity, maybe attempt to fly or something. But sadly I lose my lucidity and wake up as I'm about to do this.

11-08-2017, 07:16 PM
Had a weird lucid dream that didn't really last long. Didn't do much in it either. I wish I could explain it better in words but it was really the gloomy atmosphere more than anything else about it. I love some good ol' sleep paralysis, I used to always get it a good few years ago. Strangely though, most of the time I get it now is within the dreams themselves and not real life.

If you don't know much about lucid dreams, some of the stuff I say will make me sound semi-crazy. Apologies.

Here's the lucid dream anyway, if anyone wants to read it:

Initially peforming a WBTB MILD (that's a wake back to bed mnemonic induced lucid dream for you non-lucid dreamers), I went downstairs and 10 minutes later back up with the intention to lucid dream. After trying to sleep I felt like I got paralysed a few times and kept breaking out of it, but I honestly couldn't tell you if this was just dreams of paralysis or actually in real life. (This is sleep paralysis, happens to everyone during REM sleep for those who didn't know. Sometimes if you're lucky you can be fully consciously aware of it and not be in a dream)

Eventually I'm in a dream and everything's black and I'm sort of like paralysed but more as if I'm being held down as I can somewhat move but can't get the blankets off me. In other words, it's not typical sleep paralysis so that's mainly how I realised I was dreaming. If that's not bad enough, I hear a strange deep voice and whispering in my ears! I keep trying to move the blankets off but it's not working, it's like it's stuck to me in the bed. I try to rub my hands etc to gain clarity and my vision but it's also not working. Eventually I literally just try to open my eyes and it works... probably should've tried that first aha. I can easily get out of bed now for some reason.

I do a reality check at this point by pinching my nose and trying to breathe. And of course my dream suspicions were correct, I could breathe fine - it's a dream.
While getting up and going downstairs, after a bit of spinning to try and solidify the dream, I look at my hands and my thumbs are bent backwards like they're broken. My other fingers are super short, like 1/3 of what a finger length should be. I try to wiggle my fingers while looking at them and they don't really move. It's very peculiar as I feel the sensation of them moving in spite of the fact they're not in the dream.

Once I get downstairs, the atmosphere is really gloomy and dark. While words, or at least my use of words, can't explain this with justice... it was just an orangey glowing myserious creepy atmosphere. It was quite scary. I try to go outside to actually take advantage of this lucidity, maybe attempt to fly or something. But sadly I lose my lucidity and wake up as I'm about to do this.


It's definitely a wall against the sleepwalking but it's basically a real nightmare, if you're on this condition while conscious. :'(

You have a little notion that you are alive and that you are in the real world, but... your eyes won't open very well, you won't even breathe very well (looks like a slow death, as a matter of fact)!! It used to last 5 minutes (or less) to me and, gosh, all I had to do on these situations was scream for help.

11-08-2017, 07:21 PM

It's definitely a wall against the sleepwalking but it's basically a real nightmare, if you're on this condition while conscious. :'(

You have a little notion that you are alive and that you are in the real world, but... your eyes won't open very well, you won't even breathe very well (looks like a slow death, as a matter of fact)!! It used to last 5 minutes (or less) to me and, gosh, all I had to do on these situations was scream for help.

Typically if I'm consciously awake with sleep paralysis, I can open my eyes fine and move them, but everything else is completely immovable with a heavy weight on me and my breathing is indeed very slow. When I have sleep paralysis within a dream itself, I have noticed I typically am visionless but with a few techniques you can regain sight and break out of it; free to explore your dreams... assuming you realise it's a dream to begin with.

A couple weeks ago during paralysis I heard snoring to my right but I'm the only one in my bed. When I looked over (moving my eyes, obviously couldn't move my head), I saw a floating hand ahaha. That was the first time I've ever had hallucinations with them, normally I used to only get the paralysis and nothing else.

edit: did you mean screaming for help metaphorically? I can't even open my mouth or make any sound whatsoever during it. It might be different for others though!

12-08-2017, 04:19 AM
Typically if I'm consciously awake with sleep paralysis, I can open my eyes fine and move them, but everything else is completely immovable with a heavy weight on me and my breathing is indeed very slow. When I have sleep paralysis within a dream itself, I have noticed I typically am visionless but with a few techniques you can regain sight and break out of it; free to explore your dreams... assuming you realise it's a dream to begin with.

A couple weeks ago during paralysis I heard snoring to my right but I'm the only one in my bed. When I looked over (moving my eyes, obviously couldn't move my head), I saw a floating hand ahaha. That was the first time I've ever had hallucinations with them, normally I used to only get the paralysis and nothing else.

edit: did you mean screaming for help metaphorically? I can't even open my mouth or make any sound whatsoever during it. It might be different for others though!


Screaming for help... literally! Not that I could do this, though. Same applies to me: Whenever I feel paralyzed, it's as if my body have forgotten to wake up along with the brain

When you saw that floating hand (have you played Super Smash Bros beforehand?) ...did you actually imagine it before seeing it - in other words, have you planned it in your head - before seeing it?? Or were that a surprise to you??

Was this hand a normal one or a damaged and ugly one, such as the ones of the Dementors?

12-08-2017, 12:58 PM

Screaming for help... literally! Not that I could do this, though. Same applies to me: Whenever I feel paralyzed, it's as if my body have forgotten to wake up along with the brain

When you saw that floating hand (have you played Super Smash Bros beforehand?) ...did you actually imagine it before seeing it - in other words, have you planned it in your head - before seeing it?? Or were that a surprise to you??

Was this hand a normal one or a damaged and ugly one, such as the ones of the Dementors?

It was a surprise to me, I didn't imagine it prior to seeing it, nor did I play Super Smash Bros :P. It was a normal hand I think, the fingers might have been wiggling though lol

Many people I've read who have sleep paralysis also feel like someone's pulling them out of the bed or the blankets are getting taken off. Others imagine bloody demons and creatures on top of them and holding them down. Very creepy, glad I've never had that!

I also read about one guy that saw a floating burrito. So they can be semi-good sometimes... :)

14-08-2017, 02:52 PM
It was a surprise to me, I didn't imagine it prior to seeing it, nor did I play Super Smash Bros :P. It was a normal hand I think, the fingers might have been wiggling though lol

Many people I've read who have sleep paralysis also feel like someone's pulling them out of the bed or the blankets are getting taken off. Others imagine bloody demons and creatures on top of them and holding them down. Very creepy, glad I've never had that!

I also read about one guy that saw a floating burrito. So they can be semi-good sometimes... :)

LOOOOL We should be glad that we keep our fertile imagination filtered for innocuous elements only, my friend ;) Although once I dreamed that I was on a SeaLand-wise park whose show stage were extremely similar to the Coliseum. I were watching it, ok, then, suddenly a giant silver whale jumped to the skies and fell to my side of the crowd. Nothing serious has happened, really, as pain isn't something we usually have knowledge of, on dreams, but I was teletransported to the external side of the coliseum, going downstairs, in a complete slow-motion, lots of people around me, with a good but disturbing sound of strong waves behind me, while an actual and mysterious steam were attempting to reach ourselves

I kept running, running and running and, more or less 1 minute later, I woke up as if I were awaken way before than that

17-08-2017, 07:27 PM
I drew this to you so you can, maybe, remember something about the dream


I don't remember much else, but thank you for such an vivid drawing. It's almost as though the demon has returned.

26-09-2017, 04:52 PM
Just dreamed I went to an used-book store and began to search for old CD-ROM magazines inside a paperboard box


Then, outside, in the big city, precisely at a grassy area (maybe a park), I've found a giant beast lazily lying around


Then I woke up!

08-02-2018, 02:06 AM
I had an interesting dream last night in which I believe may be some sort of a possible "premonition."
Check this out.
I had this dream that this guy had hugged me and said that he loved me. The dream me knew the person. I hugged the person back in a friendly way and but I was more like "I like you too" in a friend kind of way. You know how friends say they love you but it be nothing more than just a friendship expression. This person said the phrase again. And then again for the 3rd time. The dream wasn't surprise because It felt like I knew eventually that this guy would end up falling in love with me. Then I woke up.

Personally I believe that someone I know has a liking for me. I had a dream before in the past that someone confessed to me and it ended up becoming true. So this dream is no different. I am currently talking to two friends. One had already confessed months ago so I know it couldn't be him. It could be the other person or someone else who is on my Skype contact that I haven't talked to in a month{s}.
Time will tell.

Also: I had a dream a few weeks ago about a bag I had seen in real life that I liked. Well two days ago I ended up getting it.
That dream told me that the bag would be mines. Thank You God: )

09-02-2018, 04:41 PM
I dreamed nothing :(

22-08-2020, 03:54 AM
Hello, spirit-comforting thread! Lets-a-go, so, before we bought this computer my life was youtube on tv (justifying the internet bills paying) books music and studies, irregular works and burgers: dream trigger and a very particular panorama, 3 pretty farfetched, "teenage fanfic" ones where I was at my far-from-close cousin's birthday party (the brain had a really synthetical context generating scheme since that place was totally unknown and something that made me assume my cousin was then the host because she seemed happy) and 5 minutes (?) before the dream ended she summoned the blurred faces at the table filled with things and gave to their best friends only some sort of tiny cute birthday souvenir with a "thanks for coming" (in portuguese) and sweets. and then she gave me one "but lucas you said you are far from close of her" well, dreams, aren't they? and when i realised turned out my item was a packaging of supermarket bag paper keeping some cylindrical (?) thing and somewhere on it it was written with black ink "from Hermeto Pascoal, São Paulo" and a few postal code numbers that seemed to be of my very own house?????? and damn when i tried to open the package the dream ended

22-08-2020, 09:10 PM
long story

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