View Full Version : Habbox aims

21-08-2017, 01:06 PM
Is there anything on Habbox you still want or would like to do or are you pretty much done? I think when you join you have aims in mind (it would be cool to be HxHD staff or a Super Mod etc) but obviously the oldies are just hanging around. Or are they? The past couple of years surprised me with buttons; and FlyingJesus; taking Management roles when I thought they were PAST IT. :P

I've pretty much done all mine and more - Habbox Hall of Fame, Habbox Merit, Habbox God, Management, Longest RVM, Longest ARVM, Longest Debates Leader, Spells in HxHD, RV, Articles, News, Content... but there's one more I would like to achieve and that's being top poster on the forum. Currently 4th top poster and 2505 posts away from target. :8

So what about you? Do you have any aims left?

21-08-2017, 01:51 PM
Habbox was dead to me from 2012 until just recently, but I think the last time I actually had a role at Habbox was like 2007. Nowadays I am here because my life is drab and it's something to do. I wouldn't take up another role and I don't have anything I am aspiring towards. I was top rep for years and am still one of the highest posters, but it doesn't really mean anything other than I've been here ages. Habbox is a fun place though and a lot has happened over the years, just a shame it's a husk of the affluent place it used to be.

21-08-2017, 02:43 PM
Not precisely a Habbox, but an all-around goal (which applies mainly for the real life) which Habbox happens to give a supporting hand: Learning how to use PhotoShop, how to deal with the tiny bit of anxiety by not knowing how to keep a friendship after 1 week, and speak english

21-08-2017, 04:39 PM
No, I lost interest in being general staff in like 2008.

I have the most tokens what else matters on the forum.

21-08-2017, 04:49 PM
nope definitely done

21-08-2017, 07:19 PM
I'm pretty much done with habbo and habbox, still pop on occasionally (habbox moreso)

22-08-2017, 11:51 AM
The only aim I have really is to be the first female Habbox God for posts (I'm already the top female poster so I might as well get to 20000) :P.

22-08-2017, 07:37 PM
Fulfilled all my aims a while back. Now just lurking.

22-08-2017, 09:09 PM
I still have a few things I'd like to achieve but that's for me to know and MAYBE for others to find out. ;)

22-08-2017, 09:16 PM
Be hxhd manager a few more times maybe lol

do they give out habbox merit anymore? They should do it every year like the queens honour list

22-08-2017, 09:28 PM
Be hxhd manager a few more times maybe lol

do they give out habbox merit anymore? They should do it every year like the queens honour list

Yeah they still award people with Merit, think you just have to request it though.

22-08-2017, 09:29 PM

I have said a few times that there should be *one* new inductee into the Habbox Hall of Fame at every Habbox Awards in January - kind of like how Australian Knighthoods were limited to a certain number per year. It's the top award and although we should keep it prestigious we certainly could make more use of it... it's been years since the last inductions into it.


22-08-2017, 09:38 PM
@Kyle (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=30795);

I have said a few times that there should be *one* new inductee into the Habbox Hall of Fame at every Habbox Awards in January - kind of like how Australian Knighthoods were limited to a certain number per year. It's the top award and although we should keep it prestigious we certainly could make more use of it... it's been years since the last inductions into it.


Yeee, pretty sure I said hall of fame when I first got into management, not sure if it was considered though but I think it'd be bring in more excitement for awards in January!

22-08-2017, 09:41 PM
Yeee, pretty sure I said hall of fame when I first got into management, not sure if it was considered though but I think it'd be bring in more excitement for awards in January!

Aye, I suggested a while back to General Management a user bar for it and making more use of it... nothing came of it. Recognition of people's efforts on here really matters I think, I know when I was awarded it it was a really nice gesture - really appreciated it!

We don't utilise our awards properly on here. :(

22-08-2017, 09:43 PM
Aye, I suggested a while back to General Management a user bar for it and making more use of it... nothing came of it. Recognition of people's efforts on here really matters I think, I know when I was awarded it it was a really nice gesture - really appreciated it!

We don't utilise our awards properly on here. :(

Could be something that could be looked into or at least discussed for this years awards maybe?
Absently; lawrawrrr;

22-08-2017, 09:44 PM
I was told I wasn't allowed to add anything to that before I was GM! Something we could reconsider now though. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-08-2017, 10:52 PM
Aye, I suggested a while back to General Management a user bar for it and making more use of it... nothing came of it. Recognition of people's efforts on here really matters I think, I know when I was awarded it it was a really nice gesture - really appreciated it!

We don't utilise our awards properly on here. :(

I remember you discussing it with me when I was Forum Manager - I asked General Management at the time and agreed on an award for it! Sorry it's a little late remembering that, I forgot to mention it to the new Forum Manager when I left.

I think despect; could request one if it was still wanted though.

23-08-2017, 09:45 PM
Be hxhd manager a few more times maybe lol

Wanna assist ;)

Yeah I have a few more things I want to achieve before I'm done, probably won't end up doing them but if they happen they happen!

23-09-2017, 02:42 AM
SMOD used to be my goal. Loved being SMOD

I have no interest in being staff anymore

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