View Full Version : Rare Values Department
25-08-2017, 11:48 PM
What is happening with it? I literally hear and see nothing about the department. It's almost like it doesn't exist... indeed, does it exist anymore? No updates, announcements, staff hirings/firings - is a panel even being created? 2004 - 2017 ....?
Very strange.
26-08-2017, 12:06 AM
From what I know when I spoke to rare values manager before was that it's being completed and it's a slow process but that was a little while ago so I'm not really sure. It is still a department though!
26-08-2017, 07:56 AM
I know very sad, we have got a few staff that I hired a few months back as I was going to use the v6 site as a temporary rare values site so was hiring them to start getting the v6 site up and running however the site was deleted for no reason and I wasn't informed so we had to abandon that. The designs for RV are done, and a coder was given the task of coding it on to our current site however they spent months and months (since before Xmas) practically inactive and when they decided to resign it was noticed by others that their code was rather poor anyway- a new coder (joe) has been given the task now and he is working on it so hopefully it'll be done soon.
RV team have done amazing though, when I told them oh my plans with the v6 site they set up an online excel doc within two days of all ltd and rate prices - we are all waiting just as much as you guys I'm afraid :(
26-08-2017, 10:35 AM
If it's anything like close to completion I think it would be worthwhile beginning to publicly advertise its return - it's been forever since anything was announced regarding the department at all but I still see people asking what happened to it on the hotel so the interest is out there. A bit of hype around it (and maybe some sort of mini campaign idk) could bring people in
26-08-2017, 04:31 PM
I know very sad, we have got a few staff that I hired a few months back as I was going to use the v6 site as a temporary rare values site so was hiring them to start getting the v6 site up and running however the site was deleted for no reason and I wasn't informed so we had to abandon that. The designs for RV are done, and a coder was given the task of coding it on to our current site however they spent months and months (since before Xmas) practically inactive and when they decided to resign it was noticed by others that their code was rather poor anyway- a new coder (joe) has been given the task now and he is working on it so hopefully it'll be done soon.
I think it got deleted accidentally because someone wasn't aware that the Rare Values system was on v6 still? I'm probably wrong, not sure why that rings a bell though.
RV team have done amazing though, when I told them oh my plans with the v6 site they set up an online excel doc within two days of all ltd and rate prices - we are all waiting just as much as you guys I'm afraid :(
Honestly, I've been in the Rare Values Department for 8 months and knew nothing about this, I've just had to ask Harry about it! The only update we have had is a thread by Zipol; in January, nothing from you which is disappointing to say that it should be a priority department. It is what made Habbox unique (it isn't anymore due to other fansites offering values on certain things), but it is still one of the things that could potentially define Habbox (likewise with the Wiki).
Could you please direct me to your plans as well because they're not in the Rare Values forum. Unless they're posted in senior or above, which isn't great if they are as we haven't had a senior member of staff since late last year (which would make it seem like the plans could potentially be old or out of date).
v6 has been deleted ages now, couldn't a temporary solution have been brought in by yourself to just rekindle the department again?
26-08-2017, 05:17 PM
I think it got deleted accidentally because someone wasn't aware that the Rare Values system was on v6 still? I'm probably wrong, not sure why that rings a bell though.
Honestly, I've been in the Rare Values Department for 8 months and knew nothing about this, I've just had to ask Harry about it! The only update we have had is a thread by Zipol; in January, nothing from you which is disappointing to say that it should be a priority department. It is what made Habbox unique (it isn't anymore due to other fansites offering values on certain things), but it is still one of the things that could potentially define Habbox (likewise with the Wiki).
Could you please direct me to your plans as well because they're not in the Rare Values forum. Unless they're posted in senior or above, which isn't great if they are as we haven't had a senior member of staff since late last year (which would make it seem like the plans could potentially be old or out of date).
v6 has been deleted ages now, couldn't a temporary solution have been brought in by yourself to just rekindle the department again?
I agree with Sam. I’m also in the department, and I haven’t heard of any news or recent developments with RV since January. I think it's a shame that it has been more or less forgotten about, seeing as the trading community still holds Habbox in relatively high esteem - even despite us not having functioning RV for over a year!
From what I’ve heard, the designs look amazing. I understand there was an issue with the coding, and I look forward to hopefully seeing it up and running soon.
Though I’m sure in the meantime those of us in the department would find it very useful to have regular updates on exactly what is happening with the development, and perhaps a clear plan drawn up with an expected timeframe for completion.
RV team have done amazing though, when I told them oh my plans with the v6 site they set up an online excel doc within two days of all ltd and rate prices - we are all waiting just as much as you guys I'm afraid :(
I still have the spreadsheet, however I suspect a lot of it is now out of date…
26-08-2017, 08:54 PM
To answer both the above points: it's been at a state of "this will only take a month!!" for like a year now. Until it's actually in a state we can even think about doing launch events and even adding items there's no point saying anything cos we'll just be let down again.
Joe seems enthusiastic though so I really do hope it is soon.
26-08-2017, 10:39 PM
From the responses above it appears that nobody - General Management, Rare Values Management (where!?) and Rare Values Staff - has the faintest clue what is going on. Not just in terms of the department-public information, but between yourselves.
Shambolic. Who is running the show here and who is going to take responsibility?
27-08-2017, 12:20 AM
To bring this back around to constructive feedback rather than slowly turning into peer-bashing, I have been assigned the absolutely fantastic task of turning around the designs we have into a working model that the RV staff can add to. It's great to see everyone so enthusiastic and I share your enthusiasm. I haven't had much chance to work on the site so far due to work commitments, but as I finish in September and go back to Uni (where I'll be surrounded by code anyway) it'll be my first priority and will be done relatively quickly. I will happily keep this thread updated based on how far I've come with development if that's what you'd like to see.
As for content, I wouldn't know so I'll happily leave that issue to Tommy etc. If you do have any constructive feedback or ideas for the design, please run it through one of us. We are obviously focusing on the basic panel so far but are really open to features that will hopefully put Habbox back on the map as I agree with Sam (I think it was you that mentioned this) - RV was one of the biggest selling points for Habbox and I really do hope we can take it back to it's rightful place. These things take time and, as has been explained previously, the project has been stunted at several milestones - now we have a more dedicated site team on the job and I hope to see changes soon. Any questions on the back end side, please direct to Scott or myself. :)
27-08-2017, 06:36 AM
I'm sorry but I just don't believe there will be a RV panel by September although if there is i'll be happy to be proven wrong. In any case it begs the question why in the meantime the department hasn't been running a temporary values page? I know in the past when the panel failed we used to make an effort to publish important values either on the site or on the forum if the site was down.
Otherwise, what's the department actually doing? I'm intrigued to know whether the RV staff forum has *any* activity?
It's nothing to do with peer bashing and it is a bit cheap to accuse me of that given I've shown more interest in the department in this thread alone than a lot of people who are supposed to be running/overseeing the department have in the past 8 months. It is the shocking fact those managing/overseeing the department don't even have an idea as to what is going on let alone the poor RV staff.
Where is the oversight here?
The last announcement made by the department or on behalf of the department was seemingly back in January of this year: which was 232 days ago. :blue_shoc
27-08-2017, 06:56 AM
I'm sorry but I just don't believe there will be a RV panel by September although if there is i'll be happy to be proven wrong. In any case it begs the question why in the meantime the department hasn't been running a temporary values page? I know in the past when the panel failed we used to make an effort to publish important values either on the site or on the forum if the site was down.
Otherwise, what's the department actually doing? I'm intrigued to know whether the RV staff forum has *any* activity?
It's nothing to do with peer bashing and it is a bit cheap to accuse me of that given I've shown more interest in the department in this thread alone than a lot of people who are supposed to be running/overseeing the department have in the past 8 months. It is the shocking fact those managing/overseeing the department don't even have an idea as to what is going on let alone the poor RV staff.
Where is the oversight here?
The last announcement made by the department or on behalf of the department was seemingly back in January of this year: which was 232 days ago. :blue_shocTo be honest, you weren't peer bashing to me, you were saying that as a whole we have no idea what's going on, which is correct (which I believe was backed up by myself and someone else). The only people who peer bashed were the ones saying the old coder was incompetent. They might have been incompetent, but it didn't need to be brought up in such a way that it looked like all the blame was shifted to them. I know most of it will be their fault, don't worry, but it's no excuse as to why we haven't had anything temporary since the V6 system was deleted.
The department staff haven't done anything, myself included. The only time I've done any Rare Values related work is when someone's come to me on Habbo, Skype etc. when they've needed help with a value or were asking about Habbox Values generally. Harry did the spreadsheet before I was back in the department (8 months ago) and he said it was a long list, but unfortunately the values will now be out of date.
I'll add that, saying we've done nothing is bad but we were told when we originally started that there were no minimums and little to do at the moment.
Expling; in your reply you said you hired staff a few months back to work on the V6 panel to get values done, was a few months just an estimate? I know the panel has been deleted for the duration of the time I've been back in Rare Values so I wasn't sure if you were just guessing at how long it has been deleted.
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27-08-2017, 07:05 AM
Aye, well there's no point in bashing the old coders like you say - we are where we are. I'm just amazed there's been so little information on the whole thing both between the department and public but between staff as well. Very surprising given I thought Skype was now super important/a requirement for 'communication'. I'll be interested to see if/what happens come September.
In the meantime, how about this for an idea - some articles/content from the department on the site about rare values, investment advice, history similar to Rare Watch/my old Rare Values Weekly article... if it's really returning this September that would be a way to build interest and pave the way.
27-08-2017, 01:17 PM
I have been assigned the absolutely fantastic task of turning around the designs we have into a working model that the RV staff can add to. It's great to see everyone so enthusiastic and I share your enthusiasm. I haven't had much chance to work on the site so far due to work commitments, but as I finish in September and go back to Uni (where I'll be surrounded by code anyway) it'll be my first priority and will be done relatively quickly. I will happily keep this thread updated based on how far I've come with development if that's what you'd like to see.
Happy to hear this, thank you. Yes, would be great if you could please keep us updated on the stages of development when you can :)
In the meantime, how about this for an idea - some articles/content from the department on the site about rare values, investment advice, history similar to Rare Watch/my old Rare Values Weekly article... if it's really returning this September that would be a way to build interest and pave the way.
Sure, I'd be happy to volunteer and take something like this on. So long as everyone is okay with this?
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27-08-2017, 02:05 PM
Articles and stuff on the main site would be nice, give me something to proofread :P
27-08-2017, 02:51 PM
I think anything to show that the department is still very much active and still a thing and that rvs are going to be returning is good. Perhaps some sort of trade type room on Habbo like the auction like what we used to have would be great.
27-08-2017, 03:48 PM
I think anything to show that the department is still very much active and still a thing and that rvs are going to be returning is good. Perhaps some sort of trade type room on Habbo like the auction like what we used to have would be great.
The auction room that Welshcake built still exists - so that's there.
I've also been advertising Habbox and the RV department in particular in the group homeroom for the Ultra Rare Trade Forum - which is the most viewed forum on Habbo :)
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Articles and stuff on the main site would be nice, give me something to proofread :P
Sounds good - I'll be in touch :)
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Posts merged by Mikey (Trialist Forum Moderator)
27-08-2017, 03:54 PM
The auction room that Welshcake built still exists - so that's there.
I've also been advertising Habbox and the RV department in particular in the group homeroom for the Ultra Rare Trade Forum - which is the most viewed forum on Habbo :)
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Oh I know it's still there I just thought it'd be easier to have a new one made with an owner who's active on Habbo so changes can be made etc :)
Great to see interest. I never accused anyone, for the record - it must've been easy to interpret otherwise! :)
30-08-2017, 11:37 PM
From the responses above it appears that nobody - General Management, Rare Values Management (where!?) and Rare Values Staff - has the faintest clue what is going on. Not just in terms of the department-public information, but between yourselves.
Shambolic. Who is running the show here and who is going to take responsibility?
To respond to your comment, When I was appointed RVM, Harry and Myself created a Online excel document. Which as you would expect contained the values of every item we would be tracking after several weeks this was in a good stage, however the systems wasn't complete. Because of this we then went on to gather information about LTD's as this is something that we though would give us the advantage over fansites. with the system/coding taking longer than originally planned things stalled. I started to reach out to people including Sam to potentially join the RV department as did Harry. Fortunately Joe has now taken over with the coding.
Tagging those who have shown interest: -:Undertaker:-; despect; Expling; FlyingJesus; Samantha; DJ_Shadow; lawrawrrr; David; Zipol;
First off: the preliminary September target wasn't hit much to my disappointment due to my own Uni schedule - this year's a lot bloody harder than I first expected! Having said that, the department development has really heated up in the last couple of weeks with both me and Laura staying up late to get it ready (and Scott coming online to fix our fuck ups). Thankfully, using the system we have in place is relatively easy and hassle free - the backend however leaves much to be desired, hence the delay. I'm now in a position to say things are looking great and it really won't be long till we can confidently make the system live and let our RV department loose on it. It's going to be bare bones for now, though, but I’m sure one of us will release an announcement going into more detail.
As I’ve kinda lead the charge for this I want to remain transparent with the development of the projects I work on and have the development community based with inputs always being considered and deliberated on, but more on this in time I’m sure.
Thanks for your patience guys, updates to come.
24-10-2017, 12:45 PM
That's great news!
And thank you for taking it upon yourself to update everybody - something Habbox needs more of! Well done. :)
24-10-2017, 03:09 PM
the backend however leaves much to be desired
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