View Full Version : New Xbox 360 release date

17-09-2005, 09:31 AM
It is not being released in Novemember anymore :( It's being released on 2nd December 2005. I don't know why it was set back but atleast it's coming out nearer to christmas xD

EDIT: I typed it a bit wrong rofl I sorted it now :)

17-09-2005, 10:17 AM
I can still get it for christmas then =D

17-09-2005, 03:48 PM
This is most probably the reason why, Crimbo not far away at that date, all the kids (and I'm sure adults) ;) will won't one.

17-09-2005, 04:09 PM
Im not that bothered about XBox and would much rather wait for a PS3

17-09-2005, 04:25 PM
It's only been set back 2 weeks. It was rumoured to be released November 22nd.

I'm still not sure where my alleigence lies. After seeing the Revolution controller (and of course with the fact that you'll get to play any Nintendo game ever made - right back to the NES and SNES days) I'm thinking of waiting it out and getting a Revolution.

17-09-2005, 06:18 PM
It's only been set back 2 weeks. It was rumoured to be released November 22nd.

I'm still not sure where my alleigence lies. After seeing the Revolution controller (and of course with the fact that you'll get to play any Nintendo game ever made - right back to the NES and SNES days) I'm thinking of waiting it out and getting a Revolution.
The revolution controller looks like a tv controller in www.gamespot.com they show you it man, its wiered im buying revolution witch is $200
and the XBOX360 witch is $400 if i had 200 pounds (British money)
I could get it easier!

17-09-2005, 06:21 PM
theres no point in getting the x box the playstation 3 is quicker and easier to use alough it comes out nxt year xD

17-09-2005, 06:27 PM
The revolution controller looks like a tv controller in www.gamespot.com they show you it man, its wiered im buying revolution witch is $200
and the XBOX360 witch is $400 if i had 200 pounds (British money)
I could get it easier!
It looks like a DVD remote to me. It is great, Nintendo being different and all with the controllers.
You seen the add-one analog bit? The revolution is for me..

17-09-2005, 10:25 PM
theres no point in getting the x box the playstation 3 is quicker and easier to use alough it comes out nxt year xD

And you know that the PS3 will be quicker and easier how?

17-09-2005, 10:33 PM
PS3 is officially going to be the worst out of the 3.
Xbox 360 is actually going to be wasting youre money, with space youre not going to use. No way youre going to use the numbers there supplying.

PS3 has nothing unique, no huge numbers, nothing "Special"

Revolution has some special thing going on, the controller is to be top secret, and is to change gaming forever? A sensitive controller i think, with pressure pads and tilt sensors. Nintendo have gone basic but have done something to change gaming forever...

Xbox will come out in december
PS3 about febuary, if lucky, early 2006 ish
revolution mid 2006

17-09-2005, 11:13 PM
Eh? The Revolution controller has been revealed at the Tokyo Game Show.

The PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360, and I have no idea what you're on about when you say the 360 is a "waste of space".

18-09-2005, 01:42 AM
Well Xbox has been beaten By the New ps3 I liked the xbox atthe begging but not many good games for it Except Fifa and there only out once a year

18-09-2005, 04:25 AM
Why one just get em both lol

26-09-2005, 11:05 PM
It looks like a DVD remote to me. It is great, Nintendo being different and all with the controllers.
You seen the add-one analog bit? The revolution is for me..
Wonder why they were thinking that a company would steal there Idea :P
But i will get it Sence the controllers are wireless the controller will do wonders for the games From NES And SNES And Finally....ONLINE PLAY YAY FINALLY NINTENDO GOES ONLINE FREE! Cant wait to play online in Super Smash Bros. Revolution!

27-09-2005, 03:19 PM
It's only been set back 2 weeks. It was rumoured to be released November 22nd.

I'm still not sure where my alleigence lies. After seeing the Revolution controller (and of course with the fact that you'll get to play any Nintendo game ever made - right back to the NES and SNES days) I'm thinking of waiting it out and getting a Revolution.

Me too. Revolution will also be cheaper, and we'll be able to play 4 player Goldeneye again! -Drools-

27-09-2005, 05:28 PM
Ahh goldeneye. Memories :)

27-09-2005, 05:46 PM
Well Xbox has been beaten By the New ps3 I liked the xbox atthe begging but not many good games for it Except Fifa and there only out once a year

How do you know? None of them are out yet. It depends on sales, if Xbox 360 sells more then the PS3, it'll be more succesful.

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