View Full Version : What are your new years resolutions??

30-12-2017, 11:26 PM
Do you have any resolutions for next year?

Mine is to cut back on sugar, spend a bit more time looking after myself and to review/log all the books I read!!! Might set up a forum thread for it tbh, I don't want a blog or anything just wanna log it

I got some presents to help with the whole looking after myself thing so thats all good too



30-12-2017, 11:40 PM
I want to put more focus on my extracurricular activities, and try and get my mysterious illness sorted out. Been having really severe but irregular abdominal pain since I was young, but previous doctors haven't diagnosed me even though I was sent to the hospital. Going to register with a new doc and see what's really up.

31-12-2017, 06:56 PM
I don't do resolutions but I do have nagging things I need to sort out like learning to focus more, moving abroad and building a routine. It's been up and down (like anything) in regard to these but I am moving in the right direction I think!!

31-12-2017, 10:01 PM
I don't have new year resolutions per say, but in 2018 I want to

- Be a lot more social (meet new people, generally actually have a social life for the first time since I was 11)
- Do Tough Mudder (hopefully with cerys gina and tom)
- Be more serious about fitness (already joined a fitness thing by ex military, might join some running events too, and eventually join gym with a personal trainer for strength training but need to get into a routine of the first 2 first)
- Have a better diet (actually eat varied food instead of chicken every single night lmfao)
- Swim

I'd like to do SO much more, like a TON of other outdoor activities, learn to play the piano and bagpipes, etc but that can wait for another year :P

I also want to go on Holiday at some point, but I need to find someone to go on Holiday with first.

01-01-2018, 08:06 PM
not resolutions as such but:
exercise more
learn a language to a reasonable degree
dont get fired
make more money
do more new things (should probably set some kind of target)
visit 3 new countries (preferably more but 3 seems doable)

02-01-2018, 12:49 AM
I have one this year that I'll stick by I think

Put myself first for once in my life

I've got many opportunities this year and it's so exciting, just need to get there!

02-01-2018, 02:53 PM
My main one is to think up some new year resolutions for next year

02-01-2018, 09:00 PM
write more aka keep a journal/diary with my thoughts and feelings, i do this every so often and i love reading back how i once felt and comparing it to the present so i want more to look at
stop giving time and attention to people who don't benefit my mental health
get a job or start earning money somehow
get a distinction (or distinction*!!!) in my foundation degree
go to university and don't drop out this time
dedicate more free time to making art

02-01-2018, 10:58 PM
do more birdy covers
write more aka keep a journal/diary with my thoughts and feelings, i do this every so often and i love reading back how i once felt and comparing it to the present so i want more to look at
stop giving time and attention to people who don't benefit my mental health
get a job or start earning money somehow
get a distinction (or distinction*!!!) in my foundation degree
go to university and don't drop out this time
dedicate more free time to making art

fixed that for you

08-01-2018, 04:18 AM
-Move on from my past online friends.
I been holding onto the friendship for about 3-4 years online.
They moved on from me. They don't keep in touch. They not coming back.
Time to let go so I can move forward.
{Minutes before New Years Day I deleted their emails and Thank God the forum I met them on has shut down forever 2 months ago. I threw away their letters I got twice from them in the mail.}

-Stay away from negative people and people who I shouldn't associate with.
People who does me no good.

-Continue writing my comic script stories I started a year ago.

14-06-2018, 09:10 PM
Hows everyone doing with their resolutions as we're now 6 months in? lego_hmm

14-06-2018, 09:23 PM
Hows everyone doing with their resolutions as we're now 6 months in? lego_hmm

I want to put more focus on my extracurricular activities, and try and get my mysterious illness sorted out. Been having really severe but irregular abdominal pain since I was young, but previous doctors haven't diagnosed me even though I was sent to the hospital. Going to register with a new doc and see what's really up.

Well I went to the doc and had two blood tests and another ultrasound scan, but they still weren't sure what's up. I had high levels of bilirubin which the doc said could be due to Gilbert's syndrome, but my symptoms are very indicative of gallstones. They didn't find any traces for the time being, but I have to go to the hospital next time I get any pains. Apparently I am underweight also. As for my extracurricular activities, I have a few things going on but haven't really changed much. What about you?

14-06-2018, 09:39 PM
Lets see...

- Be a lot more social (meet new people, generally actually have a social life for the first time since I was 11)
idk how I'm doing on this one I speak to more people and have groups for certain stuff but still nowhere near as social as I want to be, I want to be in a situation where I'm out every day (whether it's fitness, sports, etc) but who knows if I'll ever be in that position... definitely a lot harder to make friends when you're older and broke communication with all school friends and don't work in a big organisation
- Do Tough Mudder (hopefully with cerys gina and tom)
don't speak to any of them anymore so I'll probably do it next year with other friends along with other racing events
- Be more serious about fitness (already joined a fitness thing by ex military, might join some running events too, and eventually join gym with a personal trainer for strength training but need to get into a routine of the first 2 first)
still waiting to start running, still need to wait on someone finishing College first then it'll be a summer of 5k's (hopefully....), but this ones kinda been stalled all this year lego_nervous
- Have a better diet (actually eat varied food instead of chicken every single night lmfao)
it started off well... then it was easier to eat chicken all the time so I've been eating chicken all the time ;) although the past month or so I've been eating ice cream every night too... not great lego_facepalm eat your feelings!1!1!1!
- Swim
yeah this isn't happening any time soon, when I've done the above I'll look into it again.

I also want to go on Holiday at some point, but I need to find someone to go on Holiday with first.
Maybe next year... :P

15-06-2018, 12:54 AM
definitely a lot harder to make friends when you're older and broke communication with all school friends and don't work in a big organisation

I feel that. Making actual true friends who you're going to hang out with just doesn't seem as simple once you finish school/college/uni. I work for a fairly large organisation, but like 95% of the people there are older than me.

15-06-2018, 12:14 PM
not resolutions as such but:
exercise more
learn a language to a reasonable degree
dont get fired
make more money
do more new things (should probably set some kind of target)
visit 3 new countries (preferably more but 3 seems doable)

Exercise tanked but should pick up in the next week
slowly learning a language
didn't get fired, but did quit and I'm sure I wasn't far off
Got a pay increase and lesser travel costs so more money
Haven't really done anything new I guess
1 country down, hopefully arrange something for later in the year even if its just me hopefully italy

Kind of need a resolution to keep in contact with people as I really suck
I dint know if its just me but I can go weeks without speaking yo someone but it does not feel that long
strange the direction my life seems to have taken in the past year or so not really what I expected or hoped I guess but I guess only I can change where it goes from here

15-06-2018, 04:22 PM
Exercise tanked but should pick up in the next week
slowly learning a language
didn't get fired, but did quit and I'm sure I wasn't far off
Got a pay increase and lesser travel costs so more money
Haven't really done anything new I guess
1 country down, hopefully arrange something for later in the year even if its just me hopefully italy

Kind of need a resolution to keep in contact with people as I really suck
I dint know if its just me but I can go weeks without speaking yo someone but it does not feel that long
strange the direction my life seems to have taken in the past year or so not really what I expected or hoped I guess but I guess only I can change where it goes from here

what did you do to nearly get fired ;l

15-06-2018, 04:54 PM
what did you do to nearly get fired ;l

I worked for a v small marketing company which did a small bit of software on the side. Long story short a restructure of sorts meant development work was really cut and it was getting to the point of either me doing marketing work, which I did not want to do, or I assume they would let me go. I wasn't really given this dilemma as they knew I didn't want to do marketing work but they wanted me there but I mostly left because I was so fucking bored and I just didn't get much free time. With my new job I can do a solid hour in the gym at least whereas before I was lucky to get half that unless I wanted to miss trains and buses plus fewer impromptu trips to asda buying food I didn't need because it was Cheap

Definitely not something I'd do again but it was an experience. I'm looking forward to more free time in this new job which hopefully means I can get a bit of a life going again, particularly as some uni pals are moving to my area for work

Bit of a rant but I really needed to vent some frustration

Things look like they're going well for you along the lines of what you said a while back shit was that last year

15-06-2018, 07:14 PM
I'm good, I am currently applying for teaching positions in Spain now so should be over there for late summer/autumn! :)

Also, my informal resolution was to be more selfish - in work and with everything, I usually always give way over non-really important stuff even if it disadvantages me... but I realised nobody gives away for me, ever. So a few times now with friends/work I have been more selfish (as they would have) and got the best for me. From tip sharing to who gets the double bed when away with friends.

And long term goal to see most of the world, 3 countries down this year so far. Not bad! 2018 has been excellent so far x

2016, 2017, 2018 have been the beez kneez.

15-06-2018, 07:55 PM
Before get there before Brexit ;)

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