View Full Version : How many jobs did had on Habbo?

02-02-2018, 10:50 PM
How many jobs did you have or had on Habbo? {Paid jobs or no pay}
What was it and did you like it?
Tell us your experience: )

I had one job at the White House but I quit after 5 minutes.....Ha Ha:D
It was hard to remember all of the White House Commands. I passed my interview and orientation but when I got to my desk the real life me got nervous. Ha Ha. It was just too much to remember.
I don't have time to write all the commands down {A waste of time to be honest}
And I'm not really a role player. I'm on Habbo to chat and to hang out.
So I quit and never looked back.....Ha Ha

But I did worked...well more like volunteer at the Old Habbo Steak House for free. That I did well. In the food business:D
It was much easier and less of a hassle. I just walked in and got into the act. The workers saw my loyal dedication and they ask me to work for them. This is how I became a Club Assistant Manager for my friend too. {It was for free but I had so much fun}
I even try to promote myself as a Assistant Manager if someone need one. "Need a Assistant Manager? Ask Me" because of my loyalty and dedication .
Lastly I had a hospital role playing job.....what was I again? LOL. Oh yeah I was a Doctor. That position was ok but like I said I am not much of a role player.

And So in average I had about 6 jobs positions.
1 that pays but I didn't stayed long. LOL
Many volunteer work:D
3 industries I worked for: Government, Food/Resturant, Entertainment/Club
I work best in the Entertainment/Club and Food industry
And my own self job promoting as a Assistant Manager

What about you?:D

03-02-2018, 06:06 PM
I've not had jobs on Habbo itself apart from one very quick maybe I should enrol in a Military one time. Decided not to because they abused me for asking questions saying it wasn't approrpriate... like wtf??

03-02-2018, 06:41 PM
I agency-hopped quite a bit. The very very very first agency i joined in habbo was Virtual Spies [VS] (which has closed down), it was the arrow system so your pay depends
on how many points/arrows you collected which i think is pretty fair compared to other agencies that base your pay on your rank. I was in Virtual Spies until
it got shut down after a change in ownership. Then i took a break and then went on to the Royal Kingdom of Habbo [KoH] when it first started but between the
owner and i we had some disagreements hence my "resignation" from the kingdom after about a year plus into it when it was growing rapidly. I often had ranks
up to 2ic/iL but that was it. After KoH, i went on to United Nations [UN] but i got bored of it, so before i left i just got VIP and SV and went on to Secret Service
[SS] if i'm not wrong. I didn't last long over there haha, then i went on to COPS all the way til it got shut down after the owner left to join his friend in the FBI.
Then after COPS, i returned to UN (it runs the arrow system too), joined their special units such as events but now i'm inactive there because i got busier
with work and school and slowly moved on from habbo? i guess?

i think the only non-pay job was when i joined Mcdonalds in the early stages of my habbo life then that was it.

09-02-2018, 09:24 AM
I have had LOADS of jobs on Habbo lol. Worked in: HIA, USDF, SS, WH, IPD, AH (RolePlay), WH (RolePlay), USMC, USN, ISC, HQUS, MoD. There was probably a lot more lol and as you can tell I like jobs lmao. I still work at Windsor High now as Health and Wellbeing Officer. Come and join now, search Aventra in the navigator :)

09-02-2018, 10:21 AM
I don't bother with Habbo Agencies as I use Habbo to go into random rooms and chat to people.

Though when drunk. I often find myself that I have joined one, so I quit very quickly.

04-03-2018, 07:15 PM
Apart from various fansite jobs and attempting to own fansites I used to also be big on Hogwarts when they were a popular thing on Habbo, that ranged from me basically running it to to teaching staff.

Loved -[Hogwarts]-

05-03-2018, 02:21 PM
So many agencies, a few fansites mostly as DJs. Running Grand Prix Racing for a few years was like a job too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-03-2018, 06:42 PM
I dont think I ever had any role play jobs, maybe in the first few months of playing.

I was manager at Starbuxx Help Desk back when the habbo helper tool didnt exist and help desks were *the* place to hang out. It was just habbox help desk vs Starbuxx help desk in the popular list! I loved it! Probably why I was drawn to the HxHD as it was the only familiar thing to me when returning after a few years..

Come to think of it, I might have worked at an adoption agency at one point haha...!

06-03-2018, 09:15 AM
I can't recall I had any. I was a self-made man.

07-03-2018, 02:27 AM
Twice, on different model agencies, being the dude whose job would be: Analyzing people's clothes to see if they're full of enough fashion sense to become one of us! Obviously, being "pretty" wasn't the requirement. That was only a big matter of dressing yourself without disrespecting all the SEVERE and restrict rules (for example: no glasses, b&w looks, effects)!

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