View Full Version : Have you ever had a Habbo friend who you use to be close with but not anymore?

02-02-2018, 11:55 PM
They use to be the Habbo you hang with. Your Best friend in a way.
But for whatever reason you or the other Habbo are not anymore.
Have that ever happen to you?
If so then how?

I had a few Habbos friends who I consider a Best Habbo Friend.
I kind of regret giving away a few of my items to them build a room with the person because now we don't hang or talk as much as in the beginning anymore. I have rights to the room but even so we seem to drift away.

Note To Self: Don't be so quick to give away free items to "Close Best Habbo Friends"

A year ago I also had a Best Habbo friend but unfortunately I had to remove them do to some issues me and another friend had with the person.

Note To Self: Stay away from Drama attracting Habbos

03-02-2018, 08:46 AM
Many. I miss one in particular... very much.

03-02-2018, 09:33 AM
Loads, mostly because the majority of my friends stopped playing years ago and though I have a few on fb we never really kept in touch. We were so young when we met and now we're all grumpy adults.

03-02-2018, 11:08 AM
A couple. They were the best. But now we don't really talk anymore, which saddens me.
But one is still left, she doesn't play habbo anymore but i got her on snapchat and we do some chatting.
This thread made me realize how much i miss being on habbo with them :b

03-02-2018, 06:47 PM
Yeah, especially the older ones i hung out with in like '08-'09 but i do miss talking with one. We used to be pretty close but misunderstands set us apart.
Misunderstandings and miscommunications and the fact that we used to like each other but missed the chance. Now he's with another friend of mine and
i don't know, it hurts and he refuses to be friends with me ever again (i have no idea why) but it hurts that i can't talk to him like i used to.

04-02-2018, 09:15 AM
Loads, mostly because the majority of my friends stopped playing years ago and though I have a few on fb we never really kept in touch. We were so young when we met and now we're all grumpy adults.

just you

04-02-2018, 11:03 AM
Yes there's a few, some still play and come on here, but some have left completely. I miss 2 from Habbo that no longer play, one of them actually lives in the next town, but she is one of those that probably doesn't want Habbo people on there. Another I have no idea about.

The final one is someone from here who left years ago, she was such a lovely and great friend when I first started here. She helped a lot in terms of improving my graphics skills and we spoke a lot of the time, I remember a little bit about her and I believe I found her on Facebook once, but nothing came of it.

There are a lot more, but those are some who are very old friends, one of those I've mentioned hasn't been on Habbo in 5 years (doesn't feel that long) it's shocking.

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04-02-2018, 01:00 PM
There's a few - especially a group I got to know about the same time I started running Puhekupla - just a little group who I used to skype with most nights. I still have them on Snapchat and Instagram and all of that stuff, but we only really talk at birthdays now. It's a shame because they were easily the closest set of people I've ever had on Habbo.

04-02-2018, 11:23 PM
Plenty over the years, most just because they grew up and apart from the whole scene, others we just drifted, some there were major changes (to them or to me) that made things difficult, all sorts of reasons

05-02-2018, 12:14 AM
So many ;(
Theres so many off here who we used to talk all the time, hours each day but they left or I left or we both left and never talked again and it’s really sad whenever I think about it :(

06-02-2018, 07:42 AM
I have plenty from the danish hotel!
Also some that I've met, but we grew up and it set us apart!

Especially two, I am friends with them on fb, but we are not in touch for whatever reason... bruh

09-02-2018, 09:21 AM
Yeah I have but they have either left Habbo or gone off somewhere else or with someone else :(

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