View Full Version : Material Possessions

22-07-2018, 07:16 PM
Recently, I feel like I want to get rid of like 80% of my possessions. My dad sold his house a couple of years ago, which had a lot of my belongings stored away in the loft. I got rid of a lot, but I still have around twelve boxes of things that I don't really need. On top of that, I could probably get rid of half my clothes, some of my books and old magazines, and a variety of other things I'm holding onto for no other reason than their value. I guess I used to like buying stuff and having interesting things, but more and more I feel tied down by my possessions, rather than fulfilled by them. I think after summer comes to an end, I'm going to try and cut down on a lot. Ideally I just want to have my furniture and appliances, my computer and television, and clothes and books. Are material possessions very important to you? How much stuff do you own?

23-07-2018, 08:48 AM
I collect quite a few things but I find your situation relatable.

I feel tied down by my possessions, rather than fulfilled by them.

I'm moving house soon and I've already cleared out quite a bit. I'm sentimental, so my small memories box will be coming with me to my new home.

23-07-2018, 05:27 PM
I collect quite a few things but I find your situation relatable.

I'm moving house soon and I've already cleared out quite a bit. I'm sentimental, so my small memories box will be coming with me to my new home.

There was a time where I moved house every year for like four or five years, and it was always a slog bringing my things. I started to just leave stuff in the boxes even after the move. Before this, I remember going to live with my then-girlfriend, and I lived out of basically two backpacks for months, but I didn't want for anything. I have stuff that holds sentimental value, and I'll definitely keep a box full of those things like you, but I feel like I could look at most of my belongings and be like... "I don't really need that!"

24-07-2018, 07:22 PM
I don't mean to seem like i care about material things...

I've got a massive collection of comic books I've been collecting a little bit after the time I have learnt to read, aged 4, until 2012, when I decided to spend the majority of my cash on novels and general drawing materials. Turns out this is all I have that I can officially call mine. The laptop I'm writing this post on has been claimed mine after using it for a long time and my sister noticed that she could do everything she's been doing here on her phone instead, so she only takes it from me very sporadically whilst I draw, compose songs, work and play games with it. Fun fact: It (the PC) is called FAFA, that happens to be the nickname of my sister as well.

I'd never get rid of my books and such because I know that, if I ever do that, I'm gonna miss them sooner or later, even those I know all the stories by heart. One day when I was a child my parents almost have convinced myself about how it would be cool if I sold ALL my comics and get a good amount of money out of it and I bought this idea until the time we've finished tagging the book covers with a sticker which served as a sort of ID; I quickly got rid of the plan and they still have the label on every single cover... I mean, THOSE comics that were not digested by time and still have their covers printed, intact and beautiful.

24-07-2018, 09:45 PM
I'm really sentimental and find it really hard to throw some things out. I also LOVE collecting things like shoes, clothes, kitchenware, books so I do have quite a lot of what some people might refer to as clutter. I dread having to move again!

When I moved out from uni I literally threw out half my stuff though, just so useless half of it :')

24-07-2018, 10:14 PM
bin it all
I'll keep some small sentimental things but nowadays I can throw things out quite easily, though I would rather find use for it if possible just because I feel bad throwing things particularly if it's still functional

24-07-2018, 11:35 PM
When I was younger I didn't want to throw anything out but nowadays I throw loads out. I find a good clear out mentally satisfying whether it is my room or when I clear the garden. I'm moving to Spain in just over a week so I have to condense everything down to a large suitcase which I won't find hard to do at all!

25-07-2018, 01:38 PM
I'm also very sentimental so find it hard to throw stuff out, I like to keep stuff in case it will come in handy one day even though it won't. I am actually getting better at it though but it's slow to go through stuff that I've kept and can be overwhelming!!

27-07-2018, 01:31 AM
Every time I buy something new, personal stuff like bags, clothes, shoes and etc, i make it a point to get rid of the old ones. Two weeks ago, I bought new scarves. Last night, I packed up about a dozen to be given away for charity.

03-08-2018, 10:06 PM
My notebooks with my handwritten comic stories are important to me along with my laptop that store my typed stories.
Along with some of my drawings. Basically my art and writting stuff.
And my Stuffed Animal Frog collection........and my oldest 2 stuffed animals........and my little Stuffed Animal Border Collie who I named Kaizer.
{Maybe my dresses and my books too}

I don't own a lot of stuff but I do appreciate the little things I have.

01-10-2018, 02:07 PM
I am quite a hoarder. But when I notice that my hoarding gets too bad, I don't have a hard time to get rid of them. I just think of it like pulling a bandage off.

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