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21-10-2018, 06:41 PM
One irk of mine is this.

You know when people go on diets, and stick to them - well good for them, so they should. But then they start sharing on Facebook stuff about how Coca Cola adverts should be banned, how coke is so bad for you, look how much sugar is in this chocolate bar and it's like erm sorry, most of us know these things are full of sugar and fat but UNLIKE YOU we can control ourselves and exercise moderation.

I don't have a sweet tooth at all, but sometimes I will indulge in a can of coke - shoot me! What I am saying is I hate the lecturing by people who have only just realised all this far too late, and now think they're telling the rest of us something we didn't know. I mean, take Jamie Oliver - the belly on him and there he is lecturing the whole country on healthy eating.

I am all for healthy eating and I am very slim so I must be doing something right, but for gods sake can't we all get real? It's like in primary schools now they're not allowed chocolate bars - young children who are running around all day NEED sugar you fools. They don't want to sit there eating carrot sticks. I remember when I was in the last years of primary, we head a new Headmaster who brought all this healthy food stuff in before it really kicked off nationwide. And i'll always remember how the canteen were selling these salads that young kids have no interest in, anyway there the Headmaster comes away with a plate of CHIPS AND SAUSAGES! The absolute nerve. I was only age 10 but I wanted to say something lmao.

What do you all think?

21-10-2018, 09:34 PM
Young children running around all day absolutely do not "need" chocolate bars. Processed sugar is absolutely unnecessary, it's just nice which is why we eat it. There are plenty of natural sugars, particularly from carbs, which is what kids DO need when running around all day.

Teaching children healthy choices from an early age instead of allowing them to gorge on crisps, chocolate, fatty foods whenever they feel like it is part of a responsible upbringing. Very few people are actually pushing for A COMPLETE BAN ON COKE AND CADBURY they're just promoting taxing it higher or advocating for people to make other choices. They are treats which are fine but SHOULDN'T be consumed 100% of the time super regularly.

21-10-2018, 09:59 PM
@lawrawrrr (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=61966);

Why should the majority who exercise self-control be punished with higher taxes/bans on sponsorships because of a small (and fat) minority?

If Little Johnny is going to go home and gorge on Pringles, McDonalds, Gary Linekers crisps and bars of chocolate, then why should every other child be barred from eating a chocolate bar in school? I took a KitKat or something into school and here I am, alive and slim!

It's an as infuriating a punishment as that teacher who keeps the entire class behind when it was two people causing all the trouble.

21-10-2018, 10:50 PM
Because it doesn't kill you not to eat a chocolate bar. Why should processed/unhealthy foods NOT be sold at a premium? They take a lot more time and effort to create than something natural and healthy!!

I mean I know the answer to this question from your selfish posts above but isn't it worth forgoing a chocolate bar every now and then for the health of the entire country - particularly those who are not GIVEN a good food education at a young age/school? If a chocolate bar is £1 and a granola bar is 50p more people will opt for the cheaper bar.. and be healthier. I don't see how that's a bad thing at all!

22-10-2018, 09:18 AM
I think it's good that schools are trying to promote healthy living. I don't think kids need sugar. If their parents choose to give them sugary treats after school then so be it. I think it's frustrating because a lot of people in the UK are sensible but many aren't. I have a chocolate bar at lunch but I also have a piece of fruit (banana/apple). :D

In short I'm not in favour of a ban but I'm in favour of control and education on the issue.

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