View Full Version : What is the current game you're playing

19-11-2018, 02:36 PM

Clue #003: Gold, Frankincense, poached and fried? Wait that's not right, looks like the Wise Men are hungry - what's their preference?

I wonder what do you guys play?

Dota? PUBG? CS:GO?

Tbh, I only play Habbo in the current time frame. I don't even have any games in my phone (or even if they exist, I didn't open them for a very long time).

What about you?

19-11-2018, 02:57 PM
I've played Dota 2, went through a phase of playing that a lot, but generally these days I only play CS:S and CS:GO, I mainly play zombie mod/run, or Scoutknives and fun maps such as Sliderace & Deathrun servers
However since Battle.net was offering out a free copy of Destiny 2 on PC until 18th November, I've been playing that a lot and it's rather addictive to be honest and even better that I got the game for free. But I only play these at weekends.. Sometimes

I've been playing Clash of Clans on my mobile for the last 4 or 5 years now, however for the last year or so I've not really been playing it as 'serious' as I used too.. I login like 2-3 times a week and that's about all.

19-11-2018, 03:05 PM
Whoa, that's still a loads of games you're playing. I wonder how you manage your time XD

19-11-2018, 03:11 PM
Whoa, that's still a loads of games you're playing. I wonder how you manage your time XD

I don't. I haven't played Counter Strike in a while now, but I still class it as a game I play because if it wasn't for Destiny 2 being free, I would be playing CS:S or GO. I only play at the weekends, and often only for a few hours, unlike in my teenage years where I would probably clock 15 hours a day or more lol

19-11-2018, 03:19 PM
But aren't you tired at weekends and just wanna relax after a week of workloads? And yeah, I remember that 15hours playing game phase T.T What a memory!

19-11-2018, 03:22 PM
But aren't you tired at weekends and just wanna relax after a week of workloads? And yeah, I remember that 15hours playing game phase T.T What a memory!

Yeah, but gaming for me is relaxing.. I'm just casually sat back in my chair shooting baddies. Especially when it's probably been like 2-3 years since I last properly gamed.

19-11-2018, 03:25 PM
Well, I guess that will work fine for you. Gaming just makes me stress. Cause I have to think, cooperate and what not. Lol. But I do it cause it's fun. Just cbb with all the stress right now when I have so much more to stress about. Lmao.

19-11-2018, 03:31 PM
Well, I guess that will work fine for you. Gaming just makes me stress. Cause I have to think, cooperate and what not. Lol. But I do it cause it's fun. Just cbb with all the stress right now when I have so much more to stress about. Lmao.

Haha yeah I get that. I suppose you have to be in a stress free state to be able to game, otherwise it'll just add more stress to you when things don't go your way when gaming.
I'm just making the most of it at the moment, as I was previously living with my brother, I wont go into details, but I never planned to stay there long, so never set up my PC or unpacked... I was there for a year and a half lol, so now that I finally have my own place, I set-up my PC again, and it's only been 3 weeks at the moment, so it's still early days, thus I'm still enjoying the thrill of being able to game properly again.. I'm sure it'll die off eventually and I'll go back to playing a few hours per month instead of my current 10+ hours during the weekend, but I HIGHLY DOUBT I'll ever go back to literally spending a whole day gaming, sleeping for like 6 hours, then repeating... I think that would be classed as a suicide attempt at my age.

19-11-2018, 11:49 PM
'Suicide attempt' XD Lmao. It would be a different case if we are a pro ;P

19-11-2018, 11:55 PM
Ha, I'd love to go Pro, especially on Dota 2, I think the current pool prize is around $172m

20-11-2018, 05:33 AM
Going pro in e-sports nowadays is not a bad thing. Unless you are a shitty pro. Hahah

20-11-2018, 10:13 AM
I'm good at such games, just not at a professional level, In fact no where near.. I'd say I'm probably just above average for skill level, but if you account into the fact the amount of hours I played at a kid, then above average is actually terrible lol... I think that purely due to the fact that I haven't played many games in a while (Mainly play FPS) so my skill level has more than likely dropped, but when I do play FPS, I'm still averaging 2 to 1 KDR which isn't too bad.. Unless I'm playing Scoutknives on CS:S, then I average probably 10 to 1 KDR, because it's a harder game and unless you've played it for hours upon end you generally will be no good at it, and I've clocked in many many hours on that particular map/game

21-11-2018, 12:40 PM
I've just started Total War: Shogun 2. The game is awesome

22-11-2018, 05:02 PM
Spyro :)

17-02-2019, 03:46 AM
none atm but i really fancy getting back into SIM City, but i don't think my current laptop can handle it.

17-05-2019, 09:18 AM
My laptop can't handle new games either. I have microsoft solitaire download (https://microsoft-solitaire.com/) link here and think it's the only game my computer can handle nowadays except Habbo and NES emulators.

17-05-2019, 10:30 AM
My current game is Life is Strange 2 - (I have played the previous titles) Just competed chapter three, now waiting for the last two chapters to come out. I love games like this where the choices you make will result in different actions and endings - highly recommend!


21-08-2019, 11:26 AM
My current game is Life is Strange 2 - (I have played the previous titles) Just competed chapter three, now waiting for the last two chapters to come out. I love games like this where the choices you make will result in different actions and endings - highly recommend!


Oh, I finished the first part just recently. I liked it very much but was afraid to buy a sequel, I've been hearing lots of mixed opinions about it. I'm not a fan of adventure games like this, but it really caught my attention. It somehow similar to Quantic Dreams games and Telltale ones.
I'm currently playing Amazing Frog. Have you ever heard of it? Me either. I discovered it in my Steam library, don't recall buying it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/332570/Amazing_Frog/ I decide to google it before launch. I read here (https://gamesmojo.com/games/adventure/amazing-frog) that it's actually a quite old game (released in 2014, duh). Graphics are but and overall its a pretty stupid but funny game, the nobrainer I exactly needed these days.


22-08-2019, 08:52 AM
Does mobile legends count?

22-08-2019, 09:24 AM
Splatoon 2 for the Switch

22-08-2019, 10:40 AM
Does mobile legends count?

I play Mobile Legends too. Add me up (Popperotise).

23-08-2019, 01:49 AM
Splatoon 2 for the Switch

Is Splatoon good? I’ve never played before and heard lots of people rave about it but never really understood it...

Currently gone back to playing Pokémon Let’s Go Eevee

23-08-2019, 09:02 AM
Is Splatoon good? I’ve never played before and heard lots of people rave about it but never really understood it...

Currently gone back to playing Pokémon Let’s Go Eevee

It's really good, so addictive. You've gotta be able to play online to really enjoy it though!

23-08-2019, 08:28 PM
pokemon go lucyecc123 add me

23-08-2019, 11:48 PM
honestly just been playing runescape (both osrs and rs3) for the best part of it

28-08-2019, 11:32 AM

29-08-2019, 04:25 PM
I am currently playing the new Erica game for PS4 - It is brilliant!


08-09-2019, 02:58 AM
WoW classic !

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