View Full Version : Do you bike?

21-11-2018, 12:21 AM
Do you have a bike? Do you bike often?

When I was younger, I used to bike so often. But that was until my high school because my best friend who I used to bike with a lot, suddenly turns to pro and no longer bikes with me XD

Then, when I started to become a teacher, apparently the male teachers in this school have been going for biking jamboree and they have been inviting me to join them. I do have a bike at home but not very sure whether it's the suitable bike for those jamboree as if I'm not mistaken, the preferred bike for those are the mountain bikes. The one I have in my house (my father's) I think is for the track. Therefore, I'm not sure whether I wanna bike again or not :P

21-11-2018, 09:02 PM
I couple of years ago, I used to cycle to work and back. Altogether it was about 15 miles a day. Sometimes it was a bit of a drag, and unfortunately the route was by a main road pretty much the entire time, but I enjoyed it. It was actually quicker than taking the train. It was only a pain when I got a puncture. Used to cycle around with my friends every now and then when I was young. I don't have my bike currently. I live in a second floor apartment and there isn't really anywhere secure to store it, so it's stored away in my Grandma's garage.

17-02-2019, 01:50 PM
i cycle to work everyday and whenever i'm on holiday i always try to go on a cycling tour

18-02-2019, 01:15 PM
I really don't cycle as often as I should, I live in the middle of nowhere which doesn't help. Just easier and quicker to drive.

18-02-2019, 09:20 PM
literally just got my bike serviced on friday, brakes fixed and tyres pumped up. so much difference!

20-02-2019, 09:04 AM
Yeah I cycle most places I can. Cycle to and from work in the morning as it's about 3 odd miles so why waste money on petrol for such short hops? Also wakes me up a bit before I get there.

Plus, I realised travelling to and from work is often the only time in the day I'm not having to talk to someone. So sometimes I'll cycle to work and walk the 3 miles back pushing my bike just to enjoy 55 or so minutes to myself. Heaven.

Don't like cycling long distances though. Y'know, like, no serious cycling in Lycra for me - I just use my bike to cheaply get from one place to another.

20-02-2019, 06:15 PM
I don't, but I actually do enjoy cycling. It's problem where to store a bike really, that's the only thing really stopping me!

22-02-2019, 08:41 AM
I don't, but I actually do enjoy cycling. It's problem where to store a bike really, that's the only thing really stopping me!

what about those fold up bikes that are popular in cities now?

22-02-2019, 08:42 AM
what about those fold up bikes that are popular in cities now?

Last time I looked they were quite expensive! And can look a bit silly if you’re not cycling through the city haha

22-02-2019, 08:44 AM
Last time I looked they were quite expensive! And can look a bit silly if you’re not cycling through the city haha

true, there's always them wall mounts you can buy tho

22-02-2019, 08:45 AM
true, there's always them wall mounts you can buy tho

I don’t have a suitable wall for that!

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22-02-2019, 08:46 AM
I don’t have a suitable wall for that!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

hmm is a pain like. i'm considering moving Madrid/Barcelona/Seville later this year and would have to house share, and where the hell i would put my roadie is a concern! here i've been lucky with spare bedroom

28-04-2019, 06:05 PM
I don't, but I actually do enjoy cycling. It's problem where to store a bike really, that's the only thing really stopping me!

I have the same issue, I want to get into it but I have nowhere to store a bike atm.

It's definitely something I'd like to be into by the end of the year, what's the typical cost to get 'into' hybrid cycling? (i.e. bike and all gear, bike rack, etc) -:Undertaker:-; you're prob best placed to guesstimate

I quite like the look of those events that do closed road races (for example Glasgow to Edinburgh).

28-04-2019, 06:35 PM
I have the same issue, I want to get into it but I have nowhere to store a bike atm.

It's definitely something I'd like to be into by the end of the year, what's the typical cost to get 'into' hybrid cycling? (i.e. bike and all gear, bike rack, etc) @-:Undertaker:- (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=24233); you're prob best placed to guesstimate

I quite like the look of those events that do closed road races (for example Glasgow to Edinburgh).

a typical roadie (which i recommend over hybrids) you can get for like £250 to £300. i've bought two now, and my one at home (Mizani Aero) is nowhere near as good as my Viking one which you can find here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Viking-Mens-Roubaix-Bike/dp/B06XKBGFYK/ref=sr_1_5?qid=1556476207&refinements=p_4%3AViking&s=cycling&sr=1-5

as for the rest, you can get quality skinsuits cheap for like £30, like this one i have: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/XSG375-Hot-sell-MTN-Cycling-Bodyskin-Skinsuit-Jumpsuit-GEL-PAD-Size-S-M-L-XL-XXL/233205765175?hash=item364c259437:m:musrg5SFT64QAYi oLpDgqMw

and you can get decent helmets like this cheapish online too - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bell-Tracker-Cycling-Helmet-Grey/362555714283?hash=item546a012aeb:m:mqm4tEl9ToGAf4d JV8mL_VQ

shoes i'd just go Sports Direct.

overall to start off you're looking at £380? i do recommend that Viking bike though for lower range/starter! ridden a few and its v good

28-04-2019, 06:42 PM
Why road over hybrid?

I wouldn't be doing only road cycling, I'd be going through woods/trail areas etc too.

28-04-2019, 06:45 PM
Why road over hybrid?

I wouldn't be doing only road cycling, I'd be going through woods/trail areas etc too.

it's just a massive difference for when you're on the road. they're so damned smooth

tbh if its not madly off road i've managed on a roadie before. depends what you'll be doing most

28-04-2019, 06:55 PM
mostly off road and driving places tbh so main reason I'd think a hybrid would be better.

30-04-2019, 12:27 AM
mostly off road and driving places tbh so main reason I'd think a hybrid would be better.

could always get both

hybrids you can get veryyyyyyy cheap

30-04-2019, 11:20 AM
I wouldn't really cycle on roads though, unless it was like a closed road race?

I hate cyclists on the roads so I wouldn't contribute to the problem ;)

30-04-2019, 05:56 PM
I wouldn't really cycle on roads though, unless it was like a closed road race?

I hate cyclists on the roads so I wouldn't contribute to the problem ;)

I mainly do off-road like old railway lines and canals. Mostly tarmac/fine grit, fine for roadie!

30-04-2019, 06:54 PM
I think I'm probably best sticking with a hybrid though, I need to rope people into cycling with me though as I'd never do it alone, I'm sure I could find someone though...

I'm considering signing up for a pedal for Scotland cycle in September going from Glasgow to Edinburgh for a bit of motivation to get into it..

I have a 10 mile run the day before in military gear though with a 35kg backpack, so unsure how fucked I'll feel after that..

08-05-2019, 09:32 AM
I like the feeling of freedom when you bike. Unfortunately I don't bike very often, not much free time

05-11-2019, 10:51 AM
I think I'm probably best sticking with a hybrid though, I need to rope people into cycling with me though as I'd never do it alone, I'm sure I could find someone though...

I'm considering signing up for a pedal for Scotland cycle in September going from Glasgow to Edinburgh for a bit of motivation to get into it..

I have a 10 mile run the day before in military gear though with a 35kg backpack, so unsure how **** I'll feel after that..

What do you think about motorcycle backpacks? I'm planning to get one after reading this article on Yourmotobro (https://yourmotobro.com/best-motorcycle-backpacks/). I know that those have lesser capacity than simple travel backpack. But the thing is that I prefer to mix riding with hiking in areas , that's why I need a backpack suitable both for bike and walking. Any opinions?

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