View Full Version : Finding old friends on Habbo

30-11-2018, 08:46 AM
I was just having a look round Habbo for the first time in a while and thought I'd search a couple of people I used to talk to (2004-2006ish). I can't find them and they don't appear to be on my friends list. Can people now change their Habbo name or something?

Is there a way to trace people?

30-11-2018, 10:10 AM

I think, during the merge, a lot of inactive accounts were straight up deleted. I also lost contact with a lot of people who hadn't logged in for some time. I think it's harder to change your name now than it was in 2004 (and it wasn't straightforward then), so I doubt that's what happened. Your friends would be easier to trace if you knew their email address or real name, but if it's just their expunged Habbo username, that seems nearly impossible. There are still oldies around; maybe ask any mutual friends you can think of?

30-11-2018, 11:05 AM
Haha, memories... How are you doing?

The thing is he was 'Habbo rich' so I cannot imagine his account getting deleted? Every now and then I think of a few people I used to talk to and realise that I actually knew them for 5 or more years which is crazy when you think about it. The person I was looking for was known as :J@ME5 then :James then Pixel. But the name Pixel says it was created in 2011. I know he had it long before then.

30-11-2018, 01:23 PM
In 2011 accounts that hadn’t been merged were all removed and all of the rare names were quickly taken, so unfortunately Pixel won’t be owned by your friend anymore

01-12-2018, 12:42 AM
im not sure exactly how it works, but i know last year when i finally gained access to my OG account from 04 there were many other habbos id search up and its like they didn't exist anymore.
my brother for instance HCboyall was his name and its disapeared all together, maybe thats because he never tried to access his account after the merge or even thought about it until a few months ago.

we both stopped playing around the same time. but i kept trying to gain access to my account while he did not. (that wretched merge and all of a sudden you need to know the email you signed up with! WTF! lol) when i finally got in i still had all my stuff and was ecstatic. my brother not so much.

so i dont know if maybe sulake acknowledges when you try to log in as a "Do Not Delete" kinda notice. if you know what im trying to get it. , while if you dont try or dont log in after months or years of absence your account is lost in the pixel abyss forever

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