View Full Version : [Notice] DEBATES ARE BACK!!

09-03-2019, 07:30 AM

Dun Dun Durrrr! That's right, DEBATES ARE BACK!!

From now on the forum department will be bringing you at least one official debate per month where you can show of your arguing skills.

The debates guidelines (https://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=848168) have been updated and everything about debates has been simplified. Don't be scared to join in, you just may win yourself the award of Top Debater!


Our top debater of the month will receive 1 month VIP and 300 tokens, plus the snazzy userbar above.

Plus, a maximum of two honourable mentions will receive 2 weeks VIP and 100 tokens each.


Young people should begin working at a part-time job as early as possible in life
What do you think? Do you think teenagers should be required to get a part-time job when possible, or are you against this?
Let us know in the official debates thread here (https://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=847806)!

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