View Full Version : [News] New Credit Furni - Golden Sceptre

14-05-2019, 10:29 AM
The upcoming credit furni has been tweeted by Habbo and can be seen below!

-Credit to puhekupla

The Golden Sceptre can now be purchased from the catalogue for 350c!

What do you think of the new credit furni, and will you buy one?

14-05-2019, 11:58 AM
Habbo released the credit furni Golden Sceptre at around an hour ago,

Habbos were unable to redeem the item showing its value as NaN...


You were also able to multi-buy the credit furni and make huge savings...


Quick maths: using the multi-buy option you can buy 100 items maximum, getting 33 of those completely free!
The cost of 100 Golden Sceptres is 35,000c, however the purchase total would have been 23,450c...
A total of 11,550c could have been made by the insanely rich Habbos out there!

This resulted in the Golden Sceptre credit furni being placed in the marketplace for much below its exchangeable value in 'Panic Sales'...


The Sceptre has since been removed from the catalogue!


14-05-2019, 02:35 PM
Probably done on purpose so their favourite richboiz could get even richer before they "fix" it. Sadly back up to normal value in mp or I would have gone that route, shame really because as a decoration it's actually quite nice

14-05-2019, 02:42 PM
I managed to buy one for 264c and just sold it for 350c in the marketplace aha ;)

14-05-2019, 03:11 PM
Looks like it's back on sale but still worth NaN credits

14-05-2019, 03:19 PM

The Golden Sceptre is now fixed and can be redeemed correctly!


16-05-2019, 05:29 PM
Looks quite nice! Shame I cannot afford it haha.

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