View Full Version : 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions

17-05-2019, 09:35 PM
I implore you to read the Carbon Majors Report. It's old news but I was reminded of it again today. We alone cannot make the difference needed to save our planet, it's time for businesses to be held accountable.

Link to the report: https://bit.ly/2u4yfgv

For those too lazy to read, here's a good video.


18-05-2019, 05:20 AM
Absolutely boggles my mind that people think they can "save the planet". There's an old saying that those who say they're here to save the world and humanity, are the most dangerous. I think that's absolutely true. More to the point, the more carbon that is released, the better for the environment. How? More carbon = more energy = more development = higher living standards = stabilising birthrate in the third world = saving habitats from suburban expansion.

I don't think I can save the planet nor do I think there's anything to save the planet from. Other than The Sun in a few billion years.

We alone cannot make the difference needed to save our planet, it's time for businesses to be held accountable.

Why just businesses if its about the very survival of the planet? Cut out all those holidays you go on.

18-05-2019, 07:55 AM
the more carbon that is released, the better for the environment. How? More carbon = more energy = more development = higher living standards = stabilising birthrate in the third world = saving habitats from suburban expansion.

Not quite true as "emissions" etc don't release pure carbon but compounds that are dangerous to us - we can't, for example, live on petrol fumes :P

That said, reports like this are why I don't get mega involved in eco stuff. My input is negligible so while I don't chuck all my rubbish on the floor or in bushes I also don't cry myself to sleep after putting a yoghurt pot in the bin rather than recycling. Also worth noting that when people talk about "the planet" they really mean humans. The planet and life in general will massively outlive us as a species no matter what we do to it

19-05-2019, 12:36 AM
Not quite true as "emissions" etc don't release pure carbon but compounds that are dangerous to us - we can't, for example, live on petrol fumes :P

Of course, and don't get me wrong I am not some sort of "tarmac the lot and connect the sewers to the rivers" kind of guy. I completely support protecting mature forests from development, planting new forests, planting street trees (which we are very poor at in Britain) and river daylighting schemes (I think are absolutely fantastic). I myself have spent hundreds of pounds personally turning my family garden into a wildflower-packed/tree-packed/bee-friendly habitat.

But that to me is all common sense. I don't need to believe in the end of the world in order to want to protect it! I cannot save the world, the world doesn't need saving. However, I can turn my own patch of grass into a wildlife haven and I can watch my own behaviour (I have NEVER littered in my life, and will tell people off in public if I see them doing so) to make a difference. I have done more for the environment than some friends who believe in global warming.

20-05-2019, 04:02 PM
Why just businesses if its about the very survival of the planet? Cut out all those holidays you go on.

Yes sir. My one flight abroad this year must outweigh the damage caused by those listed in the report. ;)

Point being individual efforts aren't going to solve the issue.

20-05-2019, 05:58 PM
Ehh I'm big into this stuff but I'm aware that other people aren't and I don't wanna preach so I'll just respond to Zak's one thing I really picked up on.

Point being individual efforts aren't going to solve the issue.

So I do agree that individual efforts won't solve the issue but I do really strongly believe in leading by example. Sure, me giving up meat, deciding not to get a car, switching to plastic free soap, etc. doesn't make a difference to the world because my input is so tiny, but I don't think it's fair for me to shout that we should be making changes if I'm not making an effort to do so myself. Why should groups of people who really can make a difference bother listening to me if I'm setting a bad example?

21-05-2019, 09:45 AM
So I do agree that individual efforts won't solve the issue but I do really strongly believe in leading by example. Sure, me giving up meat, deciding not to get a car, switching to plastic free soap, etc. doesn't make a difference to the world because my input is so tiny, but I don't think it's fair for me to shout that we should be making changes if I'm not making an effort to do so myself. Why should groups of people who really can make a difference bother listening to me if I'm setting a bad example?

Exactly. Those who go vegan, give up flying/cars and recycle absolutely everything - I don't agree with them and think it is a bit nutty, but at least they're practicing what they preach. If I believed the world was going to end, I would behave like that too. But I don't, so...

Like Al Gore. The man tells us the oceans are rising, but buys a multi-million dollar house on the seafront.

21-05-2019, 01:40 PM
Ehh I'm big into this stuff but I'm aware that other people aren't and I don't wanna preach so I'll just respond to Zak's one thing I really picked up on.

So I do agree that individual efforts won't solve the issue but I do really strongly believe in leading by example. Sure, me giving up meat, deciding not to get a car, switching to plastic free soap, etc. doesn't make a difference to the world because my input is so tiny, but I don't think it's fair for me to shout that we should be making changes if I'm not making an effort to do so myself. Why should groups of people who really can make a difference bother listening to me if I'm setting a bad example?

It isn't going to hurt but legalisation is required for impact on a large scale. Many, many people (you/me/95% of this forum) are still making ethical decisions to prevent behaviour that may be harmful to the environment. I just fear that, in the end, it'll be for diddly squat.

Like Al Gore. The man tells us the oceans are rising, but buys a multi-million dollar house on the seafront.

With this logic everyone is a hypocrite. I'm sure Mr Attenborough doesn't give a hoot about the environment because he drives a car, flies to exotic locations, has his heating on etc.. :P

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