View Full Version : Year in Australia

08-09-2019, 09:09 PM
well i'm leaving Spain at the end of October and might go work somewhere else next year (maybe around march) and i have two mates who did Australia for a year. wondered if anyone else on here did/or knows somewho who has done the same

08-09-2019, 09:21 PM
Yupt; is currently doing it but I don’t think he ever checks the forum anymore but tags him on the off chance

09-09-2019, 06:48 AM
ive done it for 22 yrs

09-09-2019, 07:52 AM
I've been to a lot of places haha. My neighbour is actually doing that kind of thing right now. He's a medical specialist and likes travelling so often goes around to remote communities and helps out there for a few weeks then goes somewhere else where his specialty is needed. I have friends that have done teacher placements in like central Australia too.

09-09-2019, 11:05 PM
@Yupt (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=69157); is currently doing it but I don’t think he ever checks the forum anymore but tags him on the off chance

well would you look at this, hello.

yeah I'm currently at the end of my second year in aus actually, headed home next month :( :( :(

@-:undertaker:- feel free to message me with any questions etc you might have

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help i dont know how to tag people anymore

09-09-2019, 11:35 PM

a few questions if you don't mind.

- What work did you do over there? Was it easy to find?
- Did you live in a hostel or shared accomodation?
- Did you drive while over there?
- Did you stay in one spot or move about?

09-09-2019, 11:58 PM
well would you look at this, hello.

yeah I'm currently at the end of my second year in aus actually, headed home next month :( :( :(

@-:undertaker:- feel free to message me with any questions etc you might have

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help i dont know how to tag people anymore

What do you mean you’re headed back next month!? You were meant to be visiting me!

10-09-2019, 12:00 AM
@Yupt (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=69157);

a few questions if you don't mind.

- What work did you do over there? Was it easy to find?
- Did you live in a hostel or shared accomodation?
- Did you drive while over there?
- Did you stay in one spot or move about?

Work is very easy to find as long as you're willing to look. I worked a lot in hospitality when I was younger so I just went back to that and am now working in Sydney as a barista. Some friends i've made here however wanted to continue working in their particular trades and have found work that way too, it just takes longer as you would expect. I'd do the same but unfortunately my career is a little more niche and more difficult to find quick work.

I did both. So as you're travelling about or arriving somewhere for the first time, hostels are the easiest and cheapest way to go (and also a great way to meet similar minded people) however once I stopped to work somewhere I would find shared flats etc. Facebook groups or accomodation finding websites are aplenty and are generally pretty helpful. Took me a couple weeks in Brisbane to find somewhere to live once I decided to stay, then the same again once I moved over to Sydney.

I don't drive over here no. There isn't much need to tell you the truth, as helpful as it would be at times public transport is genuinely pretty good and it's easy enough to get around, Uber/Ola etc is also a big thing here too. That being said if you did want to drive (don't quote me on this) most international driving licenses are valid over here too, think you just need to fill in a couple forms.

I moved around a lot. I've travelled extensively and explored the East and West coasts, the Great Ocean Road and visited most the major cities. To fund that though I have stopped and worked in Brisbane for 6 months and now i've lived in Sydney almost a year.

Feel free to send any other questions over to me and I'll reply when I can, don't mind how big or small they are.

10-09-2019, 10:06 AM
I take it this is a work visa then - are you supposed to earn a certain amount of money to stay in Australia or do you need a certain amount in savings before you go?

I'm curious cause me and my boyfriend are weighing up options for when he's done studying - UK isn't that great a place for work anymore tbh but we need somewhere English speaking where we can both work fairly easily and freely.

10-09-2019, 04:31 PM
I take it this is a work visa then - are you supposed to earn a certain amount of money to stay in Australia or do you need a certain amount in savings before you go?

I'm curious cause me and my boyfriend are weighing up options for when he's done studying - UK isn't that great a place for work anymore tbh but we need somewhere English speaking where we can both work fairly easily and freely.

The type I am looking at is the holiday work visa which is different to the skilled work visa (a lot harder). So far I have read and my friends have told me that it lasts for a year, and if you want to extend it to two years you can provided you do like at least 88 days work in the agricultural sector. you also need to be below 30 years of age and you need to have like 1k to 4k worth aussie dollars in savings.

Basically if you want to travel around and do a holiday/work type thing, that is the visa to go for.

10-09-2019, 04:54 PM
right, so holiday work visa is time limited, you can earn as much or as little as possible, then gtfo their country, unless you have a skilled job?
ive known people go out there but it seems like it's a holiday work visa then cause most come back after a year or two. i do know a couple that are over there but it's through the army so i think it's a lot longer they get but she doesn't work and she gave birth there, so i wondered how it worked for couples, if one can support the other?

my boyfriend is working towards a mechanical engineer degree and he has family there so he thinks it'll be relatively easy but idk.

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lmao 88 days agricultural, what exactly can you do there?

10-09-2019, 06:18 PM
right, so holiday work visa is time limited, you can earn as much or as little as possible, then gtfo their country, unless you have a skilled job?
ive known people go out there but it seems like it's a holiday work visa then cause most come back after a year or two. i do know a couple that are over there but it's through the army so i think it's a lot longer they get but she doesn't work and she gave birth there, so i wondered how it worked for couples, if one can support the other?

my boyfriend is working towards a mechanical engineer degree and he has family there so he thinks it'll be relatively easy but idk.

i *think* if you've lived there before ie doing the holiday visa, it adds extra points to when you apply to be an Australian subject or for skilled visa

i think its worth it tbh just for the fact that you can see if you actually like it there, and can travel around to see where you like. you could go for a skilled visa, spend more money and then be pegged down to one place because of the skilled job. with the holiday work visa, you can just get casual work and move cities and states as you please THEN maybe after a year decide right do we wanna try settle here.

lmao 88 days agricultural, what exactly can you do there?

i had two mates who did agricultural with other jobs like bars, call centres, teaching.

its just like fruit picking or planting stuff. good way to meet people too and go around with them

13-09-2019, 10:42 PM
been looking into this more and you can only do it once (literally once in a lifetime) and under 30.

think i'm gonna go for it atm

14-09-2019, 11:57 AM
anyone can get a working holiday visa which lasts one year, to get a second year you do 88 days worth of regional work (mostly but not always farming stuff). skilled worker visa is different, its not time restricted but you have to be working in a field that is currently listed as desired by the state.

17-09-2019, 07:44 PM
anyone can get a working holiday visa which lasts one year, to get a second year you do 88 days worth of regional work (mostly but not always farming stuff). skilled worker visa is different, its not time restricted but you have to be working in a field that is currently listed as desired by the state.

I bet teaching is actually in that category, may be worth checking Dan.

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anyone can get a working holiday visa which lasts one year, to get a second year you do 88 days worth of regional work (mostly but not always farming stuff). skilled worker visa is different, its not time restricted but you have to be working in a field that is currently listed as desired by the state.

I bet teaching is actually in that category, may be worth checking Dan.

18-09-2019, 12:00 PM
One of the people I went to school with is currently doing this. I believe her and her boyfriend wanted to go travelling so endured a long distance relationship to ensure they could save enough money to do so. They travelled to Asian countries for a few months before going onto Australia. I'm not entirely sure if they work out there, I know they at least volunteer though. They were meant to be going home after around 6 months in Australia, but they're still there 2 1/2 years later.

18-09-2019, 09:24 PM
I bet teaching is actually in that category, may be worth checking Dan.

I have a friend who gave me the idea of teaching (he's now moved back to Spain for a third time) and he first started teaching some Chinese/Korean immigrants on a farm, and the farmer paid him. I bet I could do private tutorials on the side of any job if I wanted to.

I wouldn't want to teach as a job there though, as you're pinned down in one spot then. Farm/bar/hospitality work I can move about.

19-09-2019, 11:46 AM
I have a friend who gave me the idea of teaching (he's now moved back to Spain for a third time) and he first started teaching some Chinese/Korean immigrants on a farm, and the farmer paid him. I bet I could do private tutorials on the side of any job if I wanted to.

I wouldn't want to teach as a job there though, as you're pinned down in one spot then. Farm/bar/hospitality work I can move about.

i think if they ever find out youve made money, you get banned (could be wrong)

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I have a friend who gave me the idea of teaching (he's now moved back to Spain for a third time) and he first started teaching some Chinese/Korean immigrants on a farm, and the farmer paid him. I bet I could do private tutorials on the side of any job if I wanted to.

I wouldn't want to teach as a job there though, as you're pinned down in one spot then. Farm/bar/hospitality work I can move about.

i think if they ever find out youve made money, you get banned (could be wrong)

28-09-2019, 06:24 PM
@GoldenMerc (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=26925);

what do you mean? as in a job thats cash in hand?

funnily enough few days ago i was speaking to a Spanish girl in bar who said she'd worked in Florida, USA for a year or two on a tourist visa and just worked cash in hand. had to return home every 3 months then re-enter, but bar just paid her on the hush.

29-09-2019, 08:50 AM
@GoldenMerc (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=26925);

what do you mean? as in a job thats cash in hand?

funnily enough few days ago i was speaking to a Spanish girl in bar who said she'd worked in Florida, USA for a year or two on a tourist visa and just worked cash in hand. had to return home every 3 months then re-enter, but bar just paid her on the hush.

pretty much, and yeah you can do what that girl done, but only a couple of times or so before they start refusing entry

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@GoldenMerc (https://www.habboxforum.com/member.php?u=26925);

what do you mean? as in a job thats cash in hand?

funnily enough few days ago i was speaking to a Spanish girl in bar who said she'd worked in Florida, USA for a year or two on a tourist visa and just worked cash in hand. had to return home every 3 months then re-enter, but bar just paid her on the hush.

pretty much, and yeah you can do what that girl done, but only a couple of times or so before they start refusing entry

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