View Full Version : Bath Or Shower

26-10-2019, 11:52 AM
Which do you prefer? I have to say I prefer having showers becuase I hate waiting for the bath to full up and if you think about it your lying in your own dirt!!! Its very very rare that I have a bath.

26-10-2019, 12:30 PM
I love baths. I used to have a bath then I'd shower after. Bath was my relaxing time. I don't have one anymore :(

26-10-2019, 02:05 PM
we don't have a shower so not really much choice but still baths are the best

26-10-2019, 02:12 PM
we don't have a shower so not really much choice but still baths are the best

26-10-2019, 02:37 PM
Shower is my go to

26-10-2019, 02:37 PM
Shower def, I don't really GET baths. Takes 5eva to run it, then it's the wrong temperature, then you get in and it's like ok what next I can't do anything because my hands are wet so just sit there in your own juice until you get all wrinkly and tired but you can't sleep in there obv so you have to then get out and no it's just bad

26-10-2019, 03:09 PM
Shower def, I don't really GET baths. Takes 5eva to run it, then it's the wrong temperature, then you get in and it's like ok what next I can't do anything because my hands are wet so just sit there in your own juice until you get all wrinkly and tired but you can't sleep in there obv so you have to then get out and no it's just bad

LMFAO omg I can't stop laughing @ "then you get in and it's like ok what next I can't do anything because my hands are wet so just sit there in your own juice"

Showers always!!!!!

26-10-2019, 03:16 PM

26-10-2019, 04:16 PM
Shower def, I don't really GET baths. Takes 5eva to run it, then it's the wrong temperature, then you get in and it's like ok what next I can't do anything because my hands are wet so just sit there in your own juice until you get all wrinkly and tired but you can't sleep in there obv so you have to then get out and no it's just bad
u just lay there and contemplate ur life. like when ur depressed and u lay in bed all day doing nothing, except with a bath you can pretend you're doing something productive

26-10-2019, 09:09 PM
Bath all the way!!
I love a good old soak

26-10-2019, 09:59 PM
shower, baths are a waste of time ;l

26-10-2019, 10:54 PM
I think in theory baths are more relaxing but in reality I find them horrible..

I get in a bath and I'm like a woman and have it boiling to the point where I question whether or not I am in fact Satan himself.. but then I don't particularly want to have a bath when I'm pretty dirty because I'm essentially washing my own dirt into other parts of my body.

I then get so hot that I have to sit up a little because I realise that I'm not in fact Satan and cannot withstand such a temperature for that long, then when I get out of the bath, due to the fact I've been floating and not really supporting my body weight for X amount of time, it's like my body gives up when I try to get out and I feel twice my weight and I legit need to lay down before I dry myself because I'm so knackered from the energy I used getting out that im physically drained from doing anything else.

Maybe I'm just getting old. But showers all the way.

27-10-2019, 06:06 AM
Though my wife prefers baths, I love me a hot shower. Baths...you just swim in your own filth...maybe it's the germ freak in me but I can't stand baths.

30-10-2019, 12:04 AM
I can only shower now in a wet room due to useless legs lol, but I used to LOVE baths so much!
Nice hot baths with plenty of lush bubbles/bath salts, mmmmmm bliss!

30-10-2019, 02:28 AM
depends on how I'm feeling, baths if I just want to relax and showers if I want to actually get clean

30-10-2019, 10:27 AM
Baths are too much effort. Whenever I try to have one it gets cold way too quickly and I always worry about other people needing the bathroom, since we only have one bathroom so don't like to stay in there too long. So showers for me.

30-10-2019, 07:55 PM
oh man FUCK baths I can't stand them ;l like others have said, takes fucking ages to run but if I leave for a second then I forget about them and flood my whole damn floor, if I try and put bubbles in then it just foams up in just one place where the taps are so like ????? unhelpful. Then I actually get IN the bath and it's too hot so I'm sweating like a maniac which doesn't make me feel clean, get bored after two minutes because who can just sit there ?? and I can't read a book because I'm 1) sweaty as fuck and annoyed about it and 2) probably sat with my torso in the super bubbly section of the bath so I'd get the book wet.

absolute disaster baths are. Also then I have to clean the bath afterwards so no thank you

showers are beautiful. I shower reallyyyy quickly usually, just wash myself down and leave immediately, no messing about. But sometimes I'll treat myself to a boiling hot shower where I start off at a normal temperature and slowly amp it up notch by notch til my legs are lobster red. But you've gotta start at a reasonable temperature or otherwise it hurts too much. like boiling a frog but I'm doing it for fun really.

Anyway, showers. Never baths. Thank you.

11-02-2020, 08:43 AM
I used to love taking bath when I was living with parents. But now I live alone and I quickly realized that despite it's relaxing that's too time consuming, also that's too much water to waste and I don't like it :') But the main reason is that my bathroom don't have bath :') only a shower stall. I even installed a compact toilet just to have a few inches of space there.

12-02-2020, 07:15 PM
I take both since I’m 6 months pregnant lol. Baths to relax and showers for a quick clean

27-02-2020, 01:31 AM
showers in normal circumstances

bath if you're sick or its cold and you wanna warm up

that said the last time i had a bath must've been a few years ago

27-02-2020, 09:29 PM
Shower 100%. I can't remember the last time I had a bath.

28-02-2020, 12:23 AM
Shower! Haven’t had a bath in sooo long

01-06-2020, 02:55 AM
Depends on my mood tbh and also timing- if I am in a rush for something probs shower but I usually have baths late in the night as a relaxation technique.

01-06-2020, 10:50 AM
I'd go with showers 100%. I don't really take baths much anymore. I used to take them more frequently a couple of years ago, but now there's just not enough time.

The idea of a bath disgusts me because if you're dirty, you're just sitting in your own filth (or juices as Tom called it lol). So, I really only take baths maybe later at night to just relax (if I've already showered for the day, and am not feeling completely gross).

04-06-2020, 10:52 AM
I prefer the shower

04-06-2020, 11:37 AM
I prefer having baths over showers :)

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