View Full Version : Are you an anxious person?

21-01-2020, 11:13 PM
I can be very anxious around people I don't know.

Sometimes I try not to make eye contact with people if they are walking towards me.

What makes you anxious?

22-01-2020, 01:44 PM
I used to be in certain situations, but mainly no. I can talk to randomers for hours (like on planes).

Little things make me anxious. Like say I have a class due, i'll have like a nervous energy beforehand.

23-01-2020, 02:13 AM
It depends on the situation. When I was looking for a new job I'd find myself feeling anxious about the interview, but on some occasions when I was actually in it then I'd be fine. I think the anxiety also came from sort of knowing a certain job wasn't right for me or when I believed I wasn't going to get it anyway. I had an interview for Aldi, and because it was a group interview I was more anxious, but alone I am fine.

Another situation which I feel anxious (and this has been apparent for years, but it isn't constantly there) is when I haven't been in work for a few days. I'll feel anxious about what work I'm going into, have other people done their jobs right/enough to ensure I don't have tonnes to do when I come in. This anxiety goes as soon as I'm there usually as work is great for escapism.

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23-01-2020, 11:20 PM
I just get anxious about what the day will bring, will it be quiet or busy at work, will I know any of the customers, I don't want to be rude not talking to them but what if I am busy (they understand if i just say hello and they see me with a tray full of dirty cups etc.

24-01-2020, 03:12 PM
I’m known for being pretty calm and collected in situations that can be stressful but in other ways I’m also very anxious.

Like the other day I was worried I hadn’t locked my friend’s house up when I had checked it while they were away. And even though I knew it was fine because I definitely checked before I left, it took everything in me to not go back and check again.

Or work I’m always worried that I left things a mess and everyone is angry at me, or I dread going in because I’m going to get into trouble for something when I know I haven’t done anything wrong.

19-02-2020, 07:43 PM
I can be very anxious around people I don't know.

Sometimes I try not to make eye contact with people if they are walking towards me.

What makes you anxious?

Is this because you have a feeling of expectation to have to say something to that person? I know depending on the population density of where you live that if theres lower numbers of people, there seems to be more expectation to interact with a stranger on the street, simply by saying "Hello or Good Afternoon". Its quiet normal. But when living in a city like London, then stranger social interaction is seriously low and is seemed as a really weird thing to do.

20-02-2020, 12:06 AM
I can be very anxious around people I don't know.

Sometimes I try not to make eye contact with people if they are walking towards me.

What makes you anxious?

I'm the same with people I don't know to a point. If I was going for an interview like I said in my previous post, and I had to impress certain people then the anxiety I feels just goes away and I can adapt to the situation.

However, I am generally anxious and quiet around people I don't know - I started my new job in December 2018 and it took me months before I got used to people at work and actually spoke more to them. They all remember when I was quiet and although I'm still not as loud as some people I've definitely improved and don't feel anxious around them. We got some new starters in December 2019 and I was fine when they came for the interview because they worked with me, but I was anxious about working with most of them when they started (one of the new people I already knew so that was fine, even though I hadn't seen her/spoke to her in years). I think it just depends on the situation I'm in.

20-02-2020, 06:53 PM
I have got a little better now with eye contact, I work in a cafe and I have to tell customers where the toilets are etc. To make it look like I am not being rude I have to look at them whilst talking.
This job I am in at the moment does give me anxiety because when it gets busy I am not very quick at my job and think I am going to get into trouble for not doing things properly, always frightened of breaking something or cutting myself.

20-02-2020, 08:31 PM
I'm the same, I naturally hate people (7 years in retail did that to me) so I generally try to avoid people at all costs... Which means minimal contact. Luckily I'm now in a job where I can do just that and it's beautiful lol.. I'm the complete opposite when I'm drunk though, basically a different person.

I'd say I'm confident when I do talk to people tho, eye contact etc.. I just don't particularly want to talk to people these days lol

21-02-2020, 12:25 AM
I always used to get anxious about doing my job wrong - I believe that was due to the place I worked at and the attitudes my colleagues and managers had though. At my old job you, if you were good at it you were expected to do it right all the time whereas if you were rubbish you got away with it for ages. Nowadays, I don't always feel anxious about doing my job wrong because the expectations they have of me is realistic and if I do it wrong they don't go ape, they just tell me to do it right next time in a good way (acting as an equal instead of someone trying to act higher than you). I am good at the job I do and I know they would struggle without me (I have been told this by a manager) so I don't feel as anxious anymore because of that. I do still worry sometimes though, but I believe a little bit of worry is normal!

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