View Full Version : [TV] Love Island - Winter

05-02-2020, 09:22 PM
Has anyone been watching the new Love Island winter version, located in Cape Town?

What are your views on all of the islanders?
Who do you think is going to recouple after Casa Amor?

Callums head seems to be GONE with that new Molly girl... Is it bad that I low-key wanna see him recouple with Molly because I enjoy watching drama

06-02-2020, 01:27 AM
It isn't as good as last the one last year. Last year was the first time I'd ever watched it and I got hooked, this one I'm still watching occasionally but not as invested in it!

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08-02-2020, 09:41 AM
It isn't as good as last the one last year. Last year was the first time I'd ever watched it and I got hooked, this one I'm still watching occasionally but not as invested in it!

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Yeah I agree that it isn't good as last year, or even any of the previous years to be honest. However it is starting to get juicy with what's happened over at Casa Amor, I haven't watched last nights episode yet but I can imagine it's full of drama

08-02-2020, 11:14 PM
I enjoyed last night's episode, hated seeing Shaughna upset though! My favourites are Paige and Finn and Siannise and Luke T.

09-02-2020, 08:35 AM
I enjoyed last night's episode, hated seeing Shaughna upset though! My favourites are Paige and Finn and Siannise and Luke T.

Haven't watched last night's episode yet because I was busy making poor life choices helped with the consumption of alcohol.

I'll be watching it tonight though... Kinda want to hear and see her reaction to Callum recoupling

13-02-2020, 06:04 PM
This meme made me laugh, in relation to last night's episode


14-02-2020, 01:54 AM
I definitely know the answer to that one!

Also as for the recoupling

I hope Luke M picks Demi. Honestly Shaughna is just playing a game and it's obvious. That headlines challenge saw it say Luke M and Shaughna should be together to get the 50k, but literally no one was asking for it. It's just what the producers want to happen. They made the two strongest couples doubt each other, lied about Finn's head turning and the lot, really bad episode in terms of that. By the looks of it, it is either Shaughna, Natalia or Demi who will be leaving, and I think Jamie will end up picking Natalia. I hope Shaughna leaves after this, I really think Demi is so nice and wants to please everyone, so I hope she stays, plus the fact her and Luke are so cute together.

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21-02-2020, 12:50 AM
Final week! I'm so happy with most of the couples, but to me there's a clear obvious who should leave before the final (I hope they do). My winners are probably Luke T and Siannise (the episode tonight is lovely, especially those two if you haven't watched it yet). Not sure what I'll be watching when it's over!

26-02-2020, 09:25 PM
Although the winter love island was probably the most boring with with the amount of drama in it being at a minimum... It was still good to watch since there were a lot of decent couples... I lot of them were good matches which is unusual for love island to have that many strong couples towards the end.. if at all..

I must say though that...

I guessed Paige and Fin were going to win it at about the mid way point in the show, they were Def the best couple and so likable

Let's hope the summer version is a goodun

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