View Full Version : [Life] Eating Healthy

05-02-2020, 09:53 PM
Ok, so as you might know I am a lorry driver, I work away Monday to Friday and as you can imagine it's pretty hard to eat healthy when if I park in the services I get a free meal, which is often McDonald's, KFC or Burger King ...

I do have a fridge in my lorry, but it's still easy to snack on crap that's not good for you, plus I get bored easily when driving and what do I do when I'm bored? I eat..

I've started to pack my fridge with more healthy options, for example I now have no chocolate or cakes etc.. mainly it's fruit and cereal bars to snack on. Then at night I have seeded bread, cut up chicken with iceberg lettuce and light mayo, and to finish off I have a zero fat yogurt which I add granola too and blue berries... Actually tastes lovely...

So that's my week sorted to somewhat healthy... Beats what I was eating before anyway... but I don't really have an idea on what I can eat when I'm at home, with access to the oven, I normally cook crap and chips at the weekend, whether that be pie, pizza, southern fried chicken etc...

Any recommendations? Nothing that requires actually cooking. I'm too lazy to cook these days, throw something in the oven for 20 mins and call it a meal is how I roll.

06-02-2020, 01:53 AM
You could cook a fish meal like salmon, it goes with a lot of things - salad, potatoes etc.

Also, if you have a job you could make omelettes or your own soup as you literally just put whatever you like in them! You could also take soup with you when you're working, even if you eat it cold.

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06-02-2020, 12:18 PM
Step down even further from Samanfa's idea and you can buy premade breaded fishcakes in supermarkets? There's loads of different flavours so you can try out the ones you like and one makes a perfect light meal or you can cook two (they come two to a pack usually) if you're really hungry! They normally cook 20 mins from fresh or 30-35 mins from frozen and I always have at least one in the freezer for a no-brainer meal if I wanna just chuck something in the oven.

06-02-2020, 08:19 PM
Ah brilliant, thanks both..

I do love a bit of Salmon and new potatoes..
I think I've seen those premade breaded fishcakes you're referring too, I might buy some this weekend and give it a go.

Hopefully I'll actually see this through and keep eating healthy, I'm getting porky and I don't like it haha.

07-02-2020, 01:26 AM
You could also have jacket potatoes with whatever topping you like, experiment a bit with them! I tend to go through phases with food and jacket potatoes were in last week haha. Also, if you ever do fancy cooking where you have to watch over it you could also have a stir fry.

Following on quiches are good and if you have a freezer you could always batch cook some meals to make it even easier for you if you have the time to.

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08-02-2020, 09:47 AM
You could also have jacket potatoes with whatever topping you like, experiment a bit with them! I tend to go through phases with food and jacket potatoes were in last week haha. Also, if you ever do fancy cooking where you have to watch over it you could also have a stir fry.

Following on quiches are good and if you have a freezer you could always batch cook some meals to make it even easier for you if you have the time to.

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Ooo, I do love a good jacket potato, that's a good shout... I just got to be sensible about it since normally when I have them I cake the thing in a shed load of creme fresh and enough cheese to swim in it.

So yesterday didn't go so well with me eating healthy... but I guess I can have a cheat day once a week right? As I went out drinking, I was rushing to get back from work at a reasonable time, so I didn't eat all day as a result and then when I started drinking, I remembered that I haven't eaten, so I ordered a McDonalds!!! :(

Hopefully today will be different, when my body decides to stop punishing me for having a social life, I'll go to the shop and buy some Salmon I think.

Edit: Just seen this in Aldi, do you think this is somewhat healthy, because damn it looks good and I've learnt that generally if it looks good, it's unhealthy lol

08-02-2020, 04:20 PM
It looks nice, not sure if it'll be healthy! Although I'm surprised they don't have product information on their website so you could research it before making a trip for it? Unless I just can't find it.

I tend to have butter with jacket potatoes mostly and I definitely use too much! I like beans and cheese on them too though.

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