View Full Version : [Idea] Help Desk bot
04-05-2020, 04:20 PM
An idea to allow users to get basic help at all time. A bot that activates when no staff is working behind the desk. It whispers to the user (so it doesn't bother other users) and it can answer basic questions.
The user sits in front of the bot then the bot says that there is no staff working right now. It offers the user to choose between a number of categories:
1. Credits & Diamonds
2. Habbo Club
3. How to find a job?
4. How to get a trading pass?
5. What can I do on Habbo?
and whatever you think is appropriate. Then the user says the number and the bot whispers a possible solution to the problem. Also reminding the user to come back when someone is available to help if the answer wasn't good enough.
04-05-2020, 06:36 PM
It's a good idea, but the logistics of the bot make it just not worth it. Besides, what would we do when there are staff members present?
It's a good idea, but the logistics of the bot make it just not worth it. Besides, what would we do when there are staff members present?
Can you elaborate on what 'logistics' makes this not worth it?
The bot could remain whilst there are staff members present if the whisper is triggered by text input based on a set of questions since it wouldn't have any effect on general conversation or more specific questions aimed at the staff.
@megahao (; this is a good suggestion, perhaps as a team you could collate your most frequently asked questions to continue to add what's relevant. Seems like a better experience than coming into a room for help and not getting any when there are no staff.
05-05-2020, 11:52 AM
I'm fairly certain we already had a bot a few years ago? I'm not sure of its purpose back then, whether it was to help or just to advertise habbox, but the vast majority of people who came to the hxhd complained about it since it spammed like heck.
Either that or it was just a wild hx dream
05-05-2020, 11:58 AM
I'm fairly certain we already had a bot a few years ago? I'm not sure of its purpose back then, whether it was to help or just to advertise habbox, but the vast majority of people who came to the hxhd complained about it since it spammed like heck.
Either that or it was just a wild hx dream
The bot can whisper to the user when they sit in front of it, no one else needs to hear what the bot says.
I'm fairly certain we already had a bot a few years ago? I'm not sure of its purpose back then, whether it was to help or just to advertise habbox, but the vast majority of people who came to the hxhd complained about it since it spammed like heck.
Either that or it was just a wild hx dream
There was a welcome bot which is the most basic type of bot I think you can buy in the shop. I think complains were more geared towards spam bots in many event rooms that would advertise open jobs etc. There is a :mutebots command that can be entered into the bot's welcome text to inform new users how to shut it up.
In relation to specific questions, the bot could simply welcome users and you could have wired do the rest. Nobody reads the spammed wired entrance chat so a semi-regular bot chat will be more useful. For example "welcome to hxhd, blablabla, say !help if you have a question". Then the command can trigger a list of FAQs, with each of those questions answered through their own inputs - !duckets, !credits, !jobs, etc. Then just say if their answer is not there to ask a member behind the desk or come back when there is a staff member to help. If you have a visitor logger bot you can also reach out to anybody new who has visited as well but this is more advanced - gives staff something to do though and helps to retain more users.
05-05-2020, 12:10 PM
FYI bots can whisper to a user!
FYI bots can whisper to a user!
Oh really what kind of bot is that as I seem to only have a chat bot
05-05-2020, 12:22 PM
Oh really what kind of bot is that as I seem to only have a chat bot
Well, by using the WIRED Effect: Bot talks or whispers to user.
Might as well give it a crack. In my opinion I see help desk dept being pretty redundant honestly, not that i really sit on Habbo like I used to but most of the time its the staff interacting with the others in the room which is other habbox staff most of the time, i see anyway. Don't get me wrong I don't see behind the scenes of what other things hxhd staff do but it seems to be more of a 'client ambassador' for habbox i guess you could say as the room basically is used for advertising the site these days but people want to hang onto the nostalgia of it as its been around for 12 years or so. Like kyle said you could come up with a load of things together as a team.
05-05-2020, 12:36 PM
A lot of people do still go to hxhd for help (new and old alike) and quite often these people stay around to chat and even become part of Habbox, so it's definitely not redundant at all. While I wouldn't want a bot taking over the job entirely or have staff direct people to the bot instead of personally helping, I can see a benefit to a bot with limited responses. It would need to be very basic info as we obviously can't set it up to answer every query under the sun but the 5 questions you've suggested could be good ones to set up... if the wired will co-operate :P
A lot of people do still go to hxhd for help (new and old alike) and quite often these people stay around to chat and even become part of Habbox, so it's definitely not redundant at all. While I wouldn't want a bot taking over the job entirely or have staff direct people to the bot instead of personally helping, I can see a benefit to a bot with limited responses. It would need to be very basic info as we obviously can't set it up to answer every query under the sun but the 5 questions you've suggested could be good ones to set up... if the wired will co-operate :P
agree its not redundant but could evolve into something else like a lounge which i know has been suggested in the past but thats just me
agree its not redundant but could evolve into something else like a lounge which i know has been suggested in the past but thats just me
There's no evolution needed, the helpdesk and all other helpdesks have doubled as lounges for many many many years. Naming it a helpdesk encourages newer users to visit and adds another dimension, to remove this aspect is and always has been a bad idea.
I think it's a good idea, and if could be set up properly then whats to lose other than some credits and a few minutes of someones day? It it works then great, if it doesn't then oh well.
Always thought a bot advertising the days events and competitions in hxhd would be a good idea too.. as long as someone actually bothers to update it.
06-05-2020, 07:53 PM
I don't mind the idea of bringing back a bot, it can be a good way to advertise things. I would say though, as long as it doesn't spam too much. When we had one before we got a lot of complaints from people, even with the mutebots function!
06-05-2020, 08:36 PM
Probably I didn't explain it well hahah I meant a bot that can help people while there is no staff behind the desk. It can just whisper to the person that needs help, for basic stuff like credits, jobs, duckets, hc. I don't think the HxHD needs more advertisement in the room.
09-05-2020, 11:28 PM
This is a great idea. Imo this should definetely be looked into, doesn't seem too hard.
It's maybe something that would be best suited to be done with wired as it is done via whisper and therefore will not effect other habbos around you. Like a "Help Booth" that you would walk up to, or sit at and ask generic starting questions as stated in original post. In this, I could see this work, because it could be a feature that could be turned off and on when there are helpers present.
Sorry, to edit: This is to remove the Bot all together, and just replace it with just wired.
I dont particularly use habbo as much as those who would know better, but the issue i've always had with wired is that its already so overused its intrusive. Even now you enter hxhd and get 5 or 6 wired messaging instantly spam me - and I couldn't even tell you what they say because its such an irritation.
If bots can whisper then that literally sounds like a win to me.
This is something I can certainly look into
01-06-2020, 03:35 PM
Very smart idea.
07-06-2020, 10:41 PM
we can have a separate small desk just for the bot and when the bot noticed there isnt staff behind the desks in the seats it would notify newcomers that there is no staff available and that they have to sit in front for some basic help.
This would be a pretty nifty idea to implement, I can't imagine how expensive it might be though!
Also, changing the help desk room every so often - does this mean the BOT would have to be moved and rewired to each new room?
01-09-2020, 09:26 AM
In relation to specific questions, the bot could simply welcome users and you could have wired do the rest. Nobody reads the spammed wired entrance chat so a semi-regular bot chat will be more useful.
16-09-2020, 11:14 AM
Must admit I quite like this idea - I'm not sure how the bots work in rooms but I'm sure this could be implemented?
16-09-2020, 02:50 PM
I think this idea is a great one but would it be possible cause we got the help desk staff so. Maybe one in the room? But then again you got the staff to be there as well so. I mean a bot could be possible.
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