View Full Version : How many emails do you have?

11-10-2020, 10:47 PM
I currently have about 20 important ones, but I have 3 email accounts and 1 of them has like 35k emails which obvs is not linked to my phone at all :')

11-10-2020, 11:06 PM
I have 4 email accounts.
My inbox currently has 2731 unopened emails.

12-10-2020, 08:32 AM
0, having unopened emails sitting there so am always going on and just deleting shit that isn't important. My uni email I open them but I don't delete them so its just full of opened not important emails.
Ok actually I have other emails I never look at but it only has 88 unopened emails.

12-10-2020, 08:36 AM
About 5000, if it doesnt have the words "free" or "ocerdue" and looks ledgit then it says unread.

12-10-2020, 10:02 AM
2 accounts and my main one has 16,612 emails in the Inbox

i barely read emails, only if like i'm expecting one and have to go open it up

12-10-2020, 10:50 AM
Zero unread and about 300 in inboxes

12-10-2020, 01:46 PM
I have 2 emails that I use, but one is like my work/basically everything email. I am very organized when it comes to that email. I hate having unread emails, so I'm constantly checking it. If an email is important and I have to keep it, I'll just move it to the correct folder. So, my Inbox has like 2 emails right now because I have to deal with something pertaining to them, so I leave them there until that's done.

My other email was my personal one before I had this new one. I think I have about like 50 emails unread in there? I don't check it that often, mostly because it's just spam so I'll go in there every once in a while and just mass delete everything.

19-10-2020, 05:13 PM
5346, of which twenty-three (e.g. SoundCloud making me aware that ghost users liked my music and Steam saying I won 01 cent by selling things) are unread — oldest one being one from 13 years ago, to my father, saying T AMO (LOV YOU), E-less because of the missing msn messenger emoticons https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1ce2a41aa3ab62ba5fff8c84c5c10237be85fd7a/687474703a2f2f7765622e617263686976652e6f72672f7765 622f32303134303230343233313435392f687474703a2f2f6d 657373656e6765722e6d736e2e636f6d2f4d4d4d323030362d 30342d31395f31372e30302f5265736f757263652f656d6f74 69636f6e732f7361645f736d696c652e676966

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