View Full Version : Murder Train by Cameron446: omgg yess!

31-10-2020, 12:47 AM
Okay so we just finished playing Murder Train about an hour ago and I had to rush back on to say it was a BLAST

31-10-2020, 01:57 AM
I'm not sure why only the first line on the post was posted! ahh I suck at this!
point is, Cameron was Djing AND hosting this event and he did AMAZING. I would have been dead multitasking like that! not to mention how unbelievably creative he was throughout with the story telling! He also signed up for an extra hour because people still wanted to play!
The group who played was amazing and everyone truly went along with the theme! rarely you see everyone roleplay and it was so fun

31-10-2020, 02:48 AM
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I had so much fun hosting, djing and also thinking of the stories to use. We did it last year but it was not at all how we hosted it tonight. I am more then happy to host this again next year as everyone was so lovely and supportive and took on the role of role playing which you said you never hardly see people doing anymore. Big massive thank you to LUCPIX; for creating the banner for the event at last minute, nic01e; for donating 55c for the event, Shannon; for letting me host the entire show on the radio and also a big massive thanks to YellowBelli; for posting the event on twitter for us over all we must have had over 20 people taking part which was excellent to see!!

31-10-2020, 03:14 AM
Ye got some unusual rp'ing experience there at your and nic's habbox express, sure, and in spite of how lost I remained like a blind man in the dark in the first 30 minutes, with some of the other players, until getting the hang of the fun (maybe by taking the plot line from the event's thread way too seriously), it was interesting to see how the radio was used to steer the event's gameplay, which isn't something we see every day and surprisingly works pretty well with the format. Am highly for more things based on this dynamic in the future — even if it is not halloween-oriented! I enjoyed it very much, even as a ghost

31-10-2020, 01:36 PM
Haha you're so rubbish at forums Amber :P but yesss it was a fun event, really love it when people get fully involved in the RP of these games. I ended up dying at least 4 times I'm sure but very enjoyable, great effort Cameron and everyone else involved

02-11-2020, 06:47 AM
Why do I always miss out on playing my favourite game... I hope another one gets hosted soon so I can join in!

edit: maybe this isn't the same game I'm thinking of, not sure, but it got called Murder Train as well

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