View Full Version : Moving away/out from home

27-02-2021, 12:13 PM
okay so

i feel like it's really taboo if you're still living with parents in late 20s, and people say to me like why wouldnt you want "independence" etc but fact is i actually enjoy living with my parents/brothers/sister and i dont see why thats seen as a bad thing. for the last 3 years ive lived in Spain on my own, so i know what living away from home actually is and i did so for 3 years of Uni too, but if i was living back in Britain i know i'd wanna stay at home and not move out.

is anyone else like this? like why would i wanna go sit on my own in a house/apartment??? i'd just end up coming home whenever i could lmao

27-02-2021, 12:38 PM
I mean, I guess the idea is to start a family of your own, whether that be with or without kids is your choice, but to start a family 'home' of your own with your partner. Can't really be doing that whilst living with your parents, especially if you have other siblings there as well. Obviously if you don't have a partner, then technically speaking, living on your own would be a waste of money, but it's whether or not you value independence over that or not.

I moved out when I was around 21, lived with my ex for about 3 years, then we broke up and I had to move back in with my mum (Sadly she had moved into a smaller house) I lived back there for around a year before buying my own place at 25, lived there for 2 years, then sold that place, and moved in with my brother for around 3 months whilst I purchased another house, and boom here I am today. I'd have to say there were some aspects of living with my mum again that I did enjoy, one of them was home cooked meals every so often, or at worst left-overs as she cooked too much. So I got to eat a variety of different food, unlike normal where I cook the same shit again lmao.

Then living with my brother was okay, still felt like I had the independence, but still didn't like it, much prefer to have my own place. I have my friend and his GF living with me at the moment, so I'm not actually living here alone, plus they're paying for my mortgage, which is obviously earning me money as equity in the house... but if I was, then I can understand logic behind not wanting to move out, as it'll be boring, but on the swing side to that, if I had a GF, then I'd 100% much rather be living on my own, and I feel like I'm one step ahead now, as I have the house, I just need to find the GF lol.

I think the biggest thing regarding this all is the sense of accomplishment you get from having your own place, I'm proud of my house and what I've got, instead of me going to family events etc... instead they can be hosted at mine etc...

I guess from a logical point of view it's best to stay at home as long as you can - Assuming you get along with all family members etc.. as you're saving money, money which can be invested elsewhere.. But I can imagine it'll be a massive turn off to any potential partner, knowing that you still live at home with parents in your late 20s / early 30s... It can be seen as lazy, a lack of motivation, no drive, no desire to go anywhere in life etc...

Whereas a single person with their own place can imply the exact opposite.

27-02-2021, 01:38 PM
Sectional; see that last part really doesn't bother me. when i think of buying a house, it's purely to paint and then rent out and carry on living at home. like i've got no desire in the slightest to buy a house and then live in it. plus, the thought of looking after radiators, bills, boilers, utilities oh god its just overwhelming.

like the apartment i've lived in for the last 3 years nearly, i don't call it or even think of it as 'home' and i've done nothing to it. its just got the same furniture as it had when i moved in, i've got no decorations or anything. it's just a place i live in and i regard it as like staying in a hotel room when you go abroad tbh!

27-02-2021, 02:42 PM
but if you buy a house to rent out, you'll be responsible for the boiler, radiators and general maintenance of the house anyway

27-02-2021, 04:47 PM
When I moved for college, I never really "moved back in." I sort of had a room back at home still and could go visit or whatever when I needed to, but all the stuff I used on the daily was back at my college apartment. After college I never moved back in either, I just went and got more of my stuff so my parents wouldn't have it or put it in storage. I'm sure my parents wouldn't have minded me being back home and I had nothing against moving back home, I was just used to the town I moved to for college.

I know a couple of my friends that moved home after college. My best friend's parents hounded her to sort of hurry up, find a job, move out, etc. Her parents were pretty strict and still enforced a curfew when she moved back home so ... understandable.

I don't mind people that live with their families? I know some of us have a lot of reasons/circumstances/etc. of why. As long as you're happy, healthy, doing what you need to do, I don't care.

Also, I really enjoy living by myself. If I want to walk around without pants for hours on end I totally can and not worry about putting on clothes because someone else is here. ANDDDD I don't have to clean up anyone else's mess!

27-02-2021, 08:09 PM
I have no plans on moving out till I've at least graduated uni, I considering moving out to uni but given my whole 2nd year has been online am glad I didn't waste the money. Am not living at home for free but I can focus on uni instead of having to stress about real adult stuff plus my mum works 10hr night shifts so she's not around bothering me most of the time.

Plus am the youngest of 3, my sister left to join the army at 16 and that was it and am pretty sure my bother didn't move out till he was in his late 20s. Once I move out my mum will be left on her own and I get really anxious about it. I used to worry a lot about her financial situation, with me being with her I could help with costs but now she's got a statable job and A LOT of inheritance. I don't want her to be lonely or to be worrying about me when am of out in the world on my own. Plus my dad was living on his own when he had his stroke and he was left 2 days before anyone found him just unconscious in his flat so I worry about stuff happening to my mum.

Think a lot of it depends on the situation at home, for me am happy at Habbo I don't have to do my own cooking my own cleaning and I pretty much have 2 rooms all to myself.

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