View Full Version : HELP! Can't drop furni in my own room?!

09-07-2021, 05:37 PM

I just came back after a long time away and for some reason I cannot drop furni into MY OWN rooms. I am getting a pop up notification that says "You do not have rights to put furniture in here".
I even created a new room to see if I could drop furni there, but I got the same notification.

It seems I can pick up and move already existing furni, I just cannot drop anything from my inventory.
Does anyone have any ideas?


11-07-2021, 08:43 AM
Have you got Safety lock on?

13-07-2021, 03:55 PM
Have you got Safety lock on?

Aha!! Account safety lock was totally on. I turned it off and it now works. TYSM!! <3

13-07-2021, 04:36 PM
No worries, I think that confused me the same way a few years ago before I remembered about Safety lock

13-07-2021, 04:48 PM
Good diagnosing Triz!! I do this sometimes, ignore the safety lock on the login then get angry when I can't trade or anything... oops! They reallly need to build it INTO the downloadable client now that's a thing!

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