View Full Version : THE PURGE: what crime would you commit?

15-07-2021, 09:24 PM
If the purge actually happened and all crimes were legal… what would you do

To make it more interesting you can only commit ONE crime!

15-07-2021, 09:34 PM
Straight up murder

15-07-2021, 09:35 PM
Straight up murder

who would you murder

or just anyone for the experience of it??

15-07-2021, 09:39 PM
I’ve weirdly been thinking about this a lot todsy hence the thread and I think I’d rob a business or something so I’d have ongoing successes

Business not a bank because I feel like other people would be robbing banks

15-07-2021, 09:41 PM
who would you murder

or just anyone for the experience of it??

I don't have anyone specific in mind, maybe I'll drive around the night before and kill the person who annoys me the most on the road that day

15-07-2021, 09:52 PM
One crime as in you'd rob one business and that's all you're allowed, or one crime as in robbing businesses and that's it...
If it's the latter I would probably just go around smashing things.
If it's the former then there are too many choices for me at this moment and I'm undecided.

15-07-2021, 09:53 PM
One crime as in you'd rob one business and that's all you're allowed, or one crime as in robbing businesses and that's it...
If it's the latter I would probably just go around smashing things.
If it's the former then there are too many choices for me at this moment and I'm undecided.

One individual crime! You could only rob ONE business or murder ONE person or jaywalk ONCE (maybe the last one wouldn’t be a good purge crime)

15-07-2021, 09:56 PM
Okay I change my mind. I want to steal all the packages from a large Amazon hub.

15-07-2021, 10:06 PM
I’d murder someone
If I were to rob some place I probably wouldn’t know what to do with the money :l

15-07-2021, 11:03 PM

pls don't ask who
you might not like the answer

16-07-2021, 07:35 AM
Wow we all brutal stone cold killers.
Noted. Do not ever meet anyone from Habbox again.

16-07-2021, 09:24 AM
Crikey def not something violent, even if it's legal at the time the guilt and repercussions would be UNPLEASANT. Plus I'm just not that violent a person :P for me it'd def be some sort of high value robbery, something I can enjoy the benefits of long after the day is done

ps: Laura's crime would be double posting

16-07-2021, 11:27 AM
i mean obviously, if The Purge was actually happening, what I would REALLY do is run and hide.

But, if I had to commit a crime, I think I'd also go with murder. If I'm committing a crime, go big or go home.

16-07-2021, 11:28 AM

How would you live with the guilt?!

It gives you no benefits after you’ve done it!!!


16-07-2021, 11:34 AM
laura is judging us..

I'll murder her guys, don't worry

20-07-2021, 12:57 AM
None really. The only laws I have a problem with are pointless bureaucracy, and I "break" those laws anyway where I can help it.

Most "serious" laws though I wouldn't break even if I could knowingly get away with it.

17-08-2021, 06:13 AM
I would honestly probably rob a bank... just fill a car with money and valuables then light the bank up...
Maybe do a cool slow walk away as the bank exploded with burning money flying all around?

I couldn't go through with choosing murder, even in a Purge scenario. I don't think I could mentality handle weight of the guilt.

But robbery with an arson explosion with bags of money? Definitely a better story to tell the grand-kids.

(I'm going to have to keep those Purge robbery blueprints a secret from all ya'll gleeful murderers so I don't murked)

27-09-2021, 05:58 PM
Look at lawrawrrr encouraging us to be kinda rawr about laws!

CRIME IS NOT FUN IF THERE IS NOT A NEGATIVE OUTCOME. Just kidding, just kidding. This sole affirmation already sounds a bit criminal

ahem... Maybe something that can not be self sustainable enough to have some eventual recovery, as in taking a person's life
Somewhere in the Brazilian magna carta it is read that, by law, you are not allowed to become the local president if you're younger than 35 then my crime would be FORCING my country's command with my general features yet to be fully developed

Pew pew

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