View Full Version : [Life] What are your current goals?

09-08-2021, 03:14 PM
I'm someone that is always very goal oriented. I think it's great to check in with yourself and see where you are in terms of your goals.

In terms of my career, I'd like to continue to work my way up in the department, by training with my coworkers on their specialties. For education, I will be starting my Master's in the Fall, with hopes to getting my degree in Business Administration. Personally, I'm planning a vacation next year (hopefully booking the final flight tonight woop!), so that'll be a nice break, especially after how things have been with COVID.

So, what are your current goals that you have for yourself? This could be anything pertaining to your career, your education, or even personal goals like travelling the world?

Have you made much progress on these goals?

10-08-2021, 08:03 AM
Can't really progress anywhere with my job.

Best I can do is become Transport Manager which would technically be the promotion, but I'd be on far less money.
Goal is to just keep on swimming, until I can't swim no more :)

10-08-2021, 12:40 PM
Been difficult to have goals with depression coming back these past few weeks, but I am moving to Barcelona in the autumn for my new job and can hopefully aim towards some life goals like finding a relationship, improving my fitness, my Spanish and so on. But we'll see - I genuinely never really have goals because I have no motivation.

12-08-2021, 09:28 PM
I've had a goal list for many years. I've been doing pretty well, I have some generic goals completed e.g. learn to drive, buy a house, bench press 100kg, climb a mountain etc. However, some are more difficult e.g. visit 50 countries, visit 100 UNESCO world heritage sites, handle all birds of prey..

13-08-2021, 09:28 PM
I have never been particularly goal orientated, because I've always struggled with my mental health. Things are turning around lately though and I actually have a few!
- Complete my AAT Lvl 3 Diploma
- Keep gaining belts in kick boxing
- Learn to drive again

17-08-2021, 04:10 AM
to survive lockdown i survived twice as positive covid and i can survive every other lockdown

23-08-2021, 01:14 AM
Same as Sian, but I could simply assume that it's because most of my pre-determined goals aren't quite pigeonholed as such? As in, I know where I do want to do and go to and I'm pretty conscious that in the end of the way I WANT to do something, but I don't usually articulate to myself in a to-do-list way, then it's almost as though everything comes across as adhocy activities to me but, since this thread is an invitation for organisation, let's just segment them into...

— creating a sample-based album. "are you a producer?" no. but the intentions are there
— learning how to channel my visual arts' know-how towards things that are personally untradeable and can benefit both sides, so they can be go beyond other than *just* being intricate or technically neat pieces of work, as the system basically wants you to believe without telling you why. to be honest, none of my lifetime top 5 artists were known for being their own counterparts of "Michelangelo"; things tend to be a bit more interesting than that
— developing a thorough library of knowledge of the early stages of development of the first The Sims, which seems kind of an alien thing to do given how empty Ms Google is in the context of spreading information about a time in history when the life simulator that's changed everything wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed and, these days, this particular step in the game's progress is the one that captivates me the most, for the same reasons the regular gamer likes to dive and gawp at their fav game's lost betas and everything else. a CONSIDERABLE progress has been made since 2019, but time has shown that it's still gunna be huge and will be a treat for all of those involved
— relearning how to be a social animal!

also, in the end, there are the other quintessential kindw of aspirations of academic and professional nature; however, very little of them will be achievable in the slightest if the 4 pedestals above aren't solid enough i guess

10-09-2021, 01:42 PM

always with the amount of work i do for the company i work for it would be NICE to have a contract and be an official employee of theirs rather than being self employed and having 0 job security

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