View Full Version : STAFF OF THE MONTH - AUGUST!

05-09-2022, 08:17 PM


Helloooooooooo Habbox


And oh boy how it happened.

An amazing 10 days of events, radio, competitions, and campaigns and MOST IMPORTANTLY getting to know some people we perhaps didn't know so well before. After all, the real treasure is the friends we made along the way...

It's not the ONLY thing that happened in August but it's pretty goshdarned hefty, so here are some excellent stats for you about HxSS 2022:

- We expected a more chilled tournament this year with us big fancy GM types deciding we would not be staying up all night to force the events to be constant. We stuck to our guns but there was still a full 223 hours of events! That means not a single hour was dropped, thanks to 30 separate hosts working literally around the clock.

- We also improved on last year's radio hours (seriously some of you people need to go to sleep immediately) with a ridiculous 221 hours of radio play. That's right, in 9 and a half days only TWO hours didn't have a soundtrack! 22 DJs made this impressive feat possible, and aside from the audio entertainment they also put on 199 hours of on-air competitions! Crikey.

- Gonna just copy this paragraph from last year because it's STILL TRUE: More than TEN THOUSAND CREDITS were (or will be once we sort it all!) given out as prizes, and considering how generous some of our hosts are we may have gone wayyy over that. In any case over 1000c per day was won on average, even taking into account the short first day!

- We changed part of the points-winning plans to reduce the reliance on teammates on discord entering radio comps and not taking part on the Habbo client. This seems to have worked out well as even with that reduction you eager beavers mounted up a total of 21,030 points won overall. That is many. MANY many.

- There were a mammoth 664 competition entries on the forum, worth 3395 points in total. There were also our fantastic department campaigns with 352 entries, mounting up a further 4420 points. This means over a third of the total points were won in some way RIGHT HERE on Habboxforum.com - we did tell you all that those parts are important!

- 364 Habbos got the POW! badge from our Room Builders event, and 360 also got the HxSSFinity Stones badge... 4 people apparently missed out on the 2nd part!

- An enormous 783 separate Habbos were awarded points during the tournament. That's utter madness, even more than last year - and the haters say that Habbo is dead! Bare in mind again that points only go to top 3 Habbos in each game, so it's not unreasonable to believe that there were literally thousands of individual people taking part in at least one HxSS event. Quite mind blowing.


I could gush about how great Habbox is for ages. I mean, I already have, but I could do it MORE.

Normally there are 2 winners per month for Staff of the Month who get an HC box each, but we're handing out a couple of extras because there are so many people who deserve it. Realistically I'd like to give out looooooaaaaads but we do have to draw the line somewhere :P Even if you're not on the list below you are massively massively appreciated and we really can't do any of this without all of you being so amazing. I have huge love and passion for this community and I'm insanely thankful for everyone who makes Habbox what it is.

A very super special extra thanks to those below:



tbl (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=130978) returned to the admin role yet again this year and is an invaluable asset for us with all of the behind-the-scenes work that makes these tournaments happen! I don't think she knew quite what she was letting herself in for the first time around but she's an absolute pro and without her I think I'd just spend the entire 10 days crying into a spreadsheet. She also refused to let us help count the competition entries AGAIN, and as mentioned above there were 664 of the bloody things to get through.

Ekelektra (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=84579) is a stalwart member of the HxSS leadership team which isn't a very nice looking word but again she is someone we really couldn't be without. Last year she did 42 hours on the radio during HxSS... this year FORTY FIVE, or a fifth of all slots whaaaat. All while supporting the events and being a wonderful leader for the black team and generally just a fantastic person to be around! I genuinely got up earlier than I normally would on several mornings just to not miss her on air.

MadameJaquack (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=132436) needs to go to bed. No but seriously, she was an excellent leader for the red team, supported numerous people who were less experienced with hosting and playing, oh and also happens to have hosted THIRTY HOURS of events or 13.45% of all events during HxSS. That's bobba'ing mad, but we do of course appreciate it very much and are super thankful!

Shannon (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=132000) was our all-singing (or all-squeaking?) all-dancing recruitment champ this HxSS, racking up plenty of hours both on air and hosting on Habbo and forcing inviting a great number of shiny new staff members to join the Habbox fold. Hi newbies! Shannon's energy is super impressive and I really hope there were loads of you tuned in for the magic of her rubber toys! ...no not those ones.

LucyFaye (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=85613) had better have been getting some rest since HxSS finished, as she was (very much against our directives) putting her health on the line to host events overnight and into the early hours. We don't want to reward the decision to NOT look after yourself, so this is really more to do with her support in trying to nudge others to host and encouraging new players to stick along for the ride!

You've all won a month of HC, please get in touch to claim it!


Gonna do another cop-out and keep last year's ending paragraphs in. I couldddd rewrite it but the sentiment is the same and it's all nice stuff so here you go:

There are so many more people who should be so proud of everything they contributed during August and although we might not say it enough we are so grateful for your hard work and dedication. Whether it's new event rooms, new EVENTS, coming up with fun interactive radio shows, new comps, advertising and recruiting... and especially a special commendation shoutout to all of our managers for their amazing campaigns this year - it was a great set all around. Thank you and we're sorry we can't afford to give EVERYONE the HC you all deserve!

I've said it a few times now but I don't think there are really words to say how grateful I am for absolutely everyone who got involved to make HxSS such a massive success - and everyone who continually works to make Habbox the best community on Habbo.
Please plsplsplspls keep doing what you do, being who you be (yeah good grammar there), and enjoying what you enjoy.
Each and every one of you is part of the lifeblood of Habbox, and as we all know, Habbox IS life.


Thanks everyone!!

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