View Full Version : Habbox stats of the year 2022!

04-01-2023, 10:40 PM

It's the start of a New Year and a time to reflect.

2022 wasn't the easiest for a lot of people - still transitioning back into "real life" after Covid, the continuining surgence of the NFT project, now (frustratingly) known as HabboX and the ongoing frustrations felt not only at Habbox but across the fansite community.

Habbox has been through tough times and we'll still be here as long as there's people who care and love it: and there are plenty of those.

Sorry to start this thread on such a downer, it's a difficult time for me personally!

Despite all the BS, there's still been so many positives this year. Our staff have given hours and hours of effort - whether you've been staff for years or just popped in for a few weeks we really appreciate it. We also really appreciate the LOVELY community we've built here: some of you may only pop up for HxSS but we love seeing all those familiar faces.

Our sites continue to reach over 2m pageviews every year showing the huge impact Habbox has on the wider Habbo community!


Our top viewed pages on the main Habbox.com site (excluding the homepage) of the year were:

Guide: Alt Codes (https://habbox.com/guides/basics/guide-alt-codes)
Rares (https://habbox.com/rares)
Rares: Clothing (https://habbox.com/rares/clothes)
Imager (https://habbox.com/goodies/imager)
Font Generator (https://habbox.com/goodies/font-generator)
Limited Editon Rares (https://habbox.com/rares/limited-edition-rares)
Hair (https://habbox.com/v7/rares/clothes/hair)
Latest Badges (https://habbox.com/goodies/latest-badges)
Classical Rares (https://habbox.com/rares/classical-rares)
Ultra Rares (https://habbox.com/rares/ultra-rares)

I'm also super proud of the HxSS Hub developed this year; really making the HxSS process easier for everyone with it all in one place! I hope you all loved it too :D


RV continues to dominate our site views!

We uploaded 138 new items

New to Rare Values in 2021 was a new categorisation system for Ultra Rares, showing their Volatility, Margin and Trade Volume, making it much easier for Ultra traders to see how popular these items are!

Values were updated 960 times

Our top viewed items on Rare Values were:

Gold Accessory Pack v2 (https://habbox.com/rares/clothes/gold-accessory-pack-v2)
Golden Hat Pack v.1 (https://habbox.com/rares/clothes/golden-hat-pack-v-1)
Gold Accessory Pack v3 (https://habbox.com/rares/clothes/gold-accessory-pack-v3)
Gold Accessory Pack (https://habbox.com/rares/clothes/gold-accessory-pack)
Golden Hat Pack v2 (https://habbox.com/rares/clothes/headwear/golden-hat-pack-v-2-)
Pink Dragon Lamp (https://habbox.com/rares/limited-edition-rares/pink-dragon-lamp)
Glittering Halo (https://habbox.com/rares/clothes/glittering-halo)
Infobus (https://habbox.com/rares/super-rares/infobus)
Rainbow Dragon Lamp (https://habbox.com/rares/dragon-lamps/rainbow-dragon-lamp-ltd)
Petal Patch (https://habbox.com/rares/classical-rares/petal-patch)


Did you know we have an AMAZING guides section (https://habbox.com/guides) full of Habbo tips and tricks?

Our top viewed Guides of 2021 were:

Alt Codes (https://habbox.com/guides/basics/guide-alt-codes)
Commands (https://habbox.com/guides/basics/guide-commands)
Wired: Set AFK seating (https://habbox.com/guides/wired/set-afk-seating)
Wired: Collision 'Bopper' (https://habbox.com/guides/wired/collision-furni-guide)
Habbo 2020: Trading Pass
(https://habbox.com/guides/habbo2020/trading-pass)Habbo 2020: How to Level Up
(https://habbox.com/guides/habbo2020/levels)Tutorial Achievements (https://habbox.com/guides/achievements/tutorial-achievements)
Habbo 2020: The Habbo App
(https://habbox.com/guides/habbo2020/the-habbo-app)Trading Pass
(https://habbox.com/guides/basics/habbo-trading-pass)Room Settings (https://habbox.com/guides/basics/habbo-room-settings)
The Marketplace (https://habbox.com/guides/basics/guide-marketplace)


Last year, we hosted 2,534 hours on the radio - by 49 DJs

There were 11,908 unique songs (based on title) - and our most played song was David Guetta - Crazy What Love Can Do
Our listener peak was 70 on 14 August!


We hosted 447 this year by 50 different hosts.

TranquilPhoenix was our top host with 117 events!

We hosted 55 different types of events, with the most common event being Grocery List!


Our HxHD staff did a total of 1,229 hours in the Help Desk - done by 55 unique users.

The person with the most hours - an amazing 209 hours - was Natty_Nat_Nat


Our comps team (14 unique writers!) posted 168 competitions for you to enter in 2022

Competitions were viewed over 75,000 times and collected 1,326 posted entries (not including PM competitions!)


Our Builders team built 12 Habbox fansite events, where you could collect a total of 23 badges!

See them all here:

January: An Ogre's Adventure (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbo/guide-articles/habbox-an-ogres-adventure)
February: Bee My Valentine (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbo/guide-articles/habbox-bee-my-valentine)
March: A Splash of Colour (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbo/habbox-a-splash-of-colours)
April: Thugs Bunny and the Easter Egg Factory (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbo/guide-articles/habbox-thugs-bunny-and-the-easter-egg-factory)
May: Movie Night (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbo/habbox-movie-night)
June: Summertime Madness (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbox/habbox-summertime-madness)
July: Happy 19th Birthday (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbo/guide-articles/habbox-happy-19th-birthday)
August: Habbox Summer Spectacular
(https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbox/hxss-badge-guide-habbox-summer-spectacular-22)September: Building Adventure (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbox-building-adventure)
October: Mirrored Dimensions Pt 1 (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbox/habbox-mirrored-dimensions-22-part-1)
November: Mirrored Dimesions Pt 2 (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbox/habbox-mirrored-dimensions-22-part-2)
December: Celebrating Christmas (https://habbox.com/all-articles/habbo/christmas-w-habbox)


We also custom made several badges for the events including the following:


An amazing year!!!! Well done all around and THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of your contributions.


We had 140 new applications this year.

I want to say a special thank you to some of our managers who are not only celebrating massive anniversaries but have also contributed so much to Habbox in their time here.

A lot of our managers have been here for a year+ at this point - in fact we only had 1 small shift in RB management last year to welcome Oivind - but this group deserve special recognition for their outstanding contribution year on year.

@Ekelektra (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=84579); has been staff for over a decade now, including 5 years as Content Manager. Her leadership of the Wiki has been excellent and although very isolated at times (being one of our rare NZ staff members) has become a true central part to the Habbox team.
@ExtraKen (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=20263); has been a Graphics Manager for 4 years now and is integral to the superb graphics work, particularly in our badge events which reach thousands each month!
@tbl (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=130978); is almost at 4 years of being our Comps manager and has helped out in so many ways - from being a HxSS admin for 2 years to also taking on the baton in Room Builders, as well as always promoting & participating in whatever is going on

@sectional; (3) keeps our forum running on a daily basis, @nic01e (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=109244); (2) has been through SO much this year but keeps striving on for Events, @Shannon (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=132000); (2) just EPITOMISES Habbo Radio and constantly drives her team to do better, and @jamiexo (https://habboxforum.com/member.php?u=132211); (2) continues to be a beacon of positivity and leadership for HxHD.

Pretty much every manager has celebrated a 1 year+ anniversary and I can't say how much I appreciate every single manager for everything you do - through good times and tough!

From my old heart - personally celebrating 13 years as a member, 11 years as staff and 7 years as a General Manager - just, thank you.

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