View Full Version : Prayer

22-09-2005, 01:05 AM
Well I want my prayer to 43+ but I was using a calculator and I'll need to spend about 1mil on bones. I dont mind that, but is the 1mil worth it? Like is prayer really used a lot or will I need it a lot?

22-09-2005, 01:30 AM
go to a busy free world at lumbridge chickens... pick up & bury the bones can get 43 prayer in a day

22-09-2005, 02:03 AM
go to a busy free world at lumbridge chickens... pick up & bury the bones can get 43 prayer in a day
:o really? But can you answer my question also? :p

22-09-2005, 05:39 AM
Yes, protect from melee is darn good, you know when you get river trolls and tree spirits and what not? I can kill them with no armour, just a weapon (aka axe/pickaxe etc) because if you use protect fro melee, they rarely hit.
If you're a member, do the one small favour quest, it gives you 2 lamps which give 10k exp to any 2 skills you want.
Also, kill baby blue dragons (or even better, blue drgons), way faster than burying little bones

22-09-2005, 08:57 AM
God just don't kill chickens <.< pointless. You'd get bored really fast, do few quests that give good prayer xp and you'll see you'll raise few lvls, than if you wish buy bones or go train on giants (easy to kill plus good xp+ prayer xp) or like Ras said, kill dragons and yes prayer is really important.

22-09-2005, 11:34 AM
Also, go visit the wise old man in draynor, do some stuff for him, he gives prayer exp A LOT! and his tasks are really simple.

22-09-2005, 12:52 PM
God just don't kill chickens <.< pointless. You'd get bored really fast, do few quests that give good prayer xp and you'll see you'll raise few lvls, than if you wish buy bones or go train on giants (easy to kill plus good xp+ prayer xp) or like Ras said, kill dragons and yes prayer is really important.

You dont gotta kill them =) the bones are left on floor by noobs

22-09-2005, 02:00 PM
do ghost ahoy and get about 500 big ones and worship em der :S

22-09-2005, 02:07 PM
my prayer is only 37 :(

22-09-2005, 02:10 PM
Mines 16 =]

22-09-2005, 02:12 PM
do ghost ahoy...

22-09-2005, 02:28 PM
You don't need to do ghosts ahoy to worship Ectofunctus. I raised my prayer by using dragon bones with it, they're not that pricey to buy.

22-09-2005, 02:35 PM
Yes, protect from melee is darn good, you know when you get river trolls and tree spirits and what not? I can kill them with no armour, just a weapon (aka axe/pickaxe etc) because if you use protect fro melee, they rarely hit.
If you're a member, do the one small favour quest, it gives you 2 lamps which give 10k exp to any 2 skills you want.
Also, kill baby blue dragons (or even better, blue drgons), way faster than burying little bones


Ashley 12344
22-09-2005, 06:17 PM
You don't need to do ghosts ahoy to worship Ectofunctus. I raised my prayer by using dragon bones with it, they're not that pricey to buy.
Erm, whats that?

22-09-2005, 06:32 PM
Anymoney is worth it, if your raising skills.

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