View Full Version : Fake Habbo trophy?

25-09-2005, 09:37 AM
Ive seen a Habbo trophy in antill's box its from redtiz or something
I wanne know if its real or fake ,,,??? :s

http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/5258/fakeorreal3bu.th.png (http://img352.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fakeorreal3bu.png)

25-09-2005, 09:38 AM
why would it be fake? and wrong section.

25-09-2005, 09:39 AM
Maybe it was an accident or just a test!

25-09-2005, 09:40 AM
No redtiz is for sulake I think and was a tester account, I believe the trophies are 100% allowed

25-09-2005, 09:40 AM
It was probably made to look like that

25-09-2005, 09:40 AM
Mizki has one exactly the same in her friends room.. I wonder what they are for?

25-09-2005, 09:41 AM
Theyre not fake. tHEY were given out as a gift like on .ca with habbo cola machines.

25-09-2005, 09:42 AM
Yes, Ive been told they were a gift aswell !

Also remember when they were in the catalogue for 25 credits for a few minutes then I wish I bought one lmao!

25-09-2005, 09:42 AM
.:runner:. or something dj something on habbo hut (i forgot his anme) had one from brojo laso saying null and it was a habbo trophy

25-09-2005, 09:43 AM
It's not fake i think redtiz works for sulake or something and was a tester.

25-09-2005, 09:44 AM
Probably a test trophy that has been passed around.

25-09-2005, 09:44 AM
yeah redtiz is connected to sulake somehow there was a interview about him
i think in the newsie or a fansite

25-09-2005, 09:45 AM
Yea they were just a test.

25-09-2005, 09:45 AM
If your wondering why it says null, On habbo it says null when there is no message.. So when someone tries to send a empty trophie it says null !

25-09-2005, 09:46 AM
Ok thanks ;)

now i know its real ;)ty for helping guys(l)

25-09-2005, 09:46 AM
If your wondering why it says null, On habbo it says null when there is no message.. So when someone tries to send a empty trophie it says null !

Maybe they couldn't be bothered to write on it?

25-09-2005, 09:47 AM
If your wondering why it says null, On habbo it says null when there is no message.. So when someone tries to send a empty trophie it says null !
OK now that's something new!

25-09-2005, 09:47 AM
OK now that's something new!

You didn't know that?

25-09-2005, 09:48 AM
For people wondering - redtiz is staff and it isn't just a test trophy because there is like 5 or something :S..

25-09-2005, 09:49 AM
By the way all, Sunday is a noob. He scammed me long ago with the 'You go first for credits' he said brb getting phone and logged..

25-09-2005, 09:50 AM
You didn't know that?
No because when I send trophies, I add words to it;)

25-09-2005, 09:50 AM
By the way all, Sunday is a noob. He scammed me long ago with the 'You go first for credits' he said brb getting phone and logged..

I've heard other people say he scams too.

25-09-2005, 10:43 AM
Antill is in the room lol

le harry
25-09-2005, 10:46 AM
Its real, redtiz was a tester.

25-09-2005, 10:48 AM
I Think RedTiz Must Have Brought It For Him When The Foreign Section Was In The Catalogue. Herbamania Has One In His Rabbit Hole Aswell, I Think They Must Have Just Brought Them When They Were In The Catalogue

25-09-2005, 10:56 AM
I Think RedTiz Must Have Brought It For Him When The Foreign Section Was In The Catalogue. Herbamania Has One In His Rabbit Hole Aswell, I Think They Must Have Just Brought Them When They Were In The Catalogue

Look at the date.

23-10-2005, 06:09 PM
She is connected to Sulake She is Assisitant Community Manager for the Uk Hotel :) She does her duties from home, They aqcuired those becasue they attended some giveaway and she gave them :)

23-10-2005, 06:16 PM
why bump???

23-10-2005, 06:21 PM
It wasn't given out in a giveaway, it actually belonged to Mikedude but now he has left habbo and handed his badge in i put it back in his room. Redtiz is Assistant Community Manager, she doesn't play Habbo - she got them trophy's for about 5 Hobbas that have been working hard.

23-10-2005, 07:45 PM
Redtiz works for Habbo Hotel UK, she helps GlitterKat recruit new Hobbas, she also answers some e-mails via the Habbo Help tool. Do you remember when GK was away? Redtiz took over GK whilst GK was away on holiday, and everybody started rumouring that GK was pregnant! LOL!

23-10-2005, 07:47 PM
Why bring this thread back?

23-10-2005, 07:56 PM
Why bring this thread back?

No idea. We've established it's real and what not..

Thread Closed

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