View Full Version : Hmmm...n00b rite? Thank u very much :o

11-10-2004, 07:35 PM
I was in Rooftop Rumble and i accedently clicked the ticket thing...
when i clicked buy ( dont ask me why, i just did ) this (http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0QQAAAFoTmnwQo*cCD9q1UcJ17vIGDbDZ9JUBWh6PpSvMCBM0r IX5qcNYLkQJLdqpFRmGZijtj5T*3gisYt8j!ERbGwdRh89MD1E a7ga30*I/error.bmp?dc=4675492806670360228) came up..
Same in Rooftop Rumble II and Habbo Lido :p

11-10-2004, 07:39 PM
hahahahaha n00b, lol i dont think that is real... maybe another alteration?

11-10-2004, 07:39 PM
I've heard about people gettin that when they've used a program that can give you fake credits, or clickin on a photo that gives you them :rolleyes:

11-10-2004, 07:42 PM
R u kidding me :o
Go check it out, Its not an alt :eusa_snoo

11-10-2004, 07:43 PM
Come Here You N00Bchin :)

11-10-2004, 07:47 PM
Hillseh? U checked it :eusa_eh: Its really there :) A real notice

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