28-09-2005, 08:50 PM
My new headmaster banned ipods today! And Mp3 players AND PSP's (because they r movies + mp3 players) AND porta DVDs!
There are also rumours of...... dun dun dun....... MANDATORY SHIRT AND TIES (at present we wear a black/red t-shirt and a red/black jumper or a shirt and tie) and skirts for girls - trousers for boys!

one good thing though - the last ones are sexist and wont happen!

good thing is though - the nintendo DS aint been banned! muhahahahahha :eusa_danc

28-09-2005, 08:55 PM
Your school is so slack, to start with our school uniform is so strict, its an all girls school, if we have any heel at all we get send home, we have to have our shirt tucked in at ALL times. We arn't allowed any kind of mp3 players or anything like that. From Monday we will be allowed to wear small earrings just because we begged "/ My school is BAD! seriously.

28-09-2005, 09:02 PM
Lol, your school NEEDS to be more strict, you was actually allowed ipod's, MP3's, portable DVD's and PSP's? Dude, thats what I call a slacking school, but you can still take in DS's? Jesus be a bit more strict.

Our school isnt allowed any, and no one really cares, people bring ipod's and MP3's anyways, but thats about it. We live with it and our uniform rule is pretty strict, but we live with it.

28-09-2005, 09:08 PM
Lol, your school NEEDS to be more strict, you was actually allowed ipod's, MP3's, portable DVD's and PSP's? Dude, thats what I call a slacking school, but you can still take in DS's? Jesus be a bit more strict.

Our school isnt allowed any, and no one really cares, people bring ipod's and MP3's anyways, but thats about it. We live with it and our uniform rule is pretty strict, but we live with it.
Same ;P

28-09-2005, 09:11 PM
If we was allowed to bring all that stuff, the school would be mayhem.
But imagine it, if everyone brought that kind of stuff to school, police could end up being involved as there would probably be loads of people thieving stuff off other people, thats probably why most schools dont allow it.

28-09-2005, 09:15 PM
My schools not like that but, things would get broken and lost. Well yeah if people steal each others books and stuff they will probs take peoples iPods and stuff. Yeah thats why schools don't allow them ;P

28-09-2005, 09:19 PM
My schools not like that but, things would get broken and lost. Well yeah if people steal each others books and stuff they will probs take peoples iPods and stuff. Yeah thats why schools don't allow them ;P

Aye I agree with you, but my school isnt like that either, but it probably would happen if we was allowed them.

28-09-2005, 09:27 PM
:o my school don't let us av sweeties :( were not aloud roll our skirts up were not aloud chewing gum were not aloud have heels either our uniforms must perfect and no phones no i-pods or anything so mean its a damn girls school hopefulyl i'll b moving school soon

29-09-2005, 02:27 PM
My new headmaster banned ipods today! And Mp3 players AND PSP's (because they r movies + mp3 players) AND porta DVDs!
There are also rumours of...... dun dun dun....... MANDATORY SHIRT AND TIES (at present we wear a black/red t-shirt and a red/black jumper or a shirt and tie) and skirts for girls - trousers for boys!

one good thing though - the last ones are sexist and wont happen!

good thing is though - the nintendo DS aint been banned! muhahahahahha :eusa_danc

Your schools so slack..

Ipods , mp3 players and psps etc are ALL banned at mine & they would MOST CERTAINLY get nicked any way

I'm lucky i dnt have to wear a shirt or tie :p

And the girls have to wear skirts in summer so yeah i dnno why ur complainin.. anyways good luck with the demon head master :rolleyes:

29-09-2005, 02:36 PM
That's all banned at my school funnily enough. But I still listen to my mp3 player on the way to school ;P

29-09-2005, 02:46 PM
O.o we can do whatever we want at my school XD
my m8s was on the phone during maths and i was listening to my ipod O.o

29-09-2005, 02:51 PM
if ya shirt iz out ya get a orange slip and if ya get 3 its a 1 hour detention.

we r allowed ipods/mp3 players :] And earrings smaller then a 5p

06-10-2005, 10:08 PM
We have to wear the uniform but we're aloud iPods/MP3's PSP'S/DS'S/GB'S we're not aloud to play on psp's/ds's gb's when were working but we're aloud to listen to are iPod and that and we're aloud to go on are phones and take phone calls

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