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View Full Version : [Bobba] Banned for not breaking the Habbo Way

14-10-2004, 04:33 AM
This is so unfair. I was on the Habbo Bus in Habbo Gardens.
Then suddenly i saw a guy i saw yesterday on the Habbo Bus.
He started saying press 777 if u like me. I said please press 424 if
u want them to shut there mouth. They did that again. I said
please be quiet. This message came up saying: A Hobba has banned
you for breaking the Habbo Way. I don't get it :s . I just said please be quiet
and poof I'm banned. i think 2 hour's if not i am getting dirty with Jibbi. :eusa_shhh

Please reply to this message if u have been in that problem or your
friend has. :o
Luv sugarbabe_101 (Gabby)

14-10-2004, 04:41 AM
This is so unfair. I was on the Habbo Bus in Habbo Gardens.
Then suddenly i saw a guy i saw yesterday on the Habbo Bus.
He started saying press 777 if u like me. I said please press 424 if
u want them to shut there mouth. They did that again. I said
please be quiet. This message came up saying: A Hobba has banned
you for breaking the Habbo Way. I don't get it :s . I just said please be quiet
and poof I'm banned. i think 2 hour's if not i am getting dirty with Jibbi. :eusa_shhh

Please reply to this message if u have been in that problem or your
friend has. :o
Luv sugarbabe_101 (Gabby)

Jibbi will not be here for you anymore, but if u think you were banned unfairly
go here http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/help/contact/ and click on the "Why am I banned?" and tell them what happen, give your habbo name. you may get a reason why or they may of made a mistake.

14-10-2004, 04:25 PM
I highly hate hobba's they never do anything right and when they arrive the say, follow this link www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/scam/scambusters or whatever, you could of done that straight away than sit for an hour calling one.

15-10-2004, 01:23 AM
There was a hobba on the bus but i never saw him until he came on which was 2 minutes ago. Now i remeber what happened. 2 things. My friend dared me to advertise a scam site or pay her furni. I didn't have any furni so thats why. And another thing. Someone ask me. I thought i had to say the dare thing so i did it. If Jibbi was here i'll say. Unbann me Jibbi and don't go or give me Habbo. :D lol.

15-10-2004, 12:07 PM
Habbo Hotel is one of the top 4 easily hackable site, this is why habbo should get a better server

16-10-2004, 04:10 AM
Jibbi is hardly ever responsible for bans. It's a hobba or a staff that did it. If it was a longer ban than two hours, then contact the staff. It was two hours it's over by now. :|

17-10-2004, 12:53 AM
I did contact them but i got a reply saying," We don't believe you," and then ,"stop complaining u got banned for a reason and we can't tell you that." If Jibbi was here i'll say give me Habbo Hotel or i'll be mad :@ lol

17-10-2004, 04:53 AM
Well is this a permanent ban or a temporary ban?

17-10-2004, 08:42 AM
It doesn't seem like thats fair. But the guy may have presumed you where offensing him?

17-10-2004, 08:55 AM
This is so unfair. I was on the Habbo Bus in Habbo Gardens.
Then suddenly i saw a guy i saw yesterday on the Habbo Bus.
He started saying press 777 if u like me. I said please press 424 if
u want them to shut there mouth. They did that again. I said
please be quiet. This message came up saying: A Hobba has banned
you for breaking the Habbo Way. I don't get it :s . I just said please be quiet
and poof I'm banned. i think 2 hour's if not i am getting dirty with Jibbi. :eusa_shhh

Please reply to this message if u have been in that problem or your
friend has. :o
Luv sugarbabe_101 (Gabby)
i know what u mean there slake :eusa_shhh

17-10-2004, 04:35 PM
Sad very very sad, hobba's should just die and put themselves out of their misery.

18-10-2004, 02:15 AM
I think i will be banned forever. It will ruien my reputation. Hobba's never do the right thing. :(

19-10-2004, 01:41 PM
I agree, habbo are far to tight and lazy to help you though, they are only in it for the money.

23-10-2004, 04:23 PM

25-10-2004, 01:26 PM
wel u think thats bad, my laptop is still banned cos i am accusied of selling scripted furni!!! which i did not!!!
cant logg on at all on that comp from ne location..#
so i complaigned. get like one reply per week and all the say is..
we dont believe u and tough **** :eusa_doh:

25-10-2004, 03:10 PM
Send them a virus, I did, why else would Gazsux be offline for such a long time.

25-10-2004, 06:12 PM
wel u think thats bad, my laptop is still banned cos i am accusied of selling scripted furni!!! which i did not!!!
cant logg on at all on that comp from ne location..#
so i complaigned. get like one reply per week and all the say is..
we dont believe u and tough **** :eusa_doh:
No they don't, they rarely ban for no reason yet everyone says they were banned unfairly.

26-10-2004, 05:39 PM
Actually they do ban with no reason, I was banned to admitting I could hack lol, please if I could hack I would rather try and Hack Isketch, at least you may make some profit rather than 0.00p habbo furni lol.

26-10-2004, 10:06 PM
Actually they do ban with no reason, I was banned to admitting I could hack lol, please if I could hack I would rather try and Hack Isketch, at least you may make some profit rather than 0.00p habbo furni lol.

Actually they DON'T ban for no reason! and admitting things like that will of course get you banned. I suggest you read the Terms and Conditions! Reading through some of these posts here I am wondering why on earth you bother with Habbo! threatening to send a virus is extremely silly by the way!

26-10-2004, 10:45 PM
I didnt threaten I did, I am not sure they got it and I cannot hack peasant, please read what I said closely and it is getting proven everyday they ban for no reason, I dont even remembering to admit to hack or even saying that, and if I could hack I wouldn't hack habbo, to small time and effortless and I dont want to turn into does freaks that hack habbo everyday.

Plus habbos wouldn't get hacked if Habbo Hotel actually got a descent server THAT CANT BE HACKED, habbo makes a large enough income and I know habbo is only existing for the money but I would like them to buy a descent server for about £100 a year which isnt that much as they make a hell of alot more from the credits etc and they do over charge remember. There are lots of web hosting places that will not be hacked, take my friends website www.thybag.co.uk, it is impossible for that to get hacked and he dosnt pay much for it. So habbo can efford that even if they are tight and only here for the money.

27-10-2004, 05:42 AM
I didnt threaten I did, I am not sure they got it and I cannot hack peasant, please read what I said closely and it is getting proven everyday they ban for no reason, I dont even remembering to admit to hack or even saying that, and if I could hack I wouldn't hack habbo, to small time and effortless and I dont want to turn into does freaks that hack habbo everyday.

Plus habbos wouldn't get hacked if Habbo Hotel actually got a descent server THAT CANT BE HACKED, habbo makes a large enough income and I know habbo is only existing for the money but I would like them to buy a descent server for about £100 a year which isnt that much as they make a hell of alot more from the credits etc and they do over charge remember. There are lots of web hosting places that will not be hacked, take my friends website www.thybag.co.uk, it is impossible for that to get hacked and he dosnt pay much for it. So habbo can efford that even if they are tight and only here for the money.

No matter what server Habbos will continually get hacked if they insist on giving out their password or downloading keyloggers OUTSIDE Habbo! Please try and be mature and sensible here ( re reading and trying to make out if you called me a peasant!) Let me spell this out Habbo itself cannot be hacked users however can loose their accounts IF they are careless with their passwords or download keyloggers. Habbo cannot be responsible for what people do via emails, downloads and careless talk within Habbo. Every single day I see people falling for scams, but kids are kids and some want easy furni and get tempted by the scammers. The day you come up with concrete proof that Habbos get banned for no reason is the day I might take you seriously!

27-10-2004, 01:39 PM

1. Go on Habbo.

2. Log in as an account with no furni or HC or nothing..

3. Go to Guest Room or whatever it is.

4. Go to Search.

5. Search Hotel Exit.

6. Press everything in there and if you lose your account and cant blame hacking then Gomme forbid. That is one of the most hacked rooms in the world with scripted furni and a hobba call thingy that GETS YOUR PW, which can only happen by hacking unless habbo purposely put that there but I really doubt it.

08-11-2004, 07:19 PM
you were obviously in the wrong somewhere, hobbas dont ban for no reason even though thats every ones excuse for bans. just admit it ppl if you are a naughty habbo. maybe ur choice of words created a bobba.

e.g if u wanna shut up press 424.

if a hobba saw the bobba he/she would auto ban you for swearing

08-11-2004, 07:30 PM
Ok - I am going back to the first topic that was posted. So your telling me, you think it is unfair to get banned for advertising a scam site? Hmm - Why didnt you just ignore this " mate " what could they do to you?

09-11-2004, 07:48 PM
I was angry when i got perm ban, i only had to wait a while to have my IP change 'for free' and I am back!

If someone says that Habbo hasnt been hacked I recommend what i said the last post I made, but make a new account please not one with furni or HC membership and then tell me habbo hasnt been hacked.

09-11-2004, 07:51 PM
i have never been able to get on the infobus lol. whats it like?

09-11-2004, 08:45 PM
Habbo Hotel is one of the top 4 easily hackable site, this is why habbo should get a better server

Habbo has an uber expensive server and it is nearly 100% hack proof. How is Habbo one of the top four easily hackable sites? Have you lost your mind? Habbo is relatively easy to script on the actual client but no one has hacked into the direct server habbo is running off. Hacking and scripting are too different things.


09-11-2004, 08:51 PM
Habbo has an uber expensive server and it is nearly 100% hack proof. How is Habbo one of the top four easily hackable sites? Have you lost your mind? Habbo is relatively easy to script on the actual client but no one has hacked into the direct server habbo is running off. Hacking and scripting are too different things.
i wouldnt say habbos got a partily exspencive server, its only exspencive becuse of the enoghmus amount of band with uses, most site may be about 2 or 3 gb per month, habbo probly gets threw 6 or 7 in an hour. also the way habbo is made leaves it with alot of vunrablitys, athogh szlike have done a good job of ppatching and protecting, it, as far as i know the acatly ahbbo server has never bneen properly hacked. so tahts a testiment to it being somewaht good.

09-11-2004, 09:19 PM
strange yet true.

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