View Full Version : -breaks down- x'[ worst day of school EVER

03-10-2005, 06:35 PM
ok, i will tell you my fuill day

Things started off ok,as i walked to school and bought some chocolate, then it was boring maths, so yeah, and i got homework, then i had cruddy science, learning about alkalies and acids WOOPEYDOOO xl and that was boring, then it was break, and some guys said, i looked like a pumkin x[ and one said, "its not halloween yet" so i wanted to brake down in tears, but held them back, then at lunch, some guy called luis called me a fatty who wants to eat all the food x'[ im very self consious about my weight so when he said that, i just completeley broke down, and floods of tears where rushing out x'[ the day was just boring, and i wasnt really lisntning, so i got told off and extra homework x'[
any advice, or tell me your worst day

03-10-2005, 06:41 PM
Sorry to hear you had a bad day. I know what its like to have one at school so i really sympathise with you there. All i can suggest is that when you have a bad day like that:
*sing your fave song in your head to block out anyone whose annoying you.
*think about something you're looking forward to in the future when your bored in class like a holiday or a party etc.
*think about people worse off than you, like the sob stories you see on daytime tv.
*smile because that will always make you feel better.
*think of all the great times you've had at school.
*try not to cry if you can (although sometimes its impossible!) so that they cant see they've got to you.
*imagine those people annoying you living horrible lives once they've left school! Like pretend they have no girlfriends and live with their parents when they're 40 and that they do terrible dull jobs.

Thats all i can think of off the top of my head :-) I hope you have a better day tomorrow though ^_^

03-10-2005, 06:42 PM
Awww sorry about your bad day <3 hope you're okay :( ignore those boys if they call you a pumpkin or something like that again say take your mask off >>whatever the boys name is<< it isnt halloween yet you know. Ignore them don't let them get to you and smile that always helps me:). Hope that helped lol <3

03-10-2005, 06:43 PM
:( if i knew these guys id beat them up, i hate bullying :((

03-10-2005, 06:44 PM
I'ts good to cry! These idiots are trying to make themselves look big, but when they see you crying, they reflect on themselves, and feel like idiots amongst their freinds, who now think they are "raw" or "out of order".

03-10-2005, 06:46 PM
Pumpking O.o
Strange comment :S

03-10-2005, 06:48 PM
Next time they say something just laugh at them as if they told a joke, and if they say "pfft, she finds it funny", then say "I'm not laughing at the joke, i'm laughing at the stupid person who said it".

03-10-2005, 06:48 PM
Aww hunny! Just punch them! I no it must be hard not to cry but people like this just say it to wind you up. The best thing to do is laugh. It may be hard but it works. It makes them look pathetic! Think about someone you respect alot (Famouse or real) And think about what they would do in the situation.

03-10-2005, 06:50 PM
I do have lots of bad days..
but theyrs always bout 7 of my mates that stick by me.
No matter who it is thats bein out of order to me.

03-10-2005, 06:56 PM
Aww jazzipoo -Comforts i know what it's like to be picked on it isnt nice at all<3 Just ignore them and try and make it not get to you. People calling you a pumpkin are idiotic losers who are insecure about themselfs. If they say anything again just walk past them and laugh and smile or completely ignore them and dont look at them, or give them a foul look like a do..lol Anyhoo the other day these boys were saying stuff to me about something which i shant (i know it isnt a word lol) say for reasons but i just swore at them at stuck my middle finger up at the boy, i dont expect you to do that though :] just ignore them, think in ya head..losers not worth crying over :D

03-10-2005, 07:04 PM
Aww jaz *hugs*
pretend theyre in a ballet tutu or nakedXD
i made me laugh when i was being bullied

04-10-2005, 07:45 PM
just do what i do and just stare and them and when they say what you staring at say dno but its staring back at me or when they say what you staring at say dunno it aint got a label :P or if they stare at you say take a picture it last longer lool

04-10-2005, 07:57 PM
And get smacked?
Anyway, that was yesterday,
how was today for you? <3

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